Eagle Flyer
A newsletter for Walnut Hills High School
December 20, 2024
Dear Walnut Hills Community,
We did it! This week we finished our exam week and the first semester. Kudos to our staff, students and teachers for their hard work this week and all of the efforts to come to a strong finish. We are so proud of our community.
As we kick off the winter break, we hope this time away from school allows all of you to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy time with family and friends. On behalf of the entire administrative team, we wish you Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you next YEAR when school resumes on January 6, 2025.
Rise to the Highest!
Ashley Morgan
Interim Principal
Sursum ad summum
Go Eagles!
20 End of second quarter
20 Senior deadline for mandatory CPS 3E Survey (Details in Counseling Corner)
23-Jan 3 Schools Closed Winter Break
6 School back in session
8-15 Grade level Optioning meetings
16 Course Fair
Principal Update for SY 25-26
Please use this LINK to read about changes for next school year.
Updated Yondr Policy
There has been an update to the cell phone policy to bring it more in line with what is currently taking place across the district. Please find the updated information below.
Cell phone policy:
1st offense confiscation of cell phone for the remainder of the day and parent pickup
If a student lies about having a phone, they will receive the appropriate consequence as stated above, in addition to a Friday School for False Identification/dishonesty.
Students who arrive to school without a Yondr pouch will turn in their cell phone to the main office upon entering the building. After the third time of not having their pouch, the cell phone will be held until a parent is able to pick it up, or they purchase a new Yondr pouch.
The administration will continue to conduct Yondr classroom checks during the week.
Support for Children and Families Over the Holidays - 2024
While the holiday season is often joyous, it can also be a difficult time for some people. Here are some resources that may be helpful this holiday season. Information/Resources collected by the Cincinnati Public Schools Educational Support Personnel (ESP) Curriculum Council.
The WHHS Association Hospitality Committee Needs You!
Save the Date!
The WHHS Association Hospitality Committee is proud to host a Coffee & Hot Beverage Bar for teachers and staff on January 24, 2025.
The coffee is sponsored by BIGGBY COFFEE Mills Family stores.
If you would like to donate items, you can check out the Amazon List.
Stay tuned for the signup genius link in January for volunteer time slots!
Walnut Wins Fall 2024 Vocabulary Bowl!
I am so excited to share that Walnut Hills High School is the Ohio State Champion for the Fall 2024 Vocabulary Bowl! Students hit it out of the park on their word learning for the Bowl. Walnut Hills High School mastered 50,401 words to come in first place in the state!
Not only did your students earn bragging rights, but Walnut Hills High School also won a banner to commemorate their win! CONGRATULATIONS!
Eagles Cheerleaders DOMINATE the CPS Cheer Competition!
A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the Eagles Cheerleaders who DOMINATED the CPS Cheer competition on December 8!
The Eagles won the spirit award for big schools, 1st place in competition performance for big schools, 1st place in overall game day for big schools and London Byers won the jump off for big schools.
Legacy of Excellence Annual Giving Campaign
As we approach the end of the year, we’re reminded of the incredible opportunities Walnut Hills provides for our students—opportunities made possible through the generosity of our community. The Legacy of Excellence, the WHHS Association's annual giving campaign, bridges the gap between state funding and the resources needed to maintain Walnut’s nationally recognized academic and extracurricular excellence.
Your tax-deductible gift supports essential programs like classroom enhancements, college counseling, arts, athletics, and so much more. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to our goal of 100% participation.
Please join us in supporting Walnut Hills and its students by making your gift today. Donate online HERE
Thank you for your support!
For more information, visit the WalnutFest website. Click the photo.
2025 SENIOR Yard Signs
SENIOR yard signs are available for purchase in Office 2209 for $15 (cash only)! Pick yours up today!
2025 SENIOR Recognition (baby) Ads
Purchase a senior recognition, or baby ad, in the yearbook to celebrate your senior. Early bird pricing ends 1/3/2025. All senior recognition ads must be purchased by 2/7/2025
Student Opportunity for Xavier University Collaboration
We have a unique opportunity available to students in grades 9-12. WHHS is collaborating with Xavier University on an Evanston Community project beginning in January. Students will learn more about Evanston, its history and community partners such as King Records. One of the goals is to learn how to record oral histories and actually interview our neighbors for posterity. These interviews will be kept on
file at the public library. In addition, students will learn how to create a podcast and this will be aired as well.
The group will meet twice a month starting in January and end in early May. The first meeting will be held on January 16th, 2025. Students will also have the opportunity to be involved in other community events and field trips which will enhance the program. We are looking for 20 students max. HERE is a description of the week by week programming. If you are interested in participating in this endeavor, please fill out your information below! The deadline to register is 1/13/25.
