Inside The Den
November 12, 2024

A Seasonal Shift - Winter Practices Underway
It is District Championship Week here at North Point, good luck to the Grizzlies as they take on FZW this Friday at the Den at 7pm. The Grizzlies will take on the Jags for the Class 5 District 4 crown, we would love to pack the Den and hope to see you there!
The Winter sports and activities are now underway with basketball, wrestling, and swim all practicing for the start of winter competition. Winter schedules will be live soon on our scheduling site and app, please keep your eyes peeled for updates.
The NPHS Social Studies department has been raising money for Honor Flights to celebrate Veteran's Day. If you plan on going to the game on Friday they will have a table set up to accept donations for this great cause!
National Signing Days
If your student is planning on signing a National Letter of Intent to continue their athletic career at the collegiate level, we will have a number of different signing day opportunities.
Apologies for the quick turnaround for the Nov. 13th Date, if you would like to participate on this day, please fill out this informational form - we will meet in the Activities Design Lab at the end of the 300 hallway at 6:45am, for a signing picture with the athlete, family, and any coaches who would like to attend. If you can't make the it tomorrow, no worries, we will have additional sign ups when those dates get closer.
NLI Dates
November 13
December 4
February 5
April 16
North Point Cheer Brings Home Another State Championship!
Congratulations to our Champion NP Cheerleaders! They went to MIzzou and captured their second straight State Championship. Excellent work ladies!
Fall Sports & Activities Feedback Survey
Please consider taking a few moments to fill out this anonymous survey to help provide feedback for our fall programs.
Winter Athletic Pictures are November 19!
Please be sure your athlete is in attendance and picture ready. Trotter will be visiting on November 19 after school to take our Winter Sport Team Pictures.
North Point Lululemon Gear is Available For the Holidays! - Order by 11/20
Visit the link below for some possible holiday gifts for your favorite Grizzly. The store closes on 11/20 and items will ship directly to your home.
The Grizzly Way Booster Club Gives Back
The all school booster club continues to fund requests for activities and organizations here at North Point High School. Last month the Grizzly Way contributed funded toward a Track Record Board for the gym as well as new wrestling bags.
Be on the lookout for Winter Concessions signups soon! Remember as a parent volunteer you can earn $20 toward your program every time you volunteer! Mrs. Gonzales, our Best Buddies Sponsor who is pictured below, has been picking up shifts to help earn money for her school club!
We still need volunteers for this Friday's game, please consider helping out and earning money for your sport or activity!
Turkey Drive - November 20
Please mark your calendars and snag a turkey or two! FCCLA and the NPHS Community Outreach Club will be collecting frozen turkey's for this year's No Hunger Holiday!
NP Theatre Department Amazes With Performance Of "Big Fish"
Congratulations to the cast and crew of "Big Fish". They turned in three spectacular performances over the weekend. Thank you for all of your hard work, we are proud of the magnificent performances of this great show!
Fall Sports & Activities Updates
NP Boys Soccer
The North Point Boys Soccer team finished up a solid Varsity season, making it to the District Semifinals v. the eventual district champion Hannibal after a great opening round win vs. Lutheran St. Charles.
Congratulations to Alex Lacke and Parker Tieman for being named to the All-District Team!
Parker Tieman
Alex Lacke
Max Fields
NP Cross Country - State Championships
Hunter Stahl and Mitch Lerner qualified and competed in the Cross Country State Championships at Gans Creek in Columbia.
Both had great years, and finished the season with a great race. Hunter qualified for all state honors with his 22nd place finish!
NP Softball - Grizzlies Earn Postseason Honors
Congrats to the NP Softball Athletes below who earned postseason honors this year!
North Point Volleyball - Grizzlies Earn Postseason Honors
Congrats to these Grizzlies for excelling on the court and earning these end of the year awards.
District Semifinals - North Point v. Liberty
Congrats to the football team for their thrilling 21-20 victory over LHS this past Friday. They are now the only Wentzville team still in the playoffs for the 2024 season.
This Friday's game is at North Point at 7pm v. FZW. Because this is a MSHSAA post-season event, all spectators ages 6 and up will need to pay the $6 gate fee. Activities passes cannot be accepted for this event.
