DMIS Morgan Messenger
Week of Monday, October 7th - Friday, October 11th
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
As we wrap up the first quarter, I want to acknowledge how hard both teachers and students have been working. Our data is looking great so far, and many students have really applied themselves by focusing on test corrections—because after all, we learn from our mistakes! If you have any feedback on how we're doing or how we can improve, feel free to reach out via email or Talking Points. We always appreciate hearing from you.
World Day of Bullying Prevention – October 7th
We’re excited to participate in World Day of Bullying Prevention on Monday, October 7th. We encourage everyone to "Blue Up" and wear blue to show our united stand against bullying. The hallway that shows the most spirit will claim the Spirit Stick! Let’s turn the school blue for a great cause!
DARE Program for 5th Grade
Our 5th graders are currently participating in the D.A.R.E. Program (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) in partnership with the Winchester Police Department during their health classes. This 9-week program runs twice a week and teaches students about making healthy, responsible choices. Letters with more information about the program have been sent home with participating students, and more will go out to future cohorts. By completing the program, students can earn their D.A.R.E. certificate.
End of Quarter 1 and Student-Led Conferences
The first quarter ends on Friday, October 11th. To celebrate student progress and reflect on their learning, we will be hosting student-led conferences on Tuesday, October 15th from 3:30-6:00 PM. Parents should reach out to their child’s teacher to schedule a conference time. Report cards will be sent home with students on October 16th. Due to conferences, we will not have our parent advisory meeting this month. We will hold our next parent advisory meeting in November.
Virginia School Survey of Climate and Working Conditions
In January, we will be administering the DCJS Virginia School Survey of Climate and Working Conditions to our 6th-grade students. This survey measures perceptions of school rules, discipline, teacher-student relationships, student engagement, and the extent of bullying. It is part of the school safety audit required by Virginia law (§ 22.1-279.8.B). We will provide more information closer to the survey window.
Thank you for your continued support as we move forward into the second quarter. Let’s keep up the great work!
Best regards,
Sam Gates
Principal, Daniel Morgan Intermediate School
📆 Our Schedule This Week
- October 7th: DMMS Girls Basketball HOME (5:15)
- October 8th: DMMS Football HOME (5:00)
- October 9th: DMMS Cross Country @ Johnson-Williams (5:15)
- October 10th: Camping Community Night at DM Campus (5:30) & DMMS Girls Basketball @ Admiral Byrd (5:15)
- October 11th: End of first quarter
🗓 Coming Up!
- October 14th: Teacher Work Day- No School for Students
- October 15th: Student Led Conferences (3:30-6:00) & DMMS Girls Basketball (5:15)
- October 16th: Parent Advisory Meeting (5:00) & DMIS Football HOME (5:00) & DMMS Cross Country Championship @ Skyline (5:15)
- October 17th: DMMS Girls Basketball Finals @ Johnson-Williams (5:15)
🗣 What are students learning? ✍🏽
🍕 Weekly Lunch Menu
💡 Reminders
October 15th- Student Led Conferences
- Please contact your child's teachers to schedule a conference.
- Did you like your lunch?
- Rate your day on a scale from 1-10.
- How were you brave today?