September 2021
Red Bank Elementary School
Important Dates for September
PTO Fundraiser until September 13th
Public Library Card Sign-Up Month
Kindness Month
3 - Student Advisory Council 7:45 am - Central Services
6 - No School - Labor Day
7 - Marco's Spirit Day, Lex One Board Meeting 7 PM
8 - International Literacy Day, World PT Day
10 - Relay for Life Hat Day - $1
12-18 National Arts in Education Week
13 Parent Advisory Council @ Central Services 6:30 PM, PTO Fundraiser ends
14-Virtual PTO Meeting 5:15 p.m.
15 CPD (11:40 Dismissal), Hispanic Heritage Month begins (through October 15th)
17 SKC Parents Night Out 6-8 PM
20-24 Constitution Week
21 Open House/Title I/SIC 5:30 PM, Lex One Board Meeting 7 PM
27 Reading for Education Fundraiser Begins
28 Relay for Life CFA Biscuit Sales - $3
A Note from Mrs. Ricard!
Hello All Red Bank Roadrunner Families,
Thank you all for your incredible support of our school as we began what we thought was going to be a more normal return to school! We feel very good about our start to the year, but are prepared if things make a turn. We are very hopeful that we remain in a positive momentum.
We want to thank and welcome Mrs. Tammy Ricard who has transitioned from our interventionist team to become our NEW 5K teacher. She has done an amazing job with these students and they are so happy with her! Thank you to Mrs. Dooley who has been serving as the assistant in that classroom until we find a permanent instructional assistant.
We also welcome Mrs. Kecia Rodgers to our RBE family! We are thrilled that she has come to assist us with our very high numbers in our first grade classrooms. She is very experienced and ready to jump right in on Tuesday, September 7! Thank you all for helping us make this transition in order to allow us to have smaller class sizes.
The PTO fundraiser seems to be going well! I am getting lots of threats of silly string. That sure seems to have been a motivator! It sounds like the fundraising representative told the kids 20 items to silly string me, but the posters she put up all say 15 items so we are going with the lesser amount! The fundraiser will run through September 13! Also, we are going to have a PTO Zoom meeting on Tuesday, September 14 at 5:15 p.m.. If you are interested in being a part of PTO we would love to have you join us! A Zoom link will be sent!
We will have our first Relay for Life Hat Day on Friday, September 10! We will collect $1 per person if students and staff choose to wear a hat to begin our RFL campaign!!! RBE always makes a big effort to fundraise for the fight to find a cure for cancer.
Again, thank you all for all of your efforts to support us as we make sure we remain as safe as possible this school year. Please remember that if your child is symptomatic, we ask that you seek medical attention to determine if the child may be positive for COVID or ask the medical provider for an alternative diagnosis so that he/she may return. If your child is a close contact or receives a positive test result, please contact our school nurse.
All who enter our health room must wear a mask at all times because it is considered a healthcare facility. If your child is experiencing COVID symptoms, is a close contact, or has received a positive diagnosis, please contact Nurse Blaine Poole at 803-821-4623 or email her at vpoole@lexington1.net.
Please be aware that in a high spread COVID times, masks are strongly recommended for students and staff. If you plan for your child to wear a mask, please provide one for him or her. It is helpful to make your child’s teacher aware of your child’s masking expectations. Thank you!
I hope you all will remain well and safe! It is a joy to serve you and your students now and always! Thank you for all you do!
RBE PTO Fundraiser
Parents, make sure you sign any coupons for items sold so that students can exchange the coupons for the collectibles. The collectibles are Coops from Coop's Kung Fu Adventure. You can check them out by clicking here.
The PTO has been able to do amazing things through fundraisers such as this, like purchasing a poster maker, books for the library, our digital sign, and more!
Thank you, as always, for supporting RBE's PTO!
Marco's Spirit Days Return!
Marco's Spirit Days will take place on the first Tuesday of each month this school year.
