Central Elementary School
SOARING towards "B" status 2024 - 2025! From Principal Huff
November 22, 2024
Hello Families!
Happy Thanksgiving! We have completed another successful week of teaching and learning. Midyear testing is approaching so we will make sure that every minute of the day is utilized for explicit instruction. Please help us out at home by communicating with teachers in order to stay abreast of your child's progress through teacher communication platforms, report cards, and progress reports. Please complete the survey below at your earliest convenience.
This will be the best year yet for CES, because we have the best and brightest teachers and students here at CES and we applaud them for working hard each and every day. Please see some of the great things that are happening at CES in our pictures for this week! Remember to follow our Facebook page.
I am super excited about this upcoming year and what it will bring for our students. Remember my focus will be directed towards academic proficiency for ALL students. Let's start the year off strong, so we can finish even stronger!
Have a great Thanksgiving Break!
Parent Survey 2024
Please complete our Parent Survey by clicking here.
Yearbooks on Sale Now, Reserve Your Copy Today!
Mission and Vision
The mission of Central Elementary is to create a culture of high expectations and develop S.O.A.R. leaders.Just as the natural world is built and sustained by the core elements of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Ice, so too are successful individuals built upon the foundational principles of Self-Discipline, Open-Mindedness, Accountable, and Respect. These elemental forces, whether in nature or in personal character, are essential for growth, balance, and achievement. They work together to create harmony in both the environment and the human spirit.
- Self-Discipline: The Foundation of Growth (Earth)
- Open-Mindedness: The Breath of Possibility (Wind)
- Accountable: The Spark of Achievement (Fire)
- Respect: The Strength of Clarity and Balance (Ice)
A December to Remember - 2024
Literacy Tips for Families
The vision is for all of us to build on our students' past to face the challenges of the future in an intentional environment supporting 100% of students' every day!
Core Values
S - Self-Discipline
O -Open-Minded
A - Accountable
R - Respect
Math at Home
Important Dates to Remember
Nov. 25 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break (No School)
Dec. 8 - Joy Project Christmas Festival 2024 @ Central High School (1:00-4:00 p.m.)
Dec. 13 - Awards Program @ 8:30 followed by TASPA Band Performance
Dec. 20 - Half Day for Students
Dec. 23- Jan. 7 - Winter Holiday Break
Jan. 8 - Students Return
Numeracy November 2024
Attendance Matters
Attendance is crucial in the academic success and growth of all students. Our attendance goal is 95% and in order to reach this goal, students must attend school every day. Our ADA for this week was 94.51 which means we met our attendance goal this week. Hooray! Thank you to all the parents for making sure your child was present during this week and for those who were sick, we hope you feel better soon and return on next week.
Students will be recognized every month for perfect attendance. Make sure your child is an Attendance H.E.R.O. - Here, Everyday, Ready, On time!
If your child is absent two or more times a month, your child will be identified as chronically absent. You will then receive "Early Warning" attendance letters if your child has excessive absences (5+), which will lead to Early Warning Court. To prevent your family from going through this process, please ensure that your child is in school everyday and on time. Thank you for working with us to ensure your child has a successful year!
Family Literacy Video
Arrival and Dismissal
For your safety and the safety of our students, please following the traffic loop during arrival and dismissal. Thank you advance for your patience in the drop off /pickup line. We will continue to become more efficient as time progresses.
- Parents please remain in your cars during arrival and make sure students are ready to exit the vehicle on the right side of the car closest to the school.
- Doors open daily at 7:30. Therefore, students cannot be dropped off at the front of the school prior to 7:30. You must wait with them to make sure your child is safe and supervised by an adult.
- Please drop your child off near the front door where the Officer will direct them to cross, not across the street or in the parking lot.
- Students will be dismissed at 2:40 p.m.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Lunch Menuπ
Code of Conduct 2024
Our Code of Conduct handbook will not be issued via paper copies this year. You have several options to view it: Here, website, teacher's Schoology page, email. Parents are required to sign the Code of Conduct acknowledgement form.