Tuesday Times
Havelock North Primary School - 5th April 2022
Kia ora koutou,
This week we say a big welcome to new students Kavya and Harry. Well done on making such a great start to school kids. We also welcome back the lovely Mrs Chapman who has started in Room 21. Donna is a breath of fresh air and the epitome of positivity.
Administration Block Opening
On Friday we had our first whole school assembly since 1st October 2021. This coincided with the opening of our new administration block which was very exciting. After the best part of three terms working in "cupboards" it is so good to be in a nice working space again. I would like to express my thanks to our staff and wider community for your tolerance over this time.
A special thank you to local MP Anna Lorck for officially opening the building, Kaumatua Jerry Hapuku who blessed the new space and Board Presiding Member Kelly Ives for her support and kind words.
COVID-19 latest information
We have started this week with 14 cases on Monday and three cases today. These numbers pretty much reflect the cases numbers from last week, although a number of cases from the last few days have already been isolating with positive family members which is a good sign. We remain hopeful we will see the numbers continue to trend southwards.
The Prime Minister announced yesterday that we would remain at the RED setting until at least 14th April. So, it is status quo at present for us. A reminder - parents entering the school do not need to wear masks outside, only when entering classrooms.
Have a great week everyone!
Ngā mihi
Nick Reed
Bizzy Bodz After School Care Programme at HNPS
Find out more about Bizzy Bodz before and after school care programme.
If your child is absent and not going to be attending Bizzy Bodz on a particular day please communicate by phoning us on 06 825 6088, or emailing Grace admin@bizzybodz.co.nz. Or you can text the programme directly if it is after 2 pm on 021 837 795.
Principal Award Winners
Wakeboarding Nationals
Brooke's sister Kate also competed in this event. Kate is a Year 4 student and came second in her event. Great work Kate!
Mufti Day Friday
House Chant Competition
Joll Campbell Chambers Duart
To make up a chant that represents your house and can be easily sung by all house members.
A chant is a catchy, rhythmic way to show support to a group. E.g… Come on the Bay, Come on the Bay, Black, white, alright… Come on the bay.
The chant must go for no longer than 20 seconds
The chant must be positive
Must include house name
Must be fun
There may be actions included (not compulsory)
Every entry will receive 5 house Points
Winning entries will receive a FREE lunch
Entries must be given to your class teacher by Friday 6th May. Class teachers will pass all entries on to House Captains after that. The House Captains will choose the winners and they will be announced during assembly the following week.
This chant will be used by houses during house events.
Good luck and have fun making up the chant.
Mr Bain
Enviro Corner - Term 1 Week 10
Enviro Corner
Term 1 Week 10
We were very excited to be selected to receive some Urban Mac garden beds through our Garden to Table programme. We look forward to problem solving and constructing the flat beds with the children:)
The Year 3 children have continued to harvest the vegetable patch and prepare the soil for planting. The worms are producing a lot of rich worm tea which the plants enjoy!
Researching and planning which vegetables and berries are best to plant at this time of the year has been part of the Year 4 inquiry programme. Today the children planted cauliflower, lettuces, silverbeet, cabbages, mint, blueberries and a lemon tree.
Home and School News
Following the AGM, the 2022 Home & School Committee:
Chairperson: Maggie Poll
Vice Chairperson: Martin Drake
Secretary: Rachel Campbell
Treasurer: Ali Neilson
Vice Treasurer: Jess Cranswick
Blast in the Park lead: Steve Gregory
Peak Trail Blazer lead: Catherine Wedd
Big Night Out lead: Bridge Hansen
Board of Trustees rep: Ali Neilson
Principal: Nick Reed
Staff Representatives: Ellen Denny & Ashley Baker
Uniform Shop: Suz Stuttle
Facebook: Jen Hewitt
Sushi Fridays: Tim Barley & Martin Drake
Calendar Art: Bec Simpson
Supper Club: Penny McLeod & Caroline Hickman
Committee Members: Georgie Walker, Dhirsh Hansaraj, Flora Hansaraj, Shane Hyndman, Jaimie Hyndman, Katrina Webster, Caroline Wallace.
Anyone is welcome to join anytime / be voted on as a committee member – so come along next time if you are interested. We also provide zoom as an option at each meeting, If you wish for an agenda item to be raised and aren’t able to attend please email homeandschool@hnps.school.nz
Remaining dates for this year are:
- 23th May 2022
- 27th June 2022
- 15th Aug 2022
- 19th Sept 2022
- 7th November 2022
- 5th December 2022 (TBC)
Working Bee Sunday 3rd April
Dear Te Mata Park Volunteers,
A reminder that our Autumn working bee is this Sunday 3 April 9.30-12.30, and we warmly invite you to join us. We are changing the location to Te Kahika (the new block), under the Main Gates Car Park on the valley near the roadside.
In line with recent changes to Covid-19 vaccination mandates, the Te Mata Park Trust Board has decided that all volunteers can attend our events, regardless of their vaccination status.
Location and registration details below. We hope to see you there!
The relatively wet end to the summer has given the weeds a bit of a boost and we would love your help to get them under control and ensure our native plantings have some room to thrive. We will be trampling around the native plants to ensure they don’t become swamped by large weeds and grasses, and pulling weeds.
We have made the start time slightly later than usual to give us all a little extra time to adjust to the end of daylight savings.
WHEN: Sunday 3rd April 9.30 am-12.30 pm
WHERE: Te Kahika (under the Main Gates Car Park in the valley near the roadside)
Meet on-site at 9.30 am (see the blue X on the map - approximately 5 minute walk from the Main Gates Car Park)
BRING Gloves, appropriate footwear, drinking water, and some snacks.
- Please carpool to the site, whenever possible.
- All are welcome, including tamariki.
- Please confirm your attendance to Eleanor at eleanor@tematapark.co.nz
New School App
Sports at Havelock North Primary School
Term 2 Sports Registrations CLOSED.
A HUGE thank you to those that have volunteered their time this term to coach and/or manage. It is much appreciated and our team sport couldn't happen without people like you.
If you have any queries, sports news or photos please email Erica Cranswick at sport@hnps.school.nz
S - Sportsmanship T - Teamwork A - Attitude C - Coachability
FUTSAL - Chloe Maloy
NETBALL - Grace Davies, Billy Kerr, Oskar Lundberg, Evie Craner, Lily Neison
HOCKEY - Henry Cranswick, Saskia Lamborn
End of Term 1 sports team photos - LOOK AT THESE SMILES!
HNP Legends - kids vs Mums & Dads
HNP Legends - post game picnic
HNP Falcons - Futsal
HNP Green - Hockey
HNP Green - Hockey
HNP Slammers - Basketball
HNP Slammers - Futsal
HNP Scorchers - Touch Rugby
HNP Pink - Hockey
Out and About
Honor and Liah cut the ribbon to officially open the new space, alongside local MP Anna Lorck
Kaumatua Jerry Hapuku blessing the new building
Jerry making his way through the Admin. building
Term Dates 2022
2022 Term Dates
Term 1 2nd February - 14 April
Term 2 2 May - Friday 8 July
Term 3 25th July - 30th September
Term 4 17th October - 14th December
2022 Teacher Only Day
Friday 3rd June
Up Coming Events
8th - Mufti Day - Ukraine Red Cross Appeal
11th - 13th - Year 5 & 6 Te Mata Peak Maintenance days
14th - Term 1 ends
2nd - Term 2 begins
Contact Us
Email: admin@hnps.school.nz
Website: https://hnps.school.nz
Location: Havelock North Primary School 9 Campbell Street, Havelock North, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Phone: +64 (06) 877-8788
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HavelockNorthPrimary