Students should use their CPS email to register HERE.
NEW After-school Library Procedures 2nd Semester
To ensure student safety and promote proper library use, we are introducing new after-school procedures next semester. Students must sign up via a Google Form, available each morning on the library Canvas page, and check in at the library desk upon arrival. Space is limited to 50 students each day, so signing-up early in the day is encouraged. The library is an ideal place for students to work with a tutor after school. Misuse of time may result in revoked library privileges.
Dismissal Advisory - Prepare for the weather
As we enter the Fall and Winter seasons and the weather changes, please be advised that all students are expected to exit the building at 3:15 PM. If a student is waiting for their transportation after 3:15 PM, they will be doing so outside of the building. We appreciate your cooperation in making sure that students have arranged their transportation to pick them up by 3:15 PM.
Walnut Hills Athletics Boosters
Walnut Hills Athletics - Eagle Weekly
Want to stay in know of everything related to Walnut Athletics? The Eagles Week is posted weekly on Sundays and can be found at Walnut Hills - Team Home Walnut Hills Eagles Sports (walnuthillseaglesathletics.com).
Have information to be added each week? Email your leads to whhseaglesweekly@gmail.com !
New Counselor Breakout
Please use the link below to see the School Counselor breakout and contact info. for 24/25.
CIC Sophomore/Junior College Night 2/24/25
The CIC office is hosting a Sophomore/Junior College Night on Monday February 24, from 6:15-8pm at WHHS. Please look at this Google Form to share your interest in topics we plan to present.
Zoo Academy Opportunity
The Zoo Academy is a full-time (8:00 AM - 3:00 PM M-F) upper high school program through Cincinnati Public Schools with a focus on plant and animal sciences. For next school year, 10 incoming juniors throughout the district will be selected via a lottery (opening in February) to attend the Zoo Academy. These students will attend the Zoo Academy full time but will still belong to their original school (extracurriculars, dances, diploma, etc. will still come from WHHS). If you are interested in attending the Zoo Academy during your junior and senior years of high school, notify your WHHS counselor.
Click HERE for details.
Virtual Scholarship Search Event 1/7/25
Seniors: Complete the CPS 3E Survey by 12/20/24
Please fill out this very short 3E survey letting us know your plans after high school. Do you plan to Employ, Enlist or Enroll? We need to hear from you by 12/20/24.
This survey will serve as the starting point to help us: your counselors, access mentor(s), teachers and district staff best support and guide you towards your post graduation goals.
Lunch Bunch Test Prep Sessions - Don't Miss Out!
Juniors, as you prepare for this winter and spring's sittings of the ACT and SAT, take advantage of Walnut's free test prep sessions during your lunch bell! Lunch Bunch meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 1109, and topics are announced weekly. Come for as many sessions as you'd like!
SAT and ACT Prep
Studies have shown that taking a practice test is the best way for students to preview what’s ahead and to help inform their decisions about submitting a test score in their college application.
Our friends at Revolution Prep are offering our students a FREE SAT and ACT practice exam. Please see details below:
SAT Practice Exam: Saturday, January 25 | 9:00 am -12:00 pm ET | Live online
ACT Practice Exam: Saturday, February 8 | 9:00 am -1:00 pm ET | Live online
Step 1: Register here: Walnut Hills High School landing page
Step 2: Schedule a free 30-minute score report review with a Revolution Prep testing expert to help you interpret the results and develop a customized plan to prepare. Please schedule this appointment for the few days after the exam. You can pre-schedule this Score Report Review here: https://www.revolutionprep.com/jaime-wareham. We highly recommend both the student and a parent/guardian attend the score report review.
Step 3: Attend the mock exam and get your results immediately with Revolution Prep’s mobile scoring app!
Questions? If you have questions or want to learn more about Revolution Prep, you can reach out to Jaime Wareham at (412) 552-3532 or by email at jaime.wareham@revolutionprep.com.
FAFSA Help Meetings
Hello senior families! Do you need help completing your FAFSA application? Sign up for our FAFSA Help Meetings for students and parents/guardians.
Choose from Jan 28, 2025 or March 11, 2025
College representatives will meet individually with parents and students to assist in completing the FAFSA application. Appointments must be pre-scheduled.
The earliest appointment for each session is 10am, and the latest is 5pm.
Here is the Registration Link.
WHHS Student Scholarship Database
Use this LINK to access a list of local and national scholarship opportunities.
WHHS Student Summer Opportunities
Use this LINK to access a list of summer opportunities for students.
