Distrito Escolar Unificado de Alvord

May 26, 2024
A Message from the Superintendent
"Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices."
The words of the thirty-third President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, are a reminder on this Memorial Day holiday weekend of the brave men and women who served our country and gave their lives for our freedom. Have a meaningful Memorial Day.
Our graduating Class of 2024 started high school virtually during the early stages of the pandemic. There was no roadmap for them. Everyone was trying to figure out how to navigate virtual classrooms, socialize while social distancing with their faces covered by a mask, and eventually integrating back into a normal high school experience. Four years later, our seniors are putting it all behind them as they reach a key milestone in their lives: Earn a High School Diploma.
While the pandemic was devastating in many ways, it did renew a national urgency to understand and address persistent challenges of equity in education. A meaningful high school diploma milestone is reached when all of our students are prepared for the next phase of their lives. The pandemic became a catalyst for strengthening system-level supports and infrastructure to ensure sustainable resources can be effectively and efficiently leveraged to help students succeed regardless of their circumstances. Alvord is among the leaders in cultivating and strengthening our schools' capacities, mindsets, and skills to support a whole child approach to teaching and learning.
It will be a proud moment this week for parents and families and all of the people in Alvord who serve our students when our seniors walk across the stage to receive their diplomas. Some will enter the military, some will attend trade schools, some will enter the workforce, many with apprenticeships with our industry partners, some will attend community colleges, and some will attend four-year universities including all of the UC and CSU campuses, as well as private universities, including local schools such as CBU and La Sierra University, as well as historically prestigious universities such as Stanford and Ivy League colleges on the East Coast. Our students have earned multiple millions of dollars in athletic and academic scholarships.
Congratulations to our graduates and thank you to our families and all of our school leaders, counselors, teachers, and staff members who supported our students throughout their education.
Memorial Day, Monday, May 27 (Schools closed)
Promotions 10 AM at Norte Vista High School Zack Earp Stadium:
- Tuesday, May 28: Arizona & Villegas
- Wednesday, May 29: Loma Vista & Wells
Graduations 6 PM at Norte Vista High School Zack Earp Stadium:
- Tuesday, May 28: Alvord & Mission View High Schools
- Wednesday, May 29: La Sierra HS
- Thursday, May 30: Hillcrest HS
- Friday, May 31: Norte Vista HS
Last Day of School, May 31
TK-8 Summer School, June 5 - June 28
TK-8 Summer Theater Camp July 8 - July 19
First Day of School 2024-25, August 7, 2024
Don't miss out on our Expanded Learning Summer Theater Camp at Norte Vista High School.
Dates: July 8 - July 19th, from 8 am to 5 pm daily
Performance: July 20th at 2 PM & 6 PM
Location: Norte Vista High School
The camp offers students the chance to learn singing, dancing, and acting techniques, culminating in a performance on July 20th. Additionally, there will be a field trip on July 19th to the RCC Theater to see "Matilda the Musical."
Registration is currently open on Parent Square until May 31st. Students can choose from three pathways:
- Matilda Jr. Cast: Auditions required on the first day.
- Matilda Production Team: Dive into behind-the-scenes magic, including costume design, set construction, and managing lights and soun.
- Theater Camp: Engaging activities and workshops for those interested in exploring the world of theater without a performance commitment.
This camp is free and open to all current TK-8 Alvord students.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness around mental health concerns. Click here to read our May wellness newsletter. In this month's issue, our team shares resources, tips, and activities aimed to promote mental wellness. Our Mental Health Support Team, including our crisis team, supports our students, schools, and their families by providing a variety of professional services.
Learn more about the warning signs and symptoms of mental health problems here at the National Alliance on Mental Illness web site.
Summer is right around the corner. Check out the flyer below for information on our summer expanded learning opportunity available for all elementary and middle school students. For high school students, our high schools will directly communicate with their students and families about the summer programs at their schools.
On behalf of the Board of Education, thank you for choosing Alvord as your education partner. We strive to be our best, so that your children can be their best.
In partnership,
Allan Mucerino
Upcoming Regular Meetings of the Board
Our June Board meetings are on June 6 and June 20. We will have one Board meeting in July, on the 18th. Agendas are posted 72 hours in advance for Regular Meetings of the Board of Education. Find them here. Agendas are posted 24 hours in advance for Special Meetings of the Board of Education. If you require translation please call (951) 509-5000 or email here.
Public Comments Welcome
Meetings are conducted at KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879. The Open Session usually begins at 6 pm. There may be some meetings that start earlier but that information is provided 72 hours prior to change. Members of the public may address the Board for up to three minutes on any topic on the agenda or not on the agenda.
Most Recent Board Meeting Agenda Highlights
It's easy to follow the Board of Education's actions and stay informed, even if you cannot always attend in person. Find the May 16, 2024 Board Meeting Highlights here. Sign up for the Board Meeting Highlights here. It will be sent to your Inbox immediately following board meetings.
