The Royals Report
February 2025

We are the Royals!
Banner Presentations
We have been celebrating student athletes in January, Bass Fishing, Boys Cross Country, and Football have added Championship Banners in the gymnasium. On February 7, Boys Soccer will be hanging their banner. Nice job Royals!
Guidance News
We are posting Polaroids for all our seniors to celebrate their acceptance into various programs, schools and other next steps on their journey. (Seniors, remember to stop by for us to take your picture)
ELO Spotlight
ELO: Small Business Management
Grace Clifford, Junior, has spent her school year leaving each day to attend an ELO experience specializing in Small Business Management and Landscaping with Clifford’s Quality Tree Care and Landscaping. She has been getting real world experience with managing a small local company and customer service experiences.. We are extremely proud of Grace and the hard work she has been doing and greatly look forward to her sharing her experience with us. Grace is also a member and captain of both the Girls Soccer team and Girls Basketball team.
The Mascoma High School Art Department is proud to announce that the following students will have artwork in the 17th Annual High School Exhibition at AVA Gallery in Lebanon, NH. Please congratulate art students Mars Mazur, Rory Giguere, Allyson Downing, Allie Curtis, Jennai Maxwell, Audrey Webber, Olivia Kierstead, Quinn Ardolino, Ciara Wilson, and Silas Jukosky
This year’s awards will be chosen by Artist Mentor and Publisher of Art New England, Rita Fucillo. Please join us for the exhibition opening and awards ceremony on Friday, February 21st, from 5-7pm. The exhibit runs through March 21st.
Participating high schools include Cardigan Mountain, Hanover High School, Hartford High School, Kimball Union Academy, Lebanon High School, Mascoma Valley Regional High School, New England School of the Arts, Proctor Academy, Rivendell Academy, The Sharon Academy, Stevens High School, Thetford Academy, Windsor High School, and Woodstock Union High School.
Club News
Last chance to purchase Senior Recognition Ads for the yearbook. All purchases must be made no later than Feb 6th. Go to Jostens.com for details.
Interact Club
Mascoma Interact has a lot of great opportunities coming up this spring semester. This includes coordinating with NHS to provide childcare for the Deliberative Session, helping with February food box packaging for district families, planning with local Rotary and Interact clubs for a spring meal packing international service project, continuing a partnership with the Canaan Conservation Committee for an Earth Day 2025 clean up, and more!
February Athletic Schedule
Upcoming Events
February 1--Deliberative Session
February 12- Senior Night Wrestling 6:00ish vs John Stark & Newport
February 12-Senior Night Indoor Track
February.13-Senior Night Boys Basketball 6:00ish vs Newport
February 13-Senior Night Swimming
February 17-21-Winter Vacation
February 26-Senior Night Hockey
Volunteer Information
Volunteers are important to MVRHS. Here is the link for the volunteer forms. They can be returned to the MVRHS office. https://www.mascomaschools.org/career/volunteer_information
How to reach us:
Email: tfleming@mvrsd.org
Website: https://mvrhs.mascomaschools.org/home
Location: 27 Royal Road, Canaan, NH, USA
Phone: 603-632-4308
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MascomaSAU62/?ti=as
Twitter: @MascomaRoyalsAD