Please support RBE by selecting FUNDRAISER and our school when you order through Marco's website or mention Red Bank Elementary when you call in your order. Don't forget to mention your child's teacher's name. Each month, the classroom with the most orders will win gift certificates for each student to get a personal pizza.
Thank you for your support of our RBE PTO!
RBE Virtual Open House And Annual Title I - Tuesday, Sept 21st
Be Engaged and Join the RBE Title I Planning Team
Red Bank Elementary School is a Title I school, which means we receive funding to help meet the needs of our students. Every family and guardian are invited to serve on the Title l Planning Team. The team meets at least four times a year to plan and review the Title l program at RBE. If you are interested follow THIS LINK or contact Mrs. Lind.
We need your voice to imagine the future at RBE. We are stronger together! Meetings are scheduled on the third Tuesdays of the month at 5:30. Our school Improvement Council Meeting will follow immediately after Title l. Many of our agenda items will cross over.
Tuesday, September 21- Title l Annual Meeting
(This will be virtual in conjunction with our Open House)
Tuesday, November 16
Tuesday, May 17
If you can attend at least two of the three meetings, please contact Mrs. Lind at elind@lexington1.net or complete the form that was sent home with your child(ren).
For more information please contact Mrs. Lind at (803) 821-4609,
RBE School Improvement Council
Red Bank Elementary School Roadrunner Tots Program Fall/Winter Session 2021-2022
Roadrunner Tots is a virtual family engagement program for families of 3 and 4-year old children who are not currently enrolled in Lexington One preschool program.
This pre-K program is for the parent and the child to participate together in weekly learning activities that support families in preparing their children for preschool and beyond.
The fall 14-week session begins September 28th every Tuesday at 10:30 and ends January 11, 2022. Class will be held virtually or in person depending on the district’s covid restrictions. Each child receives a backpack full of books and materials used in weekly lessons.
For more information please contact Erica Lind at (803) 821-4609, elind@lexington1.net or follow this link to complete an interest form for your child..
Grandfamily Coffee & Talk
Grandfamilies will meet one Thursday morning of each quarter from 8-9 in the Family Resource Room (106) for coffee, donuts & talk. The group provides support & services to grandparents/guardians with issues and challenges that may arise while raising your grandchildren/students. Mark your calendar for upcoming meetings!
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Sign up today and I will share all the upcoming events with you!
During Covid “High Spread” times we will meet via Zoom.
For more information contact Mrs. Lind, Title l Family Liaison at 803.821.4609, elind@lexington1.net or Check out RBE’s Website and click Family Engagement LEAD-LEARN-LOVE. . . Pass It On!
Family Resource Center -- Opening Soon!
Click here for the Brochure
Checkout Times:
Tuesday: By Appointment 1st Quarter
Wednesday: 11:00-12:00
Thursday: 2:00-3:00
For more information contact Mrs. Lind, Title l Family Liaison at
803.821.4609, elind@lexington1.net or
Check out RBE’s Website and click Family Engagement
LEAD-LEARN-LOVE. . . Pass It On!
Scan the QR Code below to watch the video hear
Mrs. Lind share about the Family Resource Center.
Donation - thank you!
RBE T-shirt Design Contest - And the winner is...
Relay for Life
Our first event is Hat Day on Friday, September 10th
CFA Biscuits will be sold in the carline on Tuesday, September 28th for $3 each!
Support our efforts to fight cancer!
Bedford Falls Book Fairs
"Reading Inspires Success in Education"
RBE's fall book fair is scheduled to run from Monday, September 27 through Friday, October 1.
The Learning Commons is excited to have Bedford Falls as our book fair vendor. We have researched their offerings and there is something for every child regardless of age or reading level.
Purchases may be made online, through gift certificates, credit cards, and cash. We'll also have chance games to win prizes and drawings to be held each day of the week. Students do not want to miss out! We haven't had a live book fair in nearly two years!
Teachers, faculty, and volunteers receive a 10% discount on purchases.
Students can shop from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day.
