Crocker Viking News
December 1, 2022
Upcoming Dates
Dec 2: 7th & 8th Grade Winter Dance in Crocker MPR @ 6:00pm-8:00pm
Dec 5-9: Outdoor Ed (Crocker 8th Grade Cabin Leaders)
Dec 5-9: New Student Priority Registration *see details below
Dec 12 (new date): 6th Grade Yosemite Zoom Meeting @ 6:00pm *see details below
Dec 14: HCSD Board Meeting in Crocker Lecture Hall @ 6:00pm
Dec 15: Winter Concert in Crocker Gym @ 7:00pm
Dec 16: Spirit Day - Pajama Day
Dec 16: Class Competition - Teachers vs. Students Dodgeball @ 11:30am
Dec 16: EARLY DISMISSAL @ 12:00pm
Dec 17-Jan 2: Winter Break
Have you ever noticed how sculpture can be produced with different mediums? Whether made from wood, metal, clay, or as you see above, paper, it somehow becomes moldable, flexible, and yet able to withstand varying levels of pressure and still produces beautiful pieces of artwork at the end. The paper sculptures as you see from the above images, require a much different approach because it requires an artist with great patience and precision-it’s quite difficult. These wonderful examples from our newly developed Sculpture elective seem to represent the array of items we have been working through this week. Following the passing of Mr. Lau, our community has provided support for the family through the GoFundMe account and the Meal Train. Our HCSD parent groups and HSF provided the Crocker staff with lunch and breakfast every day this week. I’m also pleased to share that we have come up with a creative solution to support and teach Mr. Lau’s math students for the rest of the year using our very own exemplary teachers and will close this week with a typical middle school dance for our 7th and 8th graders. It is only through the support of our strong community and our partnership that we can, with delicate precision and patience, produce extraordinary outcomes in the face of great challenges. As Mr. Lau’s family continues to process this loss, at their request, and in lieu of a large community gathering, we will put together letters of encouragement and/or sympathy for the family. If you would like to contribute, please drop off a hand-written note to the front office by Friday, December 9th at 3PM and Ms. Slater will put all of them together in a booklet for the family.
Thank you all for your support and understanding-we are grateful for this community where we can Be Here. Be You [and] Belong.
In Partnership,
Keith J. Rocha, Principal and Proud Crocker Viking
Thank you so very much for the tremendous outpouring of love and support for the Lau family and for our Crocker Middle School community following the unexpected death of Crocker Math teacher, Johnny Lau. In times of heartbreak, we have a community that finds a myriad of ways to provide support to those most in need.
A GoFundMe page has been created for those who would like to donate to Johnny’s family. Johnny is survived by his parents, his wife, Herminia, and four young children, John Jeremy (12yrs - Crocker), Jocelyn (11yrs - Crocker), James (8yrs - North), and Jared (3yrs - North Preschool). Additionally, a Meal Train has been created by Johnny’s church group and is also available to our community.
As Mr. Lau’s family continues to process this loss, at their request, and in lieu of a large community gathering, we will put together letters of encouragement and/or sympathy for the family. If you would like to contribute, please drop off a hand-written note to the front office by Friday, December 9th at 3PM and Ms. Slater will put all of them together in a booklet for the family. Please keep the Lau family in your thoughts as they navigate this heartbreaking reality.
Crocker Toy Drive
Crocker Middle School will host a toy drive for Good Tidings’ Winter Wonderland this holiday season. This year, the toy drive dates will run from November 14th, 2022 to December 9th, 2022. The toy drive Crocker Middle School hosted last year was super successful and made the biggest difference for the Winter Wonderland Toy Giveaway Program.
Just like the previous toy drive, Crocker will have toy collection boxes outside the MPR starting November 14th through December 9th.
This charity is determined to find a way to be able to give away toys to marginalized youth during the holidays!
You can find our 2022 Toy Registry here: https://www.myregistry.com/wishlist/good-tidings-foundation-burlingame-ca/3496989/giftlist?publicUrlName=gtwinterwonderland2022
On December 9th, the Crocker Speaker Series will be hosting Crocker alumni, Roxy Bernstein! Roxy is a renowned ESPN sportscaster focused on the Pac-12. He will be speaking about his background, career path and words of wisdom followed by Q&A. Please encourage your kids to attend!
Thank you HTV volunteers who have picked up a camera this school year and filmed a Crocker event, game or concert. Click on the link to see what the 6th graders were up to at their Social at the Sports House.
We need your help to continue to make more videos like these. To volunteer with Crocker HTV, please click here. If you know of a film-worthy event coming up, we'd love to hear from you.
HTV Crocker Chairs: Sheri Bernstein or Kristi Nyhus
Lunch Program Volunteers Needed
The LunchMaster program at Crocker has been running smoothly, thanks to dedicated parent volunteers! But, we still need your help! Please come help pass out meals to the kids so they don’t wait in line for longer than necessary before they head out to hang with their buddies. To be included in the signup, please reach out to Donna Wei (ddwei16@gmail.com). We’d love to have you join the Crocker Lunch Team!
*Parent volunteers on campus need to be vaccinated.
Good news, most of our Crocker students are picking up their lunch orders! For breakfast, however, please check with your students to see if they are actually picking it up each day. Consider discontinuing their order if your students do not want breakfast at school. Breakfast can be picked up from 8:00-8:25 AM. We would really like to reduce food waste. Thank you for your help!
