GVMS Newsletter
September 2024
Message from the Principal
Happy September Cardinal Families and Friends,
School has started off well and all of our learners are settling in very well. This is really exciting since we have added about 50 new students this fall. It has been wonderful to walk through the classes and see the smiles on children's faces as they get to know their teachers and peers. Our teachers have been getting to know the kids and are already working on learning in the classes.
We held our Student Council elections on August 30th and the results will be shared during the first week of September. This is an exciting time for our young leaders to be involved in supporting their peers, solving problems and organizing fun activities.
Lunch and recess have been great! Our cafeteria staff are serving free breakfast and lunch to all learners and helping to provide a mid morning snack for those who might get a bit hungry.
Fall sports are practicing after school and our athletes will begin competition next week. Please come out to support your kids. Please check out the GVMS website for schedules.
It has also been nice to begin meeting some parents. I am always available to visit with you about celebrations and/or concerns. There are times when I am supporting students and teachers throughout the day, but the office staff can help set up a time for us to talk.
Finally, I am looking for some traffic cones. We would like to better direct traffic during drop off and pick up. If you happen to have any traffic cones that you could donate to the middle school, please give us a call at 970-285-5707. It would be helpful if they are the large cones with the reflective tape near the top.
Thank you for all you do each day to support your children.
Ms. Davis
Fall Picture Days
School and Athletic Picture Information
All students will have their pictures taken on Friday, September 6th during the school day. Please watch for paper order forms that will be sent home on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Parking Lot Safety
Thank you so much for driving slowly through the parking lot. The best way to keep all kids safe is for you to drive all the way to the south end of the parking lot to park, drop off and pick up students. This will put all the cars in front of the busses and leave room for the busses to maneuver in the lot.
NWEA Testing
All students will be taking the NWEA fall assessments during the next two weeks. This is an assessment that teachers use to track student progress in Reading and Math. It is very important that your child give their best effort during the assessments.
We will run on our testing schedule September 4th, 5th and 10th. Please help your child with success by ensuring that they are at school on time, with a charged chromebook on these days.