Pony Express
Week of May 13-19, 2024
In this Issue
Newest Updates in BOLD
- Principal's Update
- Happening This Week at O. Henry
- Mustang News- Episode 31
- Counselor Corner- 6th Grade Reminder for Immunizations, AVID Summer Bridge, Updated 24-25 Transition Newsletter
- Athletic and PE News- SY24-25-Cross Country, 8th gr CC at AHS
- Fine Art News- Art in Action, Freshman Band
- PTA Updates-8th Grade Save the Date
- Other Campus and AISD News: Attendance, Enrollment for 24-25 School Year, Bell Schedule, AISD Calendar, Transportation, Charger Replacement
AISD Health Services, Weather Guidelines - Summer Camps and Summer Enrichment
Principal's Update
Mustang Families,
Thank you to everyone who came out to our Fine Arts Celebration on Tuesday evening. It was so much fun to celebrate Art, Band, Choir, Dance, Guitar, Orchestra, and Theatre performances. Our Mustangs sure do have talent. A special thanks to all our Directors and Teachers who hosted a great showcase.
Our Mustangs will be finishing up Final Exams and Projects this week. Grades will close this FRIDAY, May 17th and teachers will be finalizing the 4th Grading Period by next Tuesday. Thank you for finishing the semester strong.
We are looking forward to the last week of celebrations and recognitions. This week we will celebrate our new and returning National Junior Honor Society Inductees on Wednesday night, our 8th graders will have their End of the Year Celebration and Dance on Friday night, and next Monday we will head out on End of the Year Field Trips
As the end of the school year approaches, we are excited to announce our upcoming field trips! These trips are a fantastic opportunity for us to celebrate the end of the year together, explore new places, and create lasting memories.
6th Grade: Epic Fun
7th Grade: Austin Parks and Pizza
8th Grade: Typhoon Texas-- departure is at 8:30 a.m.
We look forward to experiencing these adventures with you all and creating unforgettable memories together! We encourage all students to participate, as these trips are a wonderful way to celebrate the end of another successful school year. All staff members will be attending this school year and there will not be any instructional activities at school that day.
Make it a great week to be an O. Henry Mustang!
Marlo Malott
Happening This Week Around Campus
Monday, May 13-A Day
- 5th Period- STIR Time
- 4:00 HW Club
Tuesday,- May 14-B Day
- 5th Period Leader In Me Lesson 13
- 4:00- HW Club
Wednesday, May 15- A Day
- 4:00- HW Club
- 6:00 NJHS Induction Ceremony in Cafe
Thursday, May 16-B Day
- 4:00-HW Club, DND
Friday, May 17-C Day
- 5th Period-Mustang News
- 7:00 EOY 8th Grade Dance and Celebration
5/20: EOY FT **
5/21 TSI Testing for 8th Graders
5/21: Grades Due at 5:00
5/22: Athletics Ceremony
5/23: 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony at 10:30 AM, Mustang Day for all students
Counseling Corner
Nurse News--Attention Current 6th Grade Families
Attention Current 6th Grade Families
This is a friendly reminder to Parents/Guardians of upcoming seventh grade students to turn in proof of the following vaccinations before the beginning of the 24/25 school year. State law requires one dose of the meningococcal conjugate (MCV4) vaccine and one dose (booster) of the tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine for all students. More information can be found at School and Childcare | Texas DSHS. Please reach out to the school nurse at if you have specific questions regarding your child's immunization records.
Attention 7th and 8th Graders: Cross Country Fall 2024
Attention 7th and 8th Graders:
Join the Cross Country team this fall! The 2024 season starts in mid-August and ends in early October. We practice at 7 AM at the OH track 2 -3 days per week. If you are interested in running this fall, start now by running over the summer. Run middle to long distances with a friend, family member, or on your own. Please email Ms. Parker for more information or to be added to the mailing list. jenny.parker@austinisd.org.
Attention 8th Graders- Cross Country SY-24-25
Are you interested in running cross country at Austin High? If so, please come out and train with us this summer. The best time to train for fall cross country is June, July, and August! Many students will travel and be in and out of Austin, but developing your aerobic base is important. Come when you can. We will meet at the sand volleyball courts in Zilker Park at 7:30- 9 am Monday through Thursday. There will also be an optional long run on the weekend for those who want to build endurance. We will have fun doing drills, running, core work, getting to know other athletes, playing volleyball, and jumping in Barton Springs. Training starts Monday, June 3rd.
There will be a free camp for middle school athletes (incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th graders) from 7:30-9 am Monday through Thursday during the week of June 17-20. Come run with us!
ALSO- get your physical for next year out of the way for $20 by coming to Austin High on Tuesday, May 7th. Please complete the forms link (flyer is attached)
Questions? Contact brandon.batiansila@austinisd.org
If you are an 8th grader coming to AHS, join our BAND APP for updates, practice info, and meets. See QR code.
Art in Action
Austin HS Band Marching Camps for Incoming Freshmen
Congratulations to our very own Principal of the Year!
In case you haven't heard, AISD named Principal Malott as "Principal of the Year" last week at their annual district meeting. O.Henry PTA could not be prouder! We congratulate Principal Malott and salute her ongoing dedication to student excellence, achievement and community building at O.Henry Middle School. Go Mustangs!
O.Henry PTA Scholarships for Seniors!
