"Paw Prints"
Farley School's Newsletter Update
Dear Farley Families,
Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you well and that your first winter break was filled with rest, love, and meaningful connections. I wish all caregivers could experience what it is like to watch 475 students come back from break. Their smiles beam, their eyes light up, and many of the students run into the school excited to see friends and their teachers. It is pure joy. As we step into 2025 together, I want us to continue to keep our newly created vision at the forefront of everything we do.
Farley Elementary School prepares all of its students with the academic and social-emotional skills they need to thrive as thoughtful, creative, and curious citizens who value diversity and lifelong learning.
As partners in your child’s education, your involvement and support will continue to be invaluable. Whether through volunteering, attending school events, or engaging in conversations about your child’s progress, your contributions make a significant difference. Together, we can ensure that Farley continues to be a place where students flourish. Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. Let’s make this year a remarkable one filled with growth, connection, and success.
That being said, I hope to see you at our next Home and School meeting on Wednesday 1/8 at 6:00 in the library. Even if you haven't joined in the past, it is a new year--ALL ARE WELCOME and free childcare is provided. You can also join virtually: meet.google.com/goh-pzio-oev.
This weekend, I am headed back to RI to watch my nephew Jackson take his first solo flight as a pilot. As a little boy, he was obsessed with all things "planes" and has always dreamed of becoming a pilot. He is a senior in high school this year and recently got into Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida. We are so proud of him! I am sure that I will return to school on Monday with a few more gray hairs!
Read Always,
Rachel Scanlon (she, her, hers)
978-567-6153 - rscanlon@hudson.k12.ma.us
January 8th:
- Home and School Meeting. Join us in the library or online: meet.google.com/goh-pzio-oev
January 20th:
- No School-Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 29th:
- Half-Day of School for students-Dismissal is at 11:45am
February 6th:
- Math Night! More information to come in a few weeks!
Each year, Grade 4 caregivers and Home and School join forces to create our spectacular Farley yearbook. In order to have the most colorful yearbook possible, they needs lots of pictures! They are hoping to get a jump start on collecting pictures from families now. They have created an email where pictures from families can be sent. If you have any photos, both past and present (and future), that would be great for the yearbook, please email them to: farleyyearbook2025@gmail.com Thank you!
Please take a moment to read the following message from Kali Coughlan, the Manager of the MetroWest Food Collaborative:
Dear Hudson Families,
The MetroWest Food Collaborative is a program run out of the Hudson Health Department. Its mission is to actively join with the community to strengthen the local food system by advocating for policies and programs that support equitable access to nourishing, affordable and culturally appropriate food. Recently, the MetroWest Food Collaborative hired Giuliana Bacoccini to do SNAP & WIC Outreach in MetroWest, specifically focusing on Hudson, Framingham and Milford. This outreach pilot aims to maximize participation and address the "SNAP & WIC gaps" for families. Ms. Bacacconi's role is to increase SNAP/WIC awareness, education, and provide direct application support. Below, please find information on on ways Ms. Bacacconi is able to assist families.
Please read the following reminders from Ellen Schuck, the district's Head of Technology:
Aspen Parent Portal accounts are automatically created for new families at the beginning of the year. An email with account information is sent to a child's first contact. If you have not logged into your Aspen Parent Portal account and need help with your credentials, please fill out an Incident IQ ticket-directions can be found in the next paragraph. The district technology department will be happy to assist you.
The Technology Department uses a ticketing system for reporting all problems with hardware and software (Chromebooks, iPads, Aspen, student Google accounts, etc.). We ask everyone to complete an online ticket instead of sending an email.
- Parents can submit a ticket using the online Guest Repair Form.
- Students in Grades 5-12 are encouraged to use Incident IQ. You must sign into the program using your @student.hudson.k12.ma.us Google account.
- Please CLICK HERE for a video on how to submit a ticket.
Check out our other Aspen videos located on the district website.
Lots of families have been reaching out about how to order Farley Spiritwear. Each year, Home and School organizing this for us. If you would like to order some Farley-inspired clothing and accessories head over to this link: https://www.cafarleyspiritwear.com/
The THIRD draft of the Farley Family directory is now available. Thank you to Sarah Tracy for creating this resource. If you still want to be part of the directory, please still sign up!
Here is the link to last year's directory: Farley Family Directory
Still want to sign up? Click this link: https://forms.gle/eEQg6ZaSBnDqoDko7
Please email her @ sarah.tracy97@gmail.com if you have any questions
Here is the link to join online: meet.google.com/goh-pzio-oev.
Please read the following letter from the district:
Dear Families:
This introductory letter is to inform you of Hudson Public Schools preschool programming and enrollment information for the fall of 2025.
Preschool Options:
Hudson Public Schools and CHAPS, Inc. have partnered to offer a part-day inclusion preschool at The Hubert School. This part-day preschool program offers a variety of classes in six classrooms and schedules for children ages 2.9-5 years old. The morning session is held from 8:30-11:30, the afternoon session is held from 12:15-3:00. Transportation is not provided. For your reference, current class choices and tuition rates are at www.hudsonchaps.com, and information for the 2025-2026 school year will be available in March 2025.