Reading for Education
Beginning September 27th, students will be bringing home a fundraiser packet from Reading for
Education. This fundraiser runs from the 27th to 8th. It is one of the most simple and easy ways for the school to earn money and for students to earn prizes. Students are asked to complete the booklet enclosed in the packet and return it to school the following day. The Reading for Education organization will take it from there. Thank you so much for continued support!
Curbside Book Pickup at RBE for LOOLA
As a student participating in the Lexington One Online Learning Academy (LOOLA),
you have access to library books from the Red Bank Elementary School library collection!
This program has already begun at RBES!.
Please examine the information below to browse books and place them on HOLD.
Step 1: Access our collection:
Step 2: Searching the RBES Library Catalog and placing a book(s) on HOLD (reserving a book):
VIDEO - Length 13 minutes. (This video must be downloaded before it will play.)
Step 3: Pick up and return your items:
Holds placed by Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. each week will be ready for pickup on Friday of the same week. RBES LOOLA students may check out up to 4 books. Books placed on HOLD may be picked up at any time from the RBE front office.
You may return books when you come to pick up your next available HOLDs, or you can drop them off at any time in the front office.
* As always we appreciate your patience. Our goal is to get library books to you while observing mandated safety procedures for our RBE students and family and school staff.
Picture Days are coming!
LOOLA students can drop by between 10-12 to have their picture taken.
If your student is out for any reason, make-Up Day will be November 5th.
Please remember the tardy bell rings at 7:40 a..m. when instruction will begin. Our day will end at 2:20 p.m. when we will begin dismissal.
Thank you for your patience as we strive to keep our students safe!
2021-2022 Car Tags
A note from RBE School Counselors
DHEC Rules Regarding Close Contacts for Students
Effective August 25, 2021, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) revised its rules regarding close contacts for students in schools.
DHEC defines a close contact as, “someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person (laboratory-confirmed or a clinically compatible illness) for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period … from 48 hours prior to symptom onset (or specimen collection for an asymptomatic infected person) of the infected person.”
“The close contact definition excludes students who were within 3 to 6 feet of an infected student (laboratory-confirmed or a clinically compatible illness) if both the infected student and the exposed person wore masks during the exposure time. This exception does not apply to teachers, staff, or other adults in the indoor classroom setting.”
You can view these requirements here (Page 3).
Lexington District One continues to follow DHEC rules and therefore, the district will adjust close contacts to meet this guidance.
What does this mean for your student?
- If your student is within 3 feet of another student or 6 feet of a staff member who tests positive, your student must quarantine, whether or not a mask was worn.
- If your student is between 3 to 6 feet of another student who tests positive, your student must quarantine UNLESS a mask is worn by both your student AND the student who tested positive. (This rule only applies to student-to-student contact. All students within 6 feet of a staff member who tests positive must quarantine.)
COVID-19 Positive test results or Close Contact
Beginning September 10, 2021: If your student receives a positive test result for COVID-19 infection or is identified as a close or household contact of someone who tests positive for COVID-19, complete this Google form to notify your school.
Lexington One Food Service and Nutrition
Free breakfast and lunch continues for ALL Lexington County School District One students!
Be sure to visit the Lex One Food Service and Nutrition website. There is plenty of information including menus, meal prices, the LOOLA order form, Meal Benefit Application and more!
Friendly Reminders...
Outside Food: In order to keep our staff and students safe, we are not allowing parents/guardians to deliver lunch or other items during the day. If a student forgets his/her lunch, the parent may drop a lunch box off at the front office and we will deliver it. We CANNOT accept outside food. This includes cupcakes and other items for birthdays. Please call the school and talk to our Cafeteria Manager, Alyse McClarrie, if you would like to purchase school snacks for birthdays. You can also access the order form on our Facebook Page here.
Email: rbes@lexington1.net
Website: www.rbes.lexington.net
Location: 246 Community Drive, Lexington, SC, USA
Phone: 803-821-4600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedBankElementarySchool/
Twitter: @RBESRoadrunners