Glen Rose Intermediate Newsletter
December 4 - 9
Love, Serve, Lead
Quick Reminders!
Good luck tonight to our TIGER FOOTBALL TEAM as they compete in the STATE QUARTERFINALS in Wichita Falls at 6:00 PM.
Regional Final Game – Memorial Stadium Wichita Falls ISD @ 6:00 pm
Glen Rose Tigers vs. West Plains
Tickets can be purchased using the following link: https://www.wfisd.net/departments/athletics/advance-tickets
*A lot of exciting things going on throughout the next three weeks! Please keep an eye out for important information reagrding class Christmas parties, jingle bell walk, holiday dress-up days, etc!
*If you need to contact the office outside of school business hours (7:15-4:15), please email directly: hubehe@grisd.net. Thank you!
Upcoming Dates!
Please continue to check the most recent newsletter and your child's Tiger Talk folder for up-to-date DATES and important information!
Tuesday, December 5:
3rd 6 weeks progress reports go home
5th Grade visits Wheeler Branch
December 11-19:
**Holiday jingle bell bracelets and necklaces will be on sale during LUNCH ALL WEEK! Students can wear their purchased items for the "Jingle Bell Walk" on Wednesday, December 20. More information will be sent home soon.
Wednesday, December 20: Early Release! Dismissal begins at 1:00 PM
December 21- January 5: STUDENT Holiday BREAK
Monday, January 8: Students return to school
Attendance Notes! Please make sure and email the front office or send a note with your student if absent due to illness, appointments, or family/personal reasons. We do understand that students will be out at time for various needs, and want to make sure our records reflect your student's absence correctly. Thank you!
Bus Cards! If your child has lost his/her bus card, or the card is not working, please notify the front office. Thank you!
Every Friday! Wear you TIGER RED or TIGER GEAR to be entered into our drawing every Friday during LUNCH! Also, "Hats for a Buck!" Every Friday, students can bring a dollar and wear a hat!
Communication Reminders:
Campus contact information, along with dates, calendar, skyward, transportation updates, lunch menu and other important documents can be found on our district website: grisd.net.
Our GRIS newsletter will be shared via email and posted on Facebook. We also encourage you to join our Glen Rose Intermediate REMIND for updates. You can send a text to 81010, then text this message: @grispa.
If you have questions pertaining to your student's academic, homework, field trips, or other questions pertaining to your child's daily routines in the classroom, please reach out directly to your child's teacher. Again, please never hesitate to reach out to our office team and/or your child's teacher with any questions you might have! Thank you for your continued support!
Lunch with your child
Yes! You are always welcome to enjoy lunch with your child here at school! Upon arrival, please check-in to the front office. At that time, we will scan your drivers license and call your child to the office to meet you for lunch. You are welcome to enjoy your lunch in our TIGER foyer area or the cafeteria!
Lunch Times:
3rd grade lunch: 10:50-11:20
4th grade lunch: 11:30-12:00
5th grade lunch: 12:05-12:35
If you are dropping off a lunch for your child, you are welcome to leave it on the Lunch drop-off cart located in the foyer or you can hand it to Mrs. Rynders, Campus Secretary.
Glen Rose Intermediate School
Email: hubehe@grisd.net
Website: grisd.net
Location: Glen Rose Intermediate School, Allen Drive, Glen Rose, TX, USA
Phone: 254-898-3600