Cub Connections- CTE
October 2, 2024
News from Principal Schwartz
Dear CTE Families:
Thank you so much for all of your support fundraising for the Centennial Stroll. Your time and effort is appreciated! These donations will help our students in many ways throughout the year such as providing supplies, field trip funding, and PBIS celebrations! In addition, we are working towards saving money for our playground.
Kindergarten Preview Day: October 24
Is your little one starting kindergarten in fall 2025? Centennial Schools invites you and your future kindergartner for a peek into kindergarten, October 24, 9:45 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Start your child on the path to a smooth transition. See isd12.org/enroll-today/kindergarten-information for details and to register for this FREE event.
All my best,
Parent Teacher Conferences are Oct. 10th and 15th
Don't forget to sign up before 10 pm this Friday. Sign up link is below.
CTE Calendar
3: CEPO meeting 5:30 pm
4: MyConferenceTime closes at 10 pm; contact teacher after this date to schedule a conference
7-11: Fire Safety Week
8: Lifetouch Retake Day (AM only); Sign Up for retakes below (red button)
9: CEPO Cane's Fundraiser 4-9 pm, 1560 109th Ave NE in Blaine
10: Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm and Book Fair 4-8 pm
11: Book Fair shopping for students 1-3 pm
15: Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm and Book Fair 4-8 pm
17 & 18: No School/MEA break
23: Grade 3 field trip
24: Kindergarten Preview Day 9:45 am - 10:30 am (must pre-register)
28: ButterBraid/Wooden Spoon Cookie Dough fundraiser orders due
Lifetouch Retake Day Oct. 8th and More
Lifetouch Retake Day is the morning of Tuesday, October 8th.
Please return your original photo package on Retake Day (if applicable).
Original School Pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on my.lifetouch.com or create an account using your student's student ID number (you can find this number in your student's portal/infinite campus account).
All families may also log in to Lifetouch and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card (shipping costs might apply). More about the SmileSafe program here.
CEPO Volunteer Opportunities
Please take a few minutes to review the opportunities below and complete the form or email teamcepo@gmail.com if you are able to support these two events.
FALL BOOK FAIR: help set up/take down the book fair as well as assist during the sale.
FALL Conference Meal Donations: CEPO supports our teachers during conferences by providing dinner and snacks for their busy nights.
NEXT CEPO MEETING: Thursday, October 3 at 5:30pm - 7:00pm in the CTE Media Center or online (Meeting link: CEPO Meeting | Microsoft Teams | Meetup-Join)
Follow CEPO on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CEPO.MN
Message from the Centennial High School Activities Department
Elementary aged students are welcomed to attend Centennial High School Athletic events. As a reminder, they are required to be accompanied and supervised by their parents/guardians throughout the event.
Elementary school students should be in the bleachers with their parents/guardians not gathered or congregating near the main entrance/concessions due to heavy amount of traffic from entering Cougar Stadium, concession lines, and restrooms.
Outside athletic equipment/supplies (i.e., balls, bats, sticks, etc.) are prohibited at Centennial High School Athletic events. Please leave them at home or in your vehicles. Failure to comply will result in event staff taking the items and holding them until the conclusion of the event.
The designated student section in the southwest corner of the bleachers is reserved for Centennial High School, grades 9-12 students only and will be supervised by event staff.
It is a right and privilege to attend Centennial High School Athletic and Activities events. Expectation for appropriate behavior and actions is expected by all spectators. The two attachments provide the framework of behavior expectations as set forth by both the Minnesota State High School League and the Northwest Suburban Conference.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
With Thanks-
Matt St. Martin
Director of Athletics and Activities
Centennial High School
Community Education
Beginning Chess after school at CTE! (gr. 2-5)
Join us after school to learn how to play chess. Learn strategies and participate in a fun tournament on the last day with prizes! Chess will be held Thursdays, Nov. 14 through Dec. 12. in the Media Center.
More happening soon:
Oct. 12- DIY Pinball Machine (ages 5-12)
Oct. 17- DASH Multi-Sport Non-School Day Camp (gr. K-5)
Oct. 18- Intensive Sewing Class (ages 8-13)
Oct. 19- 3D Printing: Dungeon & Dragon Die Design (gr. 3-5)(virtual)
Oct. 23- Skyhawks Flag Football Camp (ages 8-10)
Oct. 26- Skyhawks Pickleball Camp (ages 5-11)
Halloween Hustle 5K (all ages/family)
Nov. 7- Sugar Cookie Decorating (ages 10+, adult)
Nov. 8- Family Puzzle Challenge (12 and under with adult)
Go online to view all activities and to register, community.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
District Office News
American Indian Education Parent Committee Meeting
Mark your calendar for the upcoming American Indian Education Parent Committee meeting on October 9. All meetings are held at Centennial High School, Room 435 from 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. See additional meetings this school year: American Indian Education Parent Committee Meeting Schedule
The Great Apple Crunch
In honor of Farm to School Month, Centennial Schools is participating in the Great Apple Crunch on Thursday, October 10 at lunch time. Apples will be provided by Pinetree Apple Orchard, White Bear Lake and will be available to all students (even if bringing lunch from home). We’re also encouraging students to wear plaid, dressing for the occasion to support our local farmers!
On-site Immunization Clinic for Pre-K through Grade 12 + Journey Students:
October 22, 2024
Location: District Office, 4707 North Road, Circle Pines (Door S15)
- 11:00 am-1:00 pm: Pre-registered High School, CALC, and Journey students only with parent consent + students, 18 years and older. (Parent/Guardian not required to attend as consent is given during registration.)
- 3:00 pm-7:00 pm: All students, Pre-K and up. (Pre-registration preferred, walk-ins welcome). Parent/guardian must be present unless student is 16 years or older with pre-registration completed. Students 18 years and older do not need parent/guardian to be present.
Note: This clinic is for required immunizations only. COVID-19 and flu shots are not available. Minnesota law requires children enrolled in childcare, early childhood education, or school to be immunized against certain diseases, unless the child is medically or non-medically exempt.
If proper documentation is not provided, students will be unable to attend school after November 1st, 2024. Please note, K-12 immunization status is available on Campus Parent Portal.
How do I Pre-Register?
Click here to pre-register.