Pioneer Peak Elementary School
Home of the Mountaineers 12-5-2024
Frontline Mission!
THANK YOU to all the families who participated in our Food Drive last week. We were able to fill the shelves at Frontline Mission with over 1,600 food items for our community members in need. We are so grateful to have such a wonderful team of people who truly care about others! ⭐️
Pioneer Peak Staff Pages
Here are our staff pages where you can find information on what your child’s teacher and their support staff likes and dislikes.
We have recess every day, unless the weather is colder than -10 degrees. The kids do go out when it is raining or snowing. Please be sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather. Have your child bring a hat, gloves, and other cold-weather gear to wear on cold days. They may need a warm jacket or a raincoat. We cannot excuse children from recess unless they have a note from a doctor limiting their activity.
Absenteeism and School Partnership
Families, we need your help! Since COVID we are having noticed a drastic increase in absences. Just last month in October, we had over 815 absences! If you break it down, if a student misses 1 day a week, every week for the whole school year that is a whopping 37 absences. We only have 185 school days. That’s 20% of the school year lost.
We need your help, we know that things come up but it is our goal to address absences and tardies and get students to school EVERY DAY. If you are struggling with transportation or need support, please reach out! We have resources available to help support you and your student(s).
Together, we can make sure ALL students come to school ready learn!
Next time you come to the building, check out our new sign on the front door! This will tell you how many absences in the month.
Here is some more information about how many absences we have had by month.
Entrepreneur Night for Kids
The PTA is hosting an event on January 31st called Entrepreneur Night. This event allows students to purchase a table for $10 to sell their home-made items. They may sell baked goods, 3-D printed toys, friendship bracelets, etc. The items must be made by students. Students will be able to keep all of the money they make, after paying for the table. If your child is interested in participating, they may want to start making their items now. The tables are not available to purchase at this time, but I wanted to give families a heads-up, so everyone has time to get creative.
Nurse News
Winter Nosebleeds
If your child suffers from winter nosebleeds it may be from the dry air. Try using a cold air humidifier at night. Saline nose drops or petroleum jelly may help too. If severe, consult your pediatrician.
Dress Appropriately
Proper clothing is key to staying warm and healthy during winter. Hats and gloves help prevent heat loss from the head and hands, which are particularly vulnerable to cold exposure. Dress in layers to stay comfortable both indoors and outdoors.
Students go outside until -10°F. Temperatures are expected to drop this week and next with rain and snow on the forecast.
Please label gear especially gloves and hats these items are frequently left on the playground. I recommend a light-colored paint pen for items that are dark or items that don’t have a tag to label.
Winter Safety
Remember the importance of being cautious on slippery surfaces and wear appropriate footwear. Taking a few extra minutes can reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls. It's essential to prioritize safety, especially during adverse weather conditions.
PE "Active"-ities
Healthy Futures: There are NO calendars for the month of December and January! We will resume activity logs in February.
Christmas Caroling: Monday, December 16th is our annual Family Caroling event at the WASILLA Maple Springs (a nursing home off of Seward Meridian)! All Pioneer Peak families are invited to join Mrs. Bishop at Maple Springs from 6:00-7:00 and sing Christmas songs with the residents there. It is a special time for many and sharing your voice in song is a great gift to give during the holidays!
This is an informal evening of singing, and you don’t have to be a performer to sing with us! Please join Mrs. Bishop and her family on Dec. 16th and help the residents at Maple Springs start the Christmas season off right!!
Out of respect to the residents, if anyone in your family is sick in ANY way, please keep them home so we do not get the residents sick.
PLEASE HELP!! Many students are wearing their boots to school to help keep their feet warm, but do not have PE shoes to wear. Please send tennis shoes (that tie or velcro) to leave at school with your student. I have some shoes they can borrow, but it takes them a while to trade out and they are missing class time. Also, students cannot borrow if they are not wearing socks for hygiene reasons. Thank you!
This is a great time to check and see if your childs PE shoes still fit!! Also, check the Velcro as it wears out over time.
Upcoming “Active”-ities in the area:
· EVERY MONDAY- Happy Runs sponsored by Active Soles in Palmer. 6:00 pm~please wear reflective clothing and a head lamp!
Music Notes!
December concerts!
December 9th : Kindergarten and 1st Grade
December 10th: 2nd and 3rd grade
December 11th: 4th and 5th
All concerts start at 5:30pm and should last about 30 minutes.
If your child wants to practice at home https://bit.ly/4dXGcHi
Guitar Club for 4th and 5th grade will start January 17th! Information and registration can be found here: https://forms.gle/tnQuxbddEuM6FtRb6
Ukulele Club for 2nd and 3rd grade will start January 16th! Information and registration can be found here: https://forms.gle/kKMXCpJmxFzhQqir7
Paula Berg
Pioneer Peak Elementary
Music Teacher
Art and Science Fun!
This December has been filled with some fun Art/Science projects. Kindergarten and 1st grade students have been exploring planets and space through the creation of their own galaxies inspired by Kandinsky’s abstract art. 2nd graders just finished a project about jellyfish, learning their anatomy and all about their infamous sting. 3rd grade explored fiber art, creating some wonderful flags made with felt, yarn, and pom poms. 4th and 5th graders have been learning how to needlepoint felt and they have created some adorable critters!
Hippocampus, our class snake, has enjoyed being held by the students again. We take him out once a day, giving a different grade level each week the opportunity to interact with him. The kids have been enjoying having him in the classroom again!
Pioneer Peak is cashless!
We will have several opportunities this year for purchasing items or paying fees. If you need to make a payment go to your ParentVue account, scroll to Fee, select pay fees, select the student you are paying for, select the item you are paying for and follow the instructions. If it is not working for you then please bring your card to the office and we can help you with your payment here.
Thank you!
Morning drop offs
We cannot call kids down after 3:00 pm
Lost and found
We empty lost and found often. Please make sure you are writing you child's name on clothing so we can get it back to them.
Coming events~
9th: Spelling bee practice @ 3:45pm
- KDG and 1st grade concert @ 5:30pm
10th: 3rd and 4th grade BOB practice @ 8am
- 2nd and 3rd grade concert @ 5:30pm
11th: Choir @ 8:30am
- PTA meeting @ 4pm
- 4th and 5th grade concert @ 5:30pm
13th: Peak pass pizza with Mrs. Schubert
- Bingo night 6-8
16th: Spelling bee practice @ 3:45pm
- Caroling at Wasilla Maple Springs at 6pm
17th: 3rd and 4th grade BOB practice @ 8am
18th: Choir @ 8:30am
19th: Quarter 2 ends
20th-Jan5th: Christmas break! Enjoy!
Jan 6th: Back to school! Hello 2025!!!!
Lunch menu
Contact information
Jessica Barrey, Admin. Secretary
Katie Aro, Secretary
Email: ppe@matsuk12.us
Website: www.matsuk12.us/ppe
Location: 1959 North Stringfield Road, Palmer, AK, USA
Phone: 9078615700