Principal Zeman's Notes
October 4, 2024
Students of the Week
The below students are recognized for their display of Elk Pride. At Elk River we educate, inspire and empower our ERHS community to be the best versions of ourselves for today and tomorrow. These students have supported our community in a variety of ways this week. Thank you for being an important part of the Elk Family!
Bodie Beachem, Luke Hobson, Ava Tvedt, Jameson Baker, Alex Robinson, Miranda Forseth, Kailana Weiss
Upcoming Events
Parent/Teacher Conferences, Open House style, no appointments needed
10/10, 4:00p- 7:00p
10/15, 4:00p- 7:00p
10/16, 8:00a-11:30a, 12:30p-3:00p
10/16-10/18 No School
10/14 Indigenous People’s Day
Counseling Update
EPIC (Exploring Potential Interests & Careers): Grade 10 Field Trip Opportunity: Deadline to sign up is 10/7/24
Sophomores at Elk River High School are invited to participate in a FREE field trip attending an awesome career exploration event at St. Cloud Technical and Community College on Friday, October 25, 2024 from 9:15 AM-1:45 PM . This EPIC (Exploring Potential Interests & Careers) event is designed for high school students to learn about careers. EPIC is not your typical career fair. Students will be able to see demonstrations and have hands-on experiences facilitated by professionals who work in a variety of career fields. The event will allow students to "try-on" a career by engaging in experiences that mimic the activities of a variety of careers. Check out this VIDEO and WEBSITE for more information on the EPIC event.
To take advantage of this great opportunity and attend the EPIC field trip, you must sign up. By completing the digital parent permission form, you are indicating that you are committed to attending this field trip. The deadline to register is Monday, October 7.This is a firm deadline as accurate sign up is essential to arrange transportation.Students are required to use school transportation for this event. If your student chooses not to attend the field trip, they will be expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes on October 25. All students signed up for the field trip will attend an Elk Time on 10/24/24 to help them prepare for the event. Space is limited to 200 grade 10 ERHS students. We hope you will join us for this great opportunity to plan for life after high school.
College Credit Opportunities Information Night: October 10
The Counseling Office will offer a presentation on ways to earn FREE college credit while attending high school. Information will include Concurrent Enrollment, Advanced Placement, Articulated College Credit, and Post-Secondary Enrollment Options. This event will be held during Fall Conferences on October 10 from 5:00-5:45 PM in the Zabee Theater.
ERHS Financial Aid Information Night: October 10
The ERHS Financial Aid Night will be held during Fall Conferences from 5:45-6:30 PM in the Zabee Theater on October 10 . Basic information about aid programs, eligibility, college cost, and tips on completing the FAFSA will be covered. Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to attend with their parents.
College Admission Visits in the ERHS Career Center
Students can visit this form for a list of upcoming events and sign up to attend. Additions are added to this list often, so be sure to check back periodically.
The ASVAB will be offered on Wednesday, November 13 at ERHS. Juniors and Seniors can register for this test through this form. Registration deadline is November 1. The ASVAB measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success. It can also be used as a military entrance exam. For more information on this exam, please visit this link.
Elk River High School Lunch Information
ERHS is a Closed Campus.
Students may Not leave the building during lunch.
No outside food deliveries.
All food deliveries will be turned away at the door.
** Apply ANYTIME for the Educational Benefits Here. This includes benefits such as reduced fees or PEBT Card.
You are Not Alone Therapy Dog
We are pleased to announce that Brenda Holmgren, who is a former social studies teacher from ERHS, will be bringing her certified therapy dog, Dottie, to school on a weekly basis. They will be in our building on Wednesdays from 12-2 on a weekly basis and this will start Oct. 9th. We will be using room 105, which is located next to the counseling office for the visits. We will have small groups of students visiting with Dottie for about 10-15 minutes of time. We are in the process of creating a sign up form to meet with Dottie which will be sent out to students soon.
Therapy dogs provide unconditional love and non-judgmental listening. Dottie will help in creating a calming presence and providing stress relief to students and staff. Being around a therapy dog can help lift the mood for students, improve self-esteem, and encourage laughter.
October Career and Technical Education Newsletter
Please enjoy the October CTE Newsletter. To learn more about ISD 728 CTE Career Pathways, please visit our webpage at www.isd728.org/CTE