Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
The Stick that stirs the Drink
The official definition of play: engage in activity for enjoyment & recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. Children deprived of independent play often pay the price in decreased social & emotional well-being. Conversely, adults who remain playful throughout life have better longevity.
Playing For Keeps from KPJR Films examines the value of play through a health lens, featuring high performing individuals who prioritize play as essential to a happier life. "The film is a wonderful showcase of the importance of play in our daily lives, and now more than ever highlights how the power of play can reduce stress, activate a healthy lifestyle, & create meaningful community connections. The Pandemic is a reset. While we are reinventing how we go to work and school, let's not lose our sense of fun. Excelsior Springs is blessed with Play Masters, the Community Center, Parks & Recreation, Golf, Downtown Excelsior Partnerships, and many of our small businesses know how to safely PLAY FOR KEEPS.
Week of December 14th - Recovery Phase 2, Step 2+
Tuesday 11am - 2pm Free COVID Testing @ Crescent Lake Christian Center
Tuesday 4PM - Municipal Court
Friday 7:30am - Council Work Session
5-Minute Community Survey
Worthy of Mention
- Danny Hagar, Police Communications Officer, Monty Berndt, Assistant Grounds Superintendent, & Brad Smith, Assistant Fire Chief - 35 Years
- Joe Maddick, Assistant Fire Chief - 25 Years & Nate Conyers, Storm Water Coordinator - 15 Years
- Marla Ellison, Finance Accounting Clerk, Sarah Davis, Fire Administrative Assistant & Andy Starkenbaum, GIS - 5 years of Service.
Key Project Updates
- CARES funding made it possible to acquire cleaning equipment & temperature scanning device for the Community Center. Laptops & docking stations purchased so staff can work remotely if needed are ready for use.
- Clay County Senior Services targeted services to address social isolation, nutrition programs, technology, & transportation. The Excelsior Springs Senior Center is seeking funds to curb isolation among our seniors.
- Plans for Lynn Park Apartments & Medical Marijuana dispensary are under review.
- The Hall of Waters was featured in Citizen's Institute for Rural Design's (CIRD) newsletter. CIRD is located in West Virginia.
The Missouri Emergency Rental Arrears Program (ERAP) provides relief to property owners & tenants impacted by COVID-19. ERAP is offering assistance for up to six (6) months of past-due rent directly to landlords on behalf of qualified tenants. For more information on this program, please visit https://www.mohousingresources.com/erap.
Choose Your Attitude!
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752