How To Choose An Auspicious Baby's Name
Baby Names Numerology is written in a language that ordinary reader can understand and apply its simple method to choose a name for their baby. The book presents three numerological methods that have been in practice proven to be very accurate. Through the chapters step by step is shown the way of checking the compatibility of a name with the baby's last name. In the chapter number four the principles that determine an auspicious name are presented. Having in mind these principles parents can check their potential names and choose an compatible – auspicious name for their arriving baby.
What is meant by the phrase an "auspicious name?" The term “auspicious” simply means support and protection of the subtle positive energy that creates prosperity and well-being. We can say an auspicious name is as a good tail wind, which helps child to better sails through his or her life.
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The name that we get at the moment of our birth hides a signs that determines when, why and in which direction our lives will unfold. If we take for example driving a car certainly there are many roads that we can reach the desired goal, but it is preferable to choose the one that will lead us there in the shortest time deftly avoiding possible accidents and sideways. Similarly, selection of our name can be the fastest and safest road that we travel through life. Our characteristics, talents and abilities, strengths and weaknesses (Main numbers, Plans of Temperament and Tarot cards) can be compared with a car, while the quality and intensity of life experiences (Event numbers) can be compared with driving style and road conditions. The Events numbers are signs that inform us, signal danger, warn and guide our driving in order to adjust the speed and manner of driving. Karmic numbers are special signs in our name on which should be given particular attention. Its nature is to slow us down but also to thoroughly teach through difficult life lesson. It signal and warn us about dangers – sharp turns, potholes, crossroads or landslides on the road – which we should not ignore because the consequences could be very unpleasant. For its transformation we are required vigilance and invest additional amounts of energy.
An auspicious name will create a good vehicle - character (Main numbers), with whom your baby will be able to safely and successfully travel on the road without many restrictions or dangerous situations (Karmic numbers). By choosing a name that does not create Karmic numbers in the Numerical chart, you give to your baby a chance to travel on the life’s road without many unpredictable situations that could unnecessarily slow down the trip.
Principles That Determine an Auspicious Baby’s Name
With some levels certain numbers are compatible and it gives good results. In order to select an auspicious baby's name, we need to know the criteria or the principles that define an auspicious name. Knowing these principles we can determine to what extent a name is compatible with a baby's last name. Let's look inside these eight-point the criteria that define an auspicious name:
1. If there is positive number at the Destiny level: 2, 3, 6, 9, 5 or 8. Also among them
we classified Muster number 11/2.
2. If there are favorable Event numbers in both methods with no or just a few
Karmic numbers. This is especially important for the start of the baby's life.
3. If there is an compatible number at the Mental plan: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
4. If there is an compatible number on the Emotional plane: 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 12 or 15
This makes harmony between conscious and subconscious contents.
5. If the Mental number is compatible with the Emotional number and vice versa.
(See chapter 16 The Plans of Temperament).
6. If the Heart's Desire number is compatible with the Emotional number. This
makes harmony in the subconscious level.
7. If the Destiny number is compatible with the Heart's Desire number. Destiny
fulfills child's desires.
8. If there is an auspicious Tarot card in the name.
Before your final decision of choosing a name, consider the following questions: Which number would you like that your baby has at Destiny level and Heart’s Desire level and also at the Mental and Emotional levels? Which Tarot card would you like that your baby has in his or her name? And perhaps the most important, which numbers would you like that your baby has within the Event numbers?
There are many beautiful names that you can choose, so it is not necessary to hold on to those that does not meet the above-mentioned principles.
Regardless on which part of the Numerical chart the Karmic number is located, it will bring its degrading effect.
- When the Karmic number is located on the Expression/Destiny plane, its impact lasts through the entire lifetime. The person must purify his karma passing through difficult events.
- When the Karmic number is located on the Heart's Desire plane, the feelings of a person are distorted. Desires are directed towards the wrong direction, unfulfilled, repressed and unrealistic.
- Within the Event numbers, activation of the Karmic number creates a difficult period followed by loss, disaster, disappointment and suffering.
- Karmic number on the Personality plan will create difficulties and failure at the physical - material level.
In the Karmic numbers we classify by the influence the three strongest, and these are: 13/4, 16/7 and 19/1. Why do we call them Karmic numbers? The word ‘Karma’ has a deep occult and philosophical meaning. The word Karma means the result of the action - what kind of deeds we have done in previous times. See more at
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.Choose The Right Word–Name
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