Junior & Senior Parent/Guardian Registration for Naviance
If you are a parent of a junior or senior and still need to register for a Naviance account, send an email request including your student's name and grade level to Mrs. Christie (christt@cps-k12.org) to receive your registration code.
College Information Center - Monthly Newsletters for grades 9-12
Meetings with your School Counselor
Click HERE to access School Counselor Meeting LINKS. (Also available on the Counseling page of the Walnut website)
If you have any issues making an appointment, email your counselor.
Graduation Requirements
All Students:
Ohio has new graduation requirements that took effect in 2022. Please make yourselves familiar with them. Direct any questions regarding graduation requirements to your school counselor.
Crisis Help and Support
Children's Mental Health
NPR's A Martinez talks to Dr. Pamela Cantor, founder of Turnaround for Children, about a Pew report that finds U.S. parents' biggest concern is the mental health of their children.
NPR Link (to transcript and sound recording)STUDENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
Volunteering at TriHealth
ATTN: All Students 15+
Volunteering in a hospital setting is a tremendously rewarding experience, providing individuals, especially high school and college students, with a unique opportunity to give back to their community while gaining invaluable insights into the healthcare field. Click HERE to learn more and apply for our Spring Cohort starting January 13. There are also opportunities for summer and fall.
We have an important update to our Early Dismissal procedures. If your student is unaware of their early dismissal before coming into the building, you must come in (with your ID) and check them out in the grade level office upon your arrival. Please note, depending on the timing of your arrival, it may take a while to find and retrieve your student, so please plan accordingly. Please see our full dismissal procedures here: LINK to Reporting Absences & Dismissals
Walnut Hills Dress Code
Parents and students, please note the Walnut Hills Dress Code listed in the Student Handbook.
Click HERE to review
Cafeteria Expectations
We are so grateful for our brand new cafeteria expansion. We love that all of our students are able to sit and enjoy lunch with their peers and we want to make sure everyone is doing their part to maintain our beautiful space. Please review the following expectations for the cafeteria and cafeteria hallway.
WHHS Traffic Updates
If you are using the Blair Circle or Junior High Gymnasium Traffic Circle please make sure that you pull forward as far as you can in the circle prior to stopping and dropping off your student(s).
If you have entered the circle and all traffic in front of you is stopped, then you may proceed with dropping off your student.
All traffic entering and exiting must stay in one line; no cars should try and pass other cars that are in the circle.
Student Drop off/Pick-up Directions/Dismissal Details
Attention Families: Please click on this LINK to review Drop off/Pick-up directions and Dismissal details
New Club Membership Fee
Membership Fees for our 2024-25 clubs are now live on Final Forms. If your student participates in any number of our clubs, please submit the flat-rate payment of $25 as soon as possible. This funding will allow our school to continue to offer the variety of programming that you've come to expect! Please view this letter that explains the need for our membership fee.
Contact Information in Focus
During the PowerSchool to Focus rollover, some contact information has been scrambled. We want to make sure that all stakeholders are receiving our communications. It takes a village, and we appreciate those of you forwarding our emails to families who are not getting messages. Please share THIS LINK with anyone you know not receiving emails from Walnut, so we can gather accurate information and update our system.
Too Sick for School Policy
Please keep in mind, illness is an excused absence and students will be able to make up work they will miss. Please do not send ill students to school because they have a quiz or test.
Family Technology Support Center
For CPS students and their families, help is a phone call away by dialing the Family Technology Support Center, (513) 363-0688 or emailing fts@cps-k12.org. Tech support is available in English and Spanish from 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday when school is in session.
Get Involved - Walnut Hills Parent Association
The Parent Association communicates using a system called Constant Contact, so join our mailing list using the attached link and get up-to-date information about what's happening at Walnut Hills! Get Connected
Reporting Absences and Dismissals
Grades 7-9 Information Google Site
Grades 10-12 Information Google Site
Our community communicates using a system called Constant Contact, so join our mailing list using the link above and get up-to-date information about what's happening at Walnut Hills!
New School-Based Mental Health Partner, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, joining our Walnut team in October
This summer our school decided to go in a different direction, looking for a new school-based mental health partnership. After interviewing several mental health organizations our mental health team representatives collectively decided Children's Hospital would be the best fit for our Walnut Hills community.
Please click HERE for more details.
Click HERE to meet our new therapists.
Walnut Hills High School
Email: whhsattendance@cpsboe.k12.oh.us
Website: walnuthillseagles.com
Location: 3250 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Phone: 513-363-8400
Twitter: @high_walnut