In addition, we have a few spots available in the Forest Ave and Farley Integrated Preschool and the Mulready Integrated Child Development Preschool programs. Each preschool has a four-day class that mixes 3 and 4 year old students together. Classes are held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m.-11:40 a.m. Children must be 3 years of age by August 31, 2024 to be eligible. Transportation is not provided. Tuition is $2,305.00 and includes a non-refundable $65.00 deposit.
Enrollment Process:
The Hubert School, operated by CHAPS, Inc., conducts registration in March. This process is coordinated by the Hubert School. Registration forms, fees and all enrollment paperwork are completed with the Hubert School. If you have any questions about the CHAPS part day classes, please contact the Hubert School (978)567-6130 and ask for Mrs. Patulak or Sally@hudsonchaps.com
The Farley, Forest Ave and Mulready Preschools are operated by Hudson Public Schools. Since there are a limited number of openings, Hudson Public Schools will conduct a lottery for interested parents on December 19, 2024.
The lottery is early to alleviate families’ concerns that they could lose a possible spot in the Hubert School if they do not get one of the few slots in the Farley, Forest Ave or Mulready programs.
Lottery Process for Hudson Public Schools Preschool:
Any family wishing to enroll their three or four year old child in the preschool program at their home district school will need to enter the lottery which will be held on Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Hudson Public Schools Administration Building located at 155 Apsley Street. Parents are welcome but do not need to attend the lottery. Students will be placed in the lottery for their home district school based on their home address. Families will receive a letter within a couple of weeks of the lottery letting them know if they have a slot for September 2024 or are on the wait list.
Linked below is the preschool lottery form. To enter the preschool lottery, complete the attached form and mail it to Renee Graca, Student Services Office, Hudson Public Schools, 155 Apsley Street, Hudson, MA 01749. The deadline for lottery applications is 4:00 p.m. on December 17, 2024. Please do not send the $65.00 deposit with your lottery application.
Renee Graca
Office of Student Services
155 Apsley Street
Lottery Letter and Form English
We are now one month into the 2024-2025 school year and I know that you have many hopes and dreams the days to come. To make sure those hopes and dreams are realized, I want to ask for your commitment to making sure your child attends school every day possible this year. The evidence is clear: children with good attendance are more likely to be successful in school and in life. Research shows that high attendance rates in elementary school are directly linked directly to high student achievement. Every day counts. Missing school even 10% of the time has a significant negative impact on reading and math achievement as children progress through school.
Good attendance starts early. Research has shown that the attendance habits established Kindergarten through Grade 2 have lasting effects on students throughout their education: children with high attendance in the early grades continue to have good attendance; and students with low attendance in the early grades are more likely to have low attendance—and lower academic performance—throughout their elementary and middle school years.
As caregivers, you are your child’s most influential teacher, I am asking for your support in helping your child get to school every day and to get to school on time by 8:35 every day. We realize that every family faces challenges. Please let your child’s teacher know if your family needs help dealing with a challenge to your child’s good school attendance. We will do our best to help you and your family ensure that your child’s school attendance stays on track.
Like last year, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has mandated that families, whose children have 5 or more absences or 5 or more tardies be formally notified, in written form, of their child’s attendance. While Farley keeps accurate records of which absences are “excused” and “unexcused” the DESE does NOT distinguish between “excused” and “unexcused” absences.
Each school in the district will be emailing these letters home twice month. Please do not worry if you have received one of these notifications. We understand that kids, especially elementary age, get sick more often, have medical appointments, etc. We also understand that Covid-19 and the flu are still an issue. Farley staff always reaches out personally if attendance or tardies are a true concern. We like to work with families to help rectify any attendance issues that arise.
For the safety and well-being of both students and staff, the Farley teachers at car pick-up and drop-off kindly ask that drivers not use cell phones while in line. They would like caregivers to refrain from taking pictures and videos of kids walking into school as well. Thank you in advance for help with this.
Students get Paw Print Stickers for going above and beyond. When a staff member "catches" them doing something spectacular, they get two stickers-one to wear and one to put on their homeroom Fox poster. When their classroom Fox poster fills up with stickers, they get to have a classroom celebration. If you see a paw print on your child's clothing or backpack, please ask them what good deed they did to receive the sticker!
A few of the residents who live on Lincoln Street asked me to remind all car pick-up drivers, to please refrain from parking in front of the driveways on Packard or Lincoln Streets while waiting for pickup. Blocking driveways makes it difficult for residents to access their homes. Within the next few weeks, car pick-up will be so fast that this shouldn't be problem. But for now, please be mindful of where your care is idling. The residents thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Farley Elementary School prepares all of its students with the academic and social-emotional skills they need to thrive as thoughtful, creative, and curious citizens who value diversity and lifelong learning.
Farley Elementary School is a safe and inclusive community where everyone feels seen and valued. We inspire and empower all of our members to grow, explore, and ignite a love of learning. We value creativity, curiosity, global citizenship, and equity and believe our cultural and linguistic diversity makes us stronger.
Farley Elementary School
Email: rscanlon@hudson.k12.ma.us
Website: https://cafarley.hudson.k12.ma.us/
Location: 119 Cottage Street, Hudson, MA, USA
Phone: 978-567-6153
District Resources:
Civil Rights Coordinator- Jennifer Allard jnallard@hudson.k12.ma.us
Title IX Coordinator- Jennifer Allard jnallard@hudson.k12.ma.us
Director of Student Services- Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
District 504 Coordinator-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
McKinney Vento Contact-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
Foster Care Point of Contact-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us