Marcellin College Newsletter
Monday 14 November 2022
Message from the Principal - Ms. Maria Prescott
Kia Ora, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Mālō e lelei, Talofa lava, Taloha ni, Ni sa bula, Kamonaso, Kia Orana, Ni Hao, Namaste, Ram-Ram, Salām, Sanibona, Magandang, Ola, Fakatalofa and warm greetings to all.
NCEA exams are well underway and it is great to hear from the Examination Centre Manager that attendance rates are high and that our senior ākonga are settling in quickly. Thank you for your ongoing support, and to our junior school for being respectful and quiet around the school grounds during the exam times.
Our Year 9 ākonga will be at Kokako Lodge for their annual camp for the next two days followed by our Year 10 ākonga for the last part of the week. Here they will strengthen whanaungatanga and hauora, as they challenge themselves in the different outdoor activities.
We look forward to meeting our new ākonga and their whānau for 2023 at our Whānau Orientation evening on 29 Whiringa-ā-rangi / November, if you have a child yet to enrol for 2023 then please submit an online application soon because we do not have many places left. Part of the information that will be shared on this evening is the new navy blue Marcellin College jumper that will be on sale from our approved uniform shop, The Royal Oak Warehouse, and the BYOD requirements for Years 7 - 13 ākonga that will be implemented next year. A letter will be sent to all whānau with more details and reminders of the new school year dates.
Finally, it is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of our dear colleague and friend Mr Stephenson. Mr Stephenson was a loved and loyal member of our Marcellin whānau as a reliever for the last seven years, after serving at St Paul’s College as Head of Science Faculty for 36 years. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife and whānau at this time.
May he be guided by angels and our Beloved Mother to eternal rest with our Loving Lord as we pray for Mr Stephenson,
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, May perpetual light shine upon him, and may he rest in peace. Amen.
Ngā mihi me te aroha nui,
Ms. Maria Prescott
Year 9 and Year 10 Camp
From today, Monday 14 - Wednesday 16 November our Year 9 ākonga/students are attending camp at the Kokako Lodge, 235 Falls Road, Hunua, Auckland. Then from Wednesday 16 - 18 November our Year 10 ākonga/students will be attending camp there too.
All Year 9 and Year 10 ākonga not participating in the camp are to learn from home via the distance learning website.
Polyfest Fono
We would like to invite whānau to a Polyfest fono at 6.30pm on Tuesday 22nd November in the Library. This will be the opportunity to discuss Marcellin College involvement at Polyfest in 2023. We hope you can join us.
Fono 22 Novema, 6.30 i le afiafi: E vala'au atu ma le fa'aaloalo i aiga uma o alo o Marcellin College e maliu ma susu mai i se fonotaga e fa'atatau i le Polyfest 2023. O lenei fono e faia lea i le Library. E i ai le fa'amoemoega i lo tou auai ma le lagolago mai. Fa'afetai lava. Soifua.
Mālō e lelei ngaahi fāmili 'o Maselini.
Koe ki'i fakahoha'a atu pe, ke mou kataki 'o lava mai kihe fono 'oe Polyfest 2023 'oku faka'amu ke fakahoko he 'aho 22 'o Novema he 6:30pm 'ihe loki laipeli 'i 'apiako pē. Mālō 'aupito.
Polyfest Fono
Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022, 06:30 PM
Marcellin College Mount Albert Road, Royal Oak, Auckland, New Zealand
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Marcellin College Yearbook
The Marcellin College 2022 Yearbook is now available from the Student Service Centre for $20. It is crammed full of articles, student profiles, photos and more. Social media posts will eventually be lost yet a yearbook of memories is forever. Get yours today!
School Policy - Reviews
Kia ora koutou whānau,
Please visit the link below to see the school policies and the current policy under review for this term are: Health, Safety & Welfare Policy and Safety On and Off School Grounds.
All reviewers
- Visit the website https://marcellin.schooldocs.co.nz/1893.htm
- Enter the username (marcellin) and password (seekthebest).
- Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
- Read the policy.
- Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select the reviewer type.
- Enter your name (optional).
- Submit your ratings and comments.
Please email office@marcellin.school.nz if you would like to have a hard copy provided and posted to you.
Learning and Curriculumn
Marcellin College NCEA Tutorial - Term Four, Week Five
Exam Preparation
With external exams approaching, it is important to remember to take care of yourself. Rest, healthy food and exercise are all highly recommended to help you through this important time. Planning your time to include these three important aspects will enhance revision outcomes.
Checkout https://www.thelowdown.co.nz/article/studystress and https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/ncea-exams-and-portfolios/external/managing-exam-pressure/ for more useful information. And remember, your kaiako and kaiārahi are always here to help
Special Character
Year 10 Retreat
Our theme for this year’s retreat was ‘Living the Be-Attitudes’. We enjoyed a great day of prayer and reflected on the many ways we can serve God and others. We started with a community Mass in St John Vianney. This was a very enriching experience as we joined in prayer with parishioners from the St John Vianney community. From there we focused our time on learning about the different beatitudes and unpacking what it means and how we can apply it to our everyday life.
The Beatitudes are the Gospel values and give us the tools we need to work together to build God’s kingdom here on earth. Each one of us is called to live the teachings of Jesus and work together to bring the kingdom of God here on earth. It was lovely to see the year 10s participate and contribute so positively in the retreat. They truly showed the Be-Attitudes in action. It was a nourishing and beautiful day at retreat.
Special Olympics Football tournament
On Tuesday 1st November eight of our Āwhina Ako ākonga headed to the West Auckland Special Olympics football tournament at the Trusts Stadium.
We hadn't done a lot of training but we were up for the task. Our first game was a good battle but we came away with the win. We were on a roll and won the next two games.
21 teams competed in this tournament and we were lucky enough to come 1st in division 4
Everyone had a great time and gave it their all but thanks to our Captain, Year 7 ākonga Kieran Barker and top goal scorer, Year 11 ākonga Zane Gordon.
Junior Girls Volleyball team
Marcellin College Junior Girls Volleyball team are halfway through their season and so far unbeaten. They have won all 4 games against their opponents beating schools like St Mary's, Baradene and Auckland Girls Grammar School. Student coaches Charlene Stowers and Susitina Taualagi have led the team really well and showed great responsibility towards the team in true Marcellin Spirit.
Their success so far is hugely commendable and the team wishes to go on and win their last few games of the season to top their group.
Girls Tag
On Rāapa/Wednesday 9 November 2022, our junior wahine/girls participated in the Tag Football Central North Western Zone tournament at Moire Park, Massey. They played with Marcellin's heart and spirit and it was great to see the determination and positive attitude of our ākonga. Thank you to Lesina Kautai, the captain of the team who showed great leadership, as well as Mr. Osofua for always taking the time to coach and mentor our young athletes.
Notice Board
Pray Mass
Christmas Card Competition