Gabe McAffie
Gabe makes a nice tackle in the backfield here vs. the Liberty.
Ty'Ron Williams
The Grizzly junior reels in a touchdown catch from Hoyt Gregory to give North Point the lead in the second half.
Joel Massey
The senior safety has been all over the field in the past few weeks, with strong play in both the passing and run game.
North Point Scholar Bowl Has Early Season Success
Your Grizzly Scholar Bowl Team is off and running this year.
Congrats to the Scholar Bowl team for placing 5th at the SLU Invitational! Congrats to Rachel Goldberg for placing in the top 10 scorers at the SLU Scholar Bowl Tournament.
Congrats to the North Point Scholar Bowl Team for placing 4th at the Jeff City HS Tournament! Special congrats to Rachel Goldberg (5th) and Jackson Creech (16th) for medaling as top individual performers!
NPHS Student Athlete of the Month - October
The NPHS Student Athlete of the Month is a new award that is open to any student participating in a sport or activity during the month it is awarded. Coaches and sponsors have the ability to nominate any student in their organization that they believe is excelling on the field of play and in the classroom.
This winner for October is Carter Briddell of the North Point Football Team! Congrats on all your hard work Carter!
Attendance - Sports and Activities
Having great attendance is a must for athletes and activities participants. Not only does being in class regularly help with your grades, but it is required to be able to participate on a day when your sport or activity has a contest or game!
Our North Point parents have been great so far about keeping my office up to date, thank you for your efforts! Here are a few quick reminders:
- If your student will miss all or a portion of a school day that falls on the same date as a game/contest, this absence will need to be pre-approved by Dr. Adams.
- Parents should email Dr. Adams at least 24 hours in advance of the absence on a contest day, including partial absences for doctors appointments. He will respond back approving or denying the ability to play/participate.
- Students should bring a doctor's note back with them to give to the attendance office upon their return.
- Remember, any absence that isn't pre-approved (including leaving school for lunch or for forgotten items at home) on the day of a contest will make the student ineligible to compete that day.
- Be careful with Fridays or days prior to breaks, if the contest is on a Saturday and the absence occurs on a Friday, a student will not be eligible to compete on Saturday.
- All absences should be called in or emailed to the attendance office, and absences from a practice should be communicated directly with coaches and sponsors.
Thank you for your continued help!
NP Activities Passes
If you have a student participating in a sport this year, or just enjoy visiting the Den for events, an Activity Pass is your best value, and the easiest way to gain quick access to NP venues for games!
The Activity Pass will even get you into road contests at other Wentzville School District Schools - Liberty, Holt, and Timberland.
A family pass (for a family of 5) is only $80 for the entire year! Admission into home events in the fall like football and volleyball is $5 for adults and $2 for students. If you attend all the varsity home games and games at our district opponents (Holt, Timberland, Liberty) you would spend $112 at the gate! By getting the family sports pass you can attend those games, plus lower level football and all the home volleyball you can handle this fall! Your activity pass will continue to pay off the rest of the year as you can use it at home basketball and wrestling and boys volleyball in the spring! It really does represent a great value as it will pay for itself during the football season alone!
Click on the link below to purchase your activity pass today!
NP Athletics Schedules
You can access fall sports schedules now on the webpage linked below. There is also an "Activity Scheduler" app available for your mobile device that will alert you of schedule changes. It is a great idea to go ahead and save that link to your browser for future reference.
Please remember that there is a good chance for early season schedule changes due to other school's participation numbers or unanticipated scheduling conflicts. We thank you for your patience as we iron those out with other schools.
Fall Picture Information
Protect Your Eligibility This Year
Please remember that participating in sports and activities here at North Point is a privilege, not a right. Student participants are expected to maintain their eligibility and citizenship by following our district and MSHSAA Guidelines. Please click on the pictures below to review the attached resources to help ensure your eligibility for the entirety of the school year.
Jake Adams - Athletic Director
Be sure to follow the Activities Department to stay up to date of everything happening at North Point.
Twitter - @NP_Grizzlies_AD
Instagram - north_point_grizzlies_ad