Lake Hills K-5
Promenade K-5
Villegas 6-8
District Office
Vice President
Trustee Area 1
Twinhill K-5
Valley View K-5
Loma Vista 6-8
Trustee Area 2
Arlanza K-5
La Granada K-5
Terrace K-5
Norte Vista 9-12
Alternative Ed Center
Keller Administration Site
Child Nutrition Services
Trustee Area 3
Collett K-5
Foothill K-5
Myra Linn K-5
Wells 6-8
La Sierra 9-12
Trustee Area 4
McAuliffe K-5
Orrenmaa K-5
Stokoe K-5
Arizona 6-8
Alvord High 11-12
Hillcrest 9-12
The Declining Enrollment Task Force (DETF), a districtwide committee comprised of staff, parents, and community members, met from October, 2023 to April, 2024 to study the district's declining enrollment trend, which mirrors the trend in the State and in our region. The committee completed their study and have produced a report of their findings. Find their report here. On behalf of the Board of Education, thank you to our Task Force for this important work. As stewards of the public trust responsible for the district's fiscal health and student achievement outcomes, the Board of Education will be hard at work addressing the problem and proposing solutions. Stay tuned.
The result of declining enrollment impacts a school district's ability to equitably allocate fiscal, educational, and human resources since less revenue is produced while the same number of schools and programs continue to operate. In other words, resources are spread thinner and thinner year over year. Alvord has experienced a 15-year declining enrollment trend from a high of 20,057 students to the current enrollment of 16,663 students to a projected enrollment of 15,257 students, a 24% decrease.
Enrollment projections are based on birth factors, mobility factors, student yield factors, and other elements. The Board of Education uses the DETF report along with enrollment projection data and other factors, including facility use and capacity, to set strategic goals for the future.
Numerous Measure J Projects are underway. See the images below. Priority projects focus on school safety and campus enhancements. Get Measure J updates by joining the Parent Square Measure J Community Group.
Our partner, PIQE, is a national organization known for delivering evidence-based programs that engage, empower and transform parents to actively engage in their children’s education and strengthen parent-school collaboration. The workshops are designed to empower parents with information, skills development, and support systems, particularly for families of historically underrepresented students. Contact our Family Engagement Office for more information at 951-396-0126.
Sign Up for Weekly Notifications in Aeries & Follow Your Student's Progress
Visit the Aeries Parent Portal frequently to check on assignments and grades. You can also sign up to receive a weekly notice in Aeries for a quick summary of the grade book, missing assignments, attendance for the week. Here's how to sign up:
- Login to Aeries Parent Portal
- Click on the down arrow on the top right corner after your email address
- Select “Parent Notification Preferences”
- Check the box next to “Receive Weekly Progress Email”
- Select the day and time for notification
- Click “Save”
Currently, all public school districts in California are required to offer 180 school days. In minutes, the older the students, the more minutes they spend learning during those 180 days:
- TK-K = 36,000 minutes
- Grades' 1–3 = 50,400 minutes
- Grades' 4–8 = 54,000 minutes
- Grades' 9–12 = 64,800 minutes
Thanks to a massive investment by the State of California coupled with the development of a comprehensive Expanded Learning Program in Alvord, thanks to the foresight of the Board of Education, Alvord students can participate in a wide variety of curricular and extra-curricular activities and events over the course of the calendar year, including after school tutoring, sports, visual and performing arts, and other extra-curricular activities until 6 pm everyday, during Thanksgiving and Spring Break, Winter Recess, and summer. Over 30 full days will be added to the 2024-25 school year for any TK-8 student who chooses to attend. It's voluntary, but highly recommended. Whether a student is interested in sports (we are adding girls flag football, Color guard, Superstar Athlete competition and more to our middle school sports program next year and beginning sports in our elementary school sports program, also this coming year); or the visual or performing arts, or simply interested in developing and building peer relations and having fun, Alvord has everything a student needs to grow and explore their interests. The goal of the program is to support academic achievement, social-emotional and interpersonal skills, enrich students' experiences in school, and build friendship with peers.
Activate you Parent Square Two-Way Communication
Parent Square is a safe and secure platform for school-to-home and home-to-school communication. All of our schools rely on it to keep parents informed. Instead of a one-way communication tool, Parent Square provides two-way communication. But to fully utilize the two-way feature of Parent Square, you have to activate your account. Sign in here and activate the two-way tool.
Family Engagement
Call 951-396-0126 or email Familyengagement@alvordschools.org
Alvord Unified School District
Email: AUSD@alvordschools.org
Website: https://www.alvordschools.org
Location: 9 Kpc Parkway, Corona, CA 92879, USA
Phone: (951) 509-5000
Facebook: facebook.com/alvordunified
Twitter: @AlvordUnified
Instagram: alvordunified