FBMS Weekly Newsletter
November 18, 2024 #inspiringhope
11/15: Report Cards
11/18: Conferences, 6-8PM*
11/26: Conferences, 6-8PM*
11/27: Early Dismissal: 11:15AM, Thanksgiving Break begins
11/28-11/29: No School; Thanksgiving Break
Quarter I report cards were posted to ASPEN on Friday. Please take a moment to review with your child. This is a good time to celebrate accomplishments and talk about strategies for improvement.
*Parent-Teacher conferences take place on two nights from 6-8PM (see above). The link to sign up for conferences is HERE. If you have any concerns about your child's progress this quarter, please schedule a conference.
Clusters often recognize the hard work, dedication, effort, and all around good citizenry of their students. Congratulations to (image 1) Sharks students: Emerson S., Riley T., Gabriel C., Liam R., Elizabeth C., and Roxie L.; Congratulations to (images 2 and 3) Anchors students: Aislinn C., Mel C., Faith S., Connor K., Charlie G., and Connor G; also Sophia S., Micah S., and Anna C. for winning the Anchors Reading Challenge; and Congratulations to (image 4) Navigators students: Conor R., Daniel F., and Diya P. Well done, students! We are proud of your achievements!
Thank you to our FBMS families who supported the Go For Gold fundraiser for cancer research. A total of $9,011.97 was raised!
FBMS is partnering with the Marshfield Veterans Association to collect essential items to support veterans as they transition into new housing. These men and women who have served our country are in need of various new household items to make their new homes comfortable. We invite everyone to join in this effort to help our veterans—your support makes a difference!
Items needed are the following (all new, please):
- hats
- gloves
- mittens
- scarves, and
- socks. (Veterans are mostly in need of diabetic socks. These socks are sold at the Dollar Tree stores.)
- towels
- face cloths
- sheet sets (either single or double)
- kitchen utensils such as forks and spoons
- sets of bowls, and
- reusable containers.
Donation boxes will be located in the front lobby, and we appreciate any contributions that can help make a difference for our veterans. We will be collecting until the 15th. Thank you for supporting this important effort!
This past Thursday and Friday, our students celebrated National Take a Hike Day by enjoying a hike on the nearby trails across from campus during their PE classes. National Take a Hike Day, observed every year on November 17th, encourages people of all ages to embrace the outdoors, explore nature, and enjoy the many benefits of hiking. The weather was perfect for the occasion, with sunny skies and crisp autumn air adding to the experience.
A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Newcomb-Baker, Mr. King, and Mr. Gilbert for organizing the event, Officer Hernon for ensuring students crossed safely to the trails, and our nursing staff for being on hand to support the hike. Thank you, also, to all of the staff who joined when they were available! It was a fantastic opportunity for students to enjoy physical activity, connect with nature, and celebrate this national day together!
Project 351 Ambassador
This week, we’re excited to spotlight one of our amazing students who has been selected as our school’s Project 351 Ambassador. Project 351 is a nonprofit youth leadership organization that unites 8th-grade students from across Massachusetts for a year of service, leadership development, and community impact. Each school selects an ambassador who exemplifies kindness, compassion, and a commitment to service. Ambassadors take part in events such as "Launch Day" and other service projects, working to make a meaningful difference while building skills and connections that inspire lifelong leadership and service. We sat down with Furnace Brook's newest ambassador, 8th grader Cora Norcott, to learn more about her, her passions, and what she’s most excited to accomplish in this new role.
Tell us a little about yourself: "I’m 13 years old and have lived in Marshfield since I was five. I attended DWS and am now part of the FBMS Green Team and the Theater Club. Over the years, I’ve been a part of the Vikings, Whale, and Beacons clusters."
What experiences have you enjoyed while being in middle school: "I’ve really enjoyed speaking at school events and being part of after-school clubs with others who share my interests."
What are some things you’d like to change or have an impact on? What’s important to you? "I’m passionate about raising awareness about climate change, ensuring everyone has access to education, and advocating for racial justice and LGBTQIA+ rights."
How did you learn about Project 351, and what has been your experience with it?: "I first heard about Project 351 in sixth grade when Will, the ambassador that year, told us about one of his projects during lunch. Last year, Nick, the ambassador, also shared his experiences with us."
What excites you most about being an ambassador?: "I’m excited about being involved in my community, helping others, and raising awareness about important issues."
How did you feel when you learned you were selected?: "I was shocked and excited when I found out I had been picked!"
What’s next for you as a Project 351 Ambassador?: "The next steps include a few Zoom meetings to prepare for 'Launch Day,' where everything kicks off!"
Can you give us a Fun Fact?: "Christmas is my favorite holiday because it’s all about the spirit of giving and helping others."
We are proud to have Cora represent our school and community as a Project 351 Ambassador. Cora's passion for change and dedication to helping others inspires us all. Stay tuned for updates on her journey and projects!
Mrs. DeLuca has posted the November Reading Program, which focuses on humorous and witty novels, in CANVAS. Check out the details to participate. Prizes will be available, and winners will be selected on 12/4.
Hailey M. drawing the Epic of Gilgamesh in Mrs. Bonney's Grade 6 social studies class.
Students working on anchoring units of measurement in Mrs. Hobsons math class
The Green Team's focus is to promote and protect the environment though initiatives such as recycling and reusing, planting trees. and composting.