Math Kangaroo
Crocker has registered as a private online test center again for Math Kangaroo (MK). All Crocker 6th-8th graders are welcome to participate in this friendly competition tackling interesting math problems designed to both engage and challenge students. The format is a 75-minute multiple-choice test with 30 questions. If your child(ren) would like to join, please register here by 12/15. After you sign in as a new or returning user, please click on the “By Invitation” tab and register for Crocker as your private test center using this invitation code: CAHILLS0001001@2023MK
The regular participation fee is $21. Late fee is $35 from 12/16 to 12/31. Students who register will take the test at Crocker on March 16, 2023 (Thursday) from 2:30pm to 3:45pm. Seats are limited to 30 so registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. We will distribute MK souvenirs (e.g., t-shirts) to all participants as well as prizes to all winners. Please note participation in MK is completely optional and this is not a school-sponsored event. If you have any questions, please email Michelle Lo (mom of Cameron Lo, 7th grade) at michellepan@gmail.com.
6th Grade Yosemite Meeting
We are very excited to announce that Crocker’s sixth-grade class will go to Yosemite this coming spring for a five-day trip. The program is through Nature Bridge, the same company Crocker used in May 2022, and the elementary schools used in previous years. This year’s trip is scheduled for Monday, April 10, 2023, to Friday, April 14, 2023. At Yosemite, students will experience the life science standards and ecosystem taught in sixth grade by attending classes, taking day trips, hiking, and experiencing the natural environment. The Nature Bridge instructors provide a fun, educational, and interactive week of activities.
We will be holding a parent informational meeting via ZOOM on Monday, December 12th, from 6:00-6:30 PM. At this meeting, you will find out more about the trip. Please find the Zoom link below.
Join Zoom Meeting https://hcsdk8-org.zoom.us/j/86514276659
6th Grade Parent Networking Social
January 18, 2023 - Please mark your calendar for a fun social gathering for parents during the day. More details to come.
7th Grade Parent Networking Social
February 23rd, 2023 - Please mark your calendar for a fun evening social gathering for parents. More details to come.
8th Grade Parent Networking Social
January 19, 2023 - Please mark your calendar for a fun evening social gathering for parents. More details to come.
Did you know…
HCSD does not receive enough public funding to cover the costs of our small class sizes, specialists, STEAM programs, music and more. HSF donations are what make it possible.
YOU can help us get to 100% TODAY!
HSF will give $3.4M to HCSD for the ‘22-’23. We need every family’s help to raise that money.
Please give to your child’s/children’s education this year and make your HSF donation/pledge
The Hillsborough Schools Foundation (HSF) was established to close the financial gap that our district faces every year, with the generosity of HCSD families. Watch this video to learn how HSF directly supports our student’s education and HCSD’s financial needs.
- Parents of 8th graders (and forward-looking parents of 7th graders) with IEP/504s
November 8 "High School Articulation Night" slides are now available on our website. Be sure to attend the San Mateo Unified HS District 8th Grade Family Night for Students with IEPs to learn more
- Parents of 5th grade special learners looking to middle school, check out our Path to Crocker: Parent Tip Sheet.
- Note our Parent IEP Training, "Developing Strong and SMART IEP Goals" originally scheduled for December has been moved to Friday, January 6th at 8:45am in the DO.
- Learn. Grow. Connect. Peruse our Parent Education Resource List and meet others in our RISE Parent Directory
RISE supports students of all abilities to achieve excellence on their individual journeys; promotes a school community where students of all abilities and their families can thrive and have a fulfilling school experience; and strives to increase awareness and decrease stigma about learning and ability differences.
Common Ground Speaker Series
Building Executive Functioning Skills: A discussion about hands-on, practical ways to build executive functioning skills for students of all ages with Ana Homayoun, moderated by Vivien Keil, PhD.
Click here for details and registration link for the livestream Executive Functioning discussion on Tuesday, December 6, 2022, 7-8:15pm via Zoom. Join from PC
New Student Priority Online Registration
December 5, 2022 - December 9, 2022
Grades K-8
- 2023 -2024 Registration Information - The New Student Priority Online Registration will be December 5, 2022 through December 9, 2022.
Registration paperwork will not be accepted until Monday December 5th at 8:30 AM.
Please do not submit any paperwork prior to December 5th.
- Children entering kindergarten must be five years old by September 1, 2023.
- Transitional Kindergarten (TK) - Registration Information TBD
National Charity League is a group of mothers and daughters who have come together in a commitment to community service, leadership development and cultural experiences. The NCL Skyline Chapter is accepting philanthropic mother and daughter teams in 6th through 8th grade who like to volunteer, give back to the community, can make a commitment, enjoy the company of others, are leaders, and like to have fun. Prospective Members must reside or attend school in: Burlingame, Hillsborough, Millbrae or San Bruno. Visit our site at https://www.nationalcharityleague.org/chapter/skyline/
Burlingame Soccer Club hosts its 9th annual Christmas Tree Fundraiser!
100% of net proceeds go to the BSC Financial Aid Fund, creating scholarships for local, low income youth who would not otherwise be able to afford club soccer.
Three different varieties of gorgeous, full, fresh trees are available to order and pick up in Burlingame on Saturday, December 3rd, or for a small fee, can be delivered to your doorstep that same day by our smiling BSC coaches and players. Top off your order with beautiful wreaths and lengths of garland and know you are supporting a good cause!
For more information, please visit: https://www.burlingamesoccerclub.org/christmas
Crocker Middle School
Email: crockervikingnews@gmail.com
Website: http://crocker.hcsd.info/
Location: 2600 Ralston Avenue
Phone: 650-342-6331