Alegre Ballet Newsletter
October 2024
A note from the Artistic Director
I wanted to take an opportunity to say thank you to everyone for showing me so much love the week of my birthday. I am not usually a person who likes that kind of attention, but I love you all for it and appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
We have had quite a few performances this past month and we have more over the next month or so. We will do our best to keep you all informed so you can be prepared for each event. Thank you to all the dancers and their families for their participation, support and flexibility during the September performances. I'm sure we can expect everyone's best in the upcoming performances as well.
Thank you again for being a part of the Alegre Family
~ Pedro
Raffle Prize winners!
Here is a list of the tickets and people who won in the raffle:
#1 - 50" TV #1514, Rita Hellman
#2 - Cooler #2831 Charlie Torres
#3 - Beats Headphones #1157 Fany Rojas
#4 - Four Burner Grill#3197 Araceli Lourdes
#5 - Mayra La Facilista #2196 Gil
#6 - Eyelash Extensions #2658 Maria Hernandez
#7 - MJ Chic #1223 Luna Silva
#8 - $50 Cinemark Gift Card #1768 Yesenia Lerma
#9 - Sony Playstation 5 #3024 Samira DeLeon
#10 - Acer Chromebook #1579 Beatrice Lazo
#11 - Vintage Serape
#12 - JBL Earbuds #2770 Juany Vasquez
Here are the top selling dancers and the class totals:
61 tickets sold - Lydia Obregon (Mon/Wed) **3rd Place**
88 tickets sold - Evelyn Nunez (Children 2) **2nd Place**
130 tickets sold - Pablin Vela (Infantil 2) **1st Place**
Infantil 1 (12:15) - 266
Infantil 2 (1:15) -198
Children 1 (9:30) - 190
Children 2 (10:30) - 227
Juniors - 212
Mon/Wed Adults - 393 **Winner**
Tues/Thurs Adults - 325
Board & Pedro - 54
Tickets are on sale!
The recital on November 9th and the Show on November 23rd are now on Prekindle.com. Tickets are reserved when you puchase online. These are on a first come first served basis. The seat you select will be the seat you get on the day of the performance.
* For tickets to the Children/Infantil Recital on November 9th CLICK HERE.
REMEMBER, Pedro can NOT hold 2 tickets per family because it is reserved seating.
* For tickets to the Junior/Adult Show on November 23rd CLICK HERE.
No tickets will be available at the studio.
No tickets will be held for dancers and their families by Pedro.
Once a show sells out there will not be additional seats due to fire codes.
Wear your Halloween Costume to Practice!
Lets enjoy the season. On the day SPECIFIED below, you may come to practice in your Halloween / Dia de los Muertos costume. Only on the day below for your class.
Infantil 1 & 2 - Saturday. October 26
Children 1 & 2 - Wednesday, October 30
Juniors - Tuesday, October 29
Mon/Wed Adults - Wednesday, October 30
Tues/Thursday Adults - Tuesday, October 29
Happy Halloween!!!
3 - Hannah Hodge
11 - Luna Marquez
20 - Emma Riveroll
24 - Melissa Torres
26 - Yaneli Rivera
27 - Sophia Delgado
30 - Cecilia Ferrell
Fiestas Patrias in Ft Worth
Father Jose Alfre.... I mean, Father Miguel Hidalgo.
Group prayer
Monday Ladies in Chiapas
Tuesday/Thursday Adults in Jalisco
Juniors in Guerrero
Children's 2 in Yucatan
Tuesday/Thursday Adults in Patria
Tuesday/Thursday Adults in Patria
Share your photos!!!
We would love for you to share your photos with us! We are always wanting and looking for great shots of our dancers. use the button below to share some of your great performance shots! Remember you can always bring your photos on a drive or memory card and Pedro can save them.
The Alegre Resident Company
Park Forest Branch Library
Arcadia Park Branch Library
The Sound at Cypress by the Lake
Alegre Member Information Page
Here is a link to the dancer page with all the links for group information:
Past Newsletters
Vestuarios for Classes
and more...
From the Home Page...
Scroll down to the "Classes" link.
Once on the Classes Page...
Scroll down to the blue stripe at the bottom, and click the white logo.
Make sure to stay current on your family payments.
Thank you to everyone who has made their payment.
Class Coordinators!
Be sure to get to know your class coordinators! They are here to keep you informed and answer questions. They will be helping in different aspects. Check with your coordinator first for current information.
Children 1 (930 am) - Valeria Torres & Priscilla Narez
Children 2 (1030 am) - Graciela Vidaure
Infantil 1 (12 pm) - Ilse trevino & Isabel Guel
Infantil 2 (1 pm) - Monica Zamarripa & Fatima Canelo
Mon/ Wednesday - Felicia Rockmore
Tues/ Thursday - Jazmine Gutierrez & Keisha Edwards
Juniors - Griselda Garza & Fiona Woelfle
Thank you Coordinators!
Please click the link to select a date to come and help. Other dates will be added as we go along. Remember to ALWAYS ask for the QR code to log-in your hours when you arrive to help.
The recital is coming and so is the show and we have our monthly studio maintenance and other things going on.
Are you ready for your first performance with Alegre?
To see a list of what you need and what to do to be ready CLICK HERE.
Are you prepared to get yourself or your child ready for any performance?
For Hair and Make-up Tutorials and a list of things to know CLICK HERE.
Do you need to purchase a Traje/Vestuario and know where to get them?
Infantil, Children and Junior classes can see what you need if you CLICK HERE.
Did you know you should have a white group shirt and wear it to all performances (unless specified)?
You will also need this for our GROUP PHOTO coming soon! So order now to get it on time and avoid delays! CLICK HERE
See below to see the other items you will need as well.
You can always see the group rules for detailed items for practice and performances if you CLICK HERE.
Please make sure you have ordered the items below before the show, if you don't have them.
🕺All Male Dancers
A white long sleeve, button down dress shirt should be ready and available for performances.
Solid red bandana and a red paisley bandana.
All young girls, juniors, and adult ladies need a base bun for all performances.
Jesus Flores
(972) 341-4475
(send text message)
Performance earrings that all young girls, juniors, and adult
dancers need to use on stage. These are lightweight and come in different sizes.
Jessica Garcia
(972) 693-7483
(send text message)
White Alegre T-Shirt for all performances.
T-shirts with the vinyl logo and a personalized sleeve.
Ibeth Perez
(469) 475-4353
(send text message)
For embroidered items like sweatsuits, garment bags, duffle bags, shirts, etc.
Leticia Obregon
(972) 352-1855
If you would like to order a 30th Anniversary Alegre t-shirt or Tote bag please complete the google form below and submit to place your order.
Si desea pedir una camiseta o un bolso Tote del 30.º Aniversario de Alegre, complete el formulario de Google a continuación y envíelo para realizar su pedido.
Alegre 30 Años- Blue
Tote bag with name
2. Next click on the “+” icon
3. “Subscribe to calendar”
A place for Alegre Ballet Folklórico members, current and former, to Buy, Sell, or Trade folklórico supplies.
This page is for the exchange of your personal items that you own.
Phone: 214-755-3989 (text preferred)
Email: info@alegreballet.com