Weekly Wrangler
May 31st, 2024
Message from Ms. Triplett
Howdy Wrangler Families,
Looking to this week, on Wednesday, it is restaurant night at Cisco's from 12-9pm. On Thursday, we have our June SSC meeting at 2:45pm. We hope to have you join us!
Be sure to mark your calendar for our end of the year events including:
- Senior Walk 6/10
- 5th grade culmination 6/11
- Field Day 6/12
- Last Day of School 6/13
For our last day of school, we will have a Pep Rally celebrating our 5th graders! Be sure to wear Lang Ranch spirit wear or school colors!
Happy Trails,
Ms. Triplett
Upcoming Events
- 5th - Cisco's Restaurant day/night
- 5th - Blood Drive
- 10th - Senior Walk
- 11th - 5th Grade Culmination
- 12th - Field Day
- Pep Rally & Last Day of School!!
Blood Drive Coming June 5th!
"Office Chatter"
~Lost & Found Items~
Our Lost & Found is consistently overflowing. One of our shared goals is to raise responsible and independent children. Empowering our kids to take responsibility for their belongings is a crucial step in their growth and development. It helps children develop organization, time management, problem solving abilities and a basic respect for things which will serve them well throughout their lives.
A good practice is asking your kids at pick-up whether they have all of their belongings before departing. If they are missing items, have them go back and locate them.
Let's work together to help us reunite lost items with their owners and teach our children the value of responsibility from a young age!
~Lost & Found Policy~
The Lost and Found is located near the MPR by the student restrooms.
Unclaimed items will be donated at the end of each month!
Visitors & Volunteers
All volunteers and visitors MUST check-in at the front office with your ID each time you are on campus.You will not be permitted on campus without your ID.
If you will be volunteering regularly on campus, you will need to fill out the volunteer paperwork. It was sent home the first week of school and needs to be submitted at least one week prior to the start of volunteering. All volunteers must have a scheduled volunteer time with their student's teacher. Thank you for your support in keeping our school safe!
Pep Rally Sign In Procedures
Please make sure you sign-in if you are on campus for our pep rallies! Anytime you are on campus after the bell rings, you must sign-in!
Yearbooks on Sale - June 11th -13th
5th Grade Families ~ Community Tree Commemortion!
Cisco's Restaurant Day!
Calling All Volunteers!
Field Day - June 12th!
Fall School Supplies are here!
Newbury Park High School Cheer Youth Camp
Thousand Oaks Library Summer News!
CRPD Summer Camp Information
Monthly Lunch Menu
School meals for the 2023-2024 school year will be available to all students at no charge. Please click on the link below to access the online lunch menu for Lang Ranch Elementary School.
Welcome to Lang Ranch Elementary: a new webpage of flyers from community groups/organizations that will be used to reduce the amount of paper that your child takes home in their backpack.
From time to time, individuals or groups in the community will distribute information and advertisements to parents/guardians on the public sidewalks during school arrival or dismissal. This information is not affiliated or endorsed by Lang Ranch Elementary school and CVUSD. Any approved communications (i.e. announcements, fliers) from Lang Ranch Elementary school and CVUSD will be provided directly from the school to you via email, or given to your students to take home. If you ever are unsure whether or not materials are from Lang Ranch Elementary school and CVUSD, please do not hesitate to contact the front office.
Please Note: The Conejo Valley Unified School District approves flyers from organizations as a community service. The distribution, posting, or publishing of these materials is *NOT* the District's endorsement of the group's activities, products, or services.
Lang Ranch Elementary
Email: mtriplett@conejousd.org
Website: www.conejousd.org/lre
Location: 2450 Whitechapel Place, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Phone: 805-241-4417
Facebook: facebook.com/langranchelementary
Twitter: @LangRanchElem