At the Green Team's last meeting, students spent the day planting flower bulbs in the courtyard and in the garden area in front of the building. The flowers should emerge in the spring and beautify those areas. The team also spruced up the garden bed in the courtyard, including adding some soil and compost to help it get ready for the spring planting season.
Looking for some Marshfield swag for holiday gifts? The FBMS PTO Apparel Sale has begun! All profits raised benefit events such as dances, field trips, and guest speakers (to name a few!) at Furnace Brook. Place your orders online by November 22 at 11:59 p.m. here. A limited amount of overstock will be available for ordering, but pre-ordering is recommended to ensure your sizes.
Please note: all orders must be picked up at FBMS in early December; no shipping is available. More details, including pick-up dates, will be shared soon.
To assist with sizing, we’ll be hosting two sizing nights. Stay tuned for dates and times!
Missing a sweatshirt?
Missing a sweatshirt or water bottle? Your child should check our Lost and Found in the auditorium lobby. Students walk through this lobby going to lunch and their elective classes. Check it out!
Holiday gift idea?
Although the school year has just begun, it’s already time to think about yearbooks! Order your copy now to take advantage of the lowest price available. Yearbooks are a fantastic way to capture the unforgettable moments, laughter, and friendships that define your time at FBMS. Don’t miss out—secure your yearbook today and create a lasting keepsake of this school year! Click here to place your order. Yearbooks are distributed in June.
Guidelines prior to bringing in the MEDICATIONS: Physician order(s) and written parent permission must accompany the medication. All medications must be hand delivered by the parent and be given directly to the Nurse. Medications are not permitted to be sent in with students- this is unsafe as medication could get lost or contaminated. The permission form can be found here.
ANNUAL PHYSICALS: Provide up to date information and indicate that students are receiving adequate care at and home and by their pediatrician, and clearance for participation in gym class. Please report any changes in health status e.g. health conditions, new medication, illnesses, and injuries. Students in Grade 7 are required to submit an updated physical with proof of immunizations for their health record at the beginning of the school year. Our Fax number is 781-319-1780.
ABSENT NOTES/INJURY NOTES: Provide written documentation for any important issues such as attendance, absences due to illness, injury, medical appointments, and travel plans that result in missing school. MD notes are required for out of PE and for return to PE. MD notes are required for concussion protocol.
ABSENCES: Safe-to-School Program is implemented so that all children are known to be safe and accounted for. When your child is marked absent from school, you will receive a notification from the school stating that your child has been marked absent. Upon your child's return to school, he or she should provide a written note as to the date(s) and reason for the absence. For a student's absence to be medically excused, there must be a note from the child's physician/clinician.
INJURIES: Please notify the school of an injury, major or minor, and provide written documentation from a doctor if gym needs to be restricted. If the injury is MAJOR (stitches/fractures/concussion) and your child has been seen by a MD, please provide the medical note to school upon returning to class. An additional note of medical clearance must be presented for students to return to gym following injury.
ANNUAL SCREENINGS: the following mandated health screenings are done annually in the health office:
Vision/ Hearing 7th grade Fall/Winter
BMI 7th grade Fall/Winter
Postural 6th, 7th & 8th grades Fall/Winter
We look forward to assisting families and students in achieving optimal health and wellness during the academic school year. Please feel free to contact us at any time with concerns or questions.
Maura Carroll, RN, BSN mcarroll@mpsd.org
Karen Mellen, RN, BSN kmellen@mpsd.org
Megan Owren RN, BSN mowren@mpsd.org
Later than normal transportation, or "late buses," will begin this coming Monday. FBMS provides two late buses: a North Marshfield bus and a South Marshfield bus. If your child is staying after school for a club or activity, your child can take a late bus home at approximately 4:05PM. Events that run later than 4PM will require a ride home.
Students can determine what bus to ride (North or South) by checking the list of bus stops located in the front lobby. Additionally, students must have a bus pass to ride the bus. Buses pick up and leave an hour and a half (4PM) after dismissal so it gives students time to participate in after school activities or obtain extra help. We will be on hand to help students navigate this optional transportation.
Click here if you are interested in making a donation to the Marshfield Education Foundation. We are grateful that every year they fund grants written by FBMS teachers. Thank you for your continued support!
Live Links for the event above are below...
Parenting Through Connection
How to Parent an Anxious Child
Technology Troubles: Too Much Time Online!
Responding to Challenging Behavior
Additional community events can be found on the district's home page. Click HERE.
Contact Us!
If you have any needs or questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help you!
Patricia Casey: pcasey@mpsd.org
Assistant Principals
Lisa Lynch: llynch@mpsd.org
Scott Madden: smadden@mpsd.org
Jeannine Smith: jsmith@mpsd.org
Guidance Counselors
Lou Johnson 6th: ljohnson@mpsd.org
Julie Swan 7th: jswan@mpsd.org
Lori Damphousse 8th: ldamphousse@mpsd.org
Special Education:
Melissa Morrison: mmorrison@mpsd.org
School Adjustment Counselors:
Greg Sorensen: gsorensen@mpsd.org
Taylor Reagan: treagan@mpsd.org
Front Office Administrative Assistants:
Susan Martina: smartina@mpsd.org
Melanie Drew: mdrew@mpsd.org
For other school and district contacts, please click on the district's web page here.