O.Henry PTA Scholarships for High School Seniors
Do you know a senior in high school who has fond memories of their years at O.Henry Middle School? In recognition of the outstanding students that O.Henry produces, our PTA offers two college scholarships for graduating AISD seniors who attended O.Henry Middle School for at least two years. The one-year scholarships are paid directly to the college that the two awardees will attend. Details on how to apply for the two $500 OHenry PTA Scholarships can be found HERE. Applications are due by May 1, 2024. Questions? Please contact Melanie Dow at mdow722@gmail.com
8th Grade Graduation Luau is next week!
8th Grade Graduation Luau is next week!
Please mark your calendars for the end of year celebration for the 8th Grade Class on Friday, May 17, 7-8:30 p.m. at the O.Henry Gym. We also need parent volunteers, please sign up to help make this celebration a success. Sign up below, or
contact 8th Grade Recognition Chairs Jahnna Peeler and Dalton Young
Friday, May 17, 8:30 a.m.
For current and incoming Mustang parents - all are welcome!
Please join on Friday, May 17, 8:30-9:30 am to meet and welcome new families to O.Henry for the 2024-25 school year.
June 24-27 Austin High coaching staff will offer elementary (3-6th) and middle school camp (7-9th) skills and fundamentals camp. All equipment provided, $150 for the week. To learn more and register, go to https://austinisd.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/34842/63/False/Trueand search for Lady Maroons Summer Camp.
Austin High Summer Basketball Camp 2024
Austin High Summer Basketball Camp 2024
When: June 17th – June 21, 2024
Where: Austin High School Gymnasium
Who: Boys entering 3rd – 6th grades 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Boys entering 7th – 9th grades 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Cost: $125 per camper
Other Campus and AISD News
Attendance and Absence Reporting
Feeling Sick?
NEW AISD Enrollment System
All families should enroll in school for next year.
Why is matters?
School budgets are based on enrollments. For O. Henry this impacts the number of courses we can offer and the number of teachers and staff members we can hire.
For students applying to high schools, an application may be necessary, This is due on February 6th.
Weather Guidelines for PE and Athletics
Please plan on dressing for the ever changing Texas weather. We expect students to be prepared to be outside. We encourage sweatpants, hoodies, coats, beanies, etc whatever else is needed to feel comfortable.
Regular Bell Schedule 2023-2024
Transportation and Traffic
Car Riders: To keep traffic flowing, follow the arrows on the map below. Be patient, student safety is our most important priority. To keep our Mustangs safe, do not drop off in back bus lot. If pickup is altered due to bad weather, a Schoolmessenger alert will go out from the Principal.
Bus Riders: Bus riders may only ride their assigned bus. Use the Bus Finder page to check which route you are assigned. Buses leave promptly at 3:57 PM each day - information about late buses will be available in coming weeks. Buses drop off and pick up on the east side of campus. For additional questions about transportation see AISD's website here.
Walkers/Bike Riders: If walking or biking to school please be safe and use crosswalks to get across streets. Bike racks are available for student use.
Local Enrichment Opportunities
June 24-27 - Middle School Summer Camp Opportunity with Austin High Lady Maroons.
Austin High coaching staff will offer elementary (3-6th) and middle school camp (7-9th) skills and fundamentals camp. All equipment provided, $150 for the week. To learn more and register, go to https://austinisd.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/34842/63/False/Trueand search for Lady Maroons Summer Camp.
Water Polo to a Meet and Greet event on 5/19.
Austin High would like to invite any 8th grade mustangs interested in water polo to a Meet and Greet event on 5/19.
Future Maroons! Are you interested in water polo? Austin High has a girls and boys team and is always looking for new players.
No experience necessary, just strong swim skills. Please join us for a Meet and Greet event on May 19 (Sunday) from 5 pm - 8 pm to learn more about the exciting sport of water polo and the AHS teams. E-mail Coach Drew Calver drew.calver@austinisd.org or parent Michele Murphy michelemooremurphy@gmail.com for more details/location.
AHS Summer Golf Program
Austin High Feeder Schools,
My name is Nick Lebo and I'm the Head Golf Coach at Austin High. Each year we offer a golf camp for our elementary feeder students. The camp is an official AISD event and all funds raised go directly to the Austin High Golf Team. Would you be willing to send out the following information in your campus newsletter or PTSA communications?
Loyal Forever!
Nick Lebo
Calling all future Maroons to join us this summer at Jimmy Clay Golf Course for AHS Mini-Maroons Golf Camp. This camp is open to all K-5th grade students and is intended for golfers of all skill levels from beginners to advanced. The dates of the camp are 5/28-5/30 from 9am to noon.
Please RSVP and make payment using one of the methods below. If you have any questions, please see the attached flyer and/or email Head Golf Coach Nick Lebo at nick.lebo@austinisd.org
RSVP: bit.ly/MiniMaroonRSVP
Venmo $250 to MaroonsGolfers
Request a Credit Card invoice through Square by emailing Lauren at ahsgolfbooster@gmail.com
Bring a check made out to Austin High Golf Boosters to the first day of camp
Coach Lebo
Performance Course
Performance Course visited with O.Henry Middle School Athletics recently about an upcoming opportunity for athletic development that will be taking place this Summer! This program was developed by Performance Course to offer athletes the opportunity to develop both physically and mentally.
PC takes a goal-oriented approach to develop speed, agility, mobility, functional strength and power. Performance nutrition, character development, mental preparation and goal setting techniques are also included in the curriculum to develop the whole athlete!
We want to ensure all athletes have the opportunity to participate. To receive more information from Performance Course, please fill out this link:
and select “SUMMER” and “AUSTIN”. This will ensure you receive information about the summer!
LINK TO REGISTER: https://www.performancecourse.com/school-district/austin-isd
If you have any questions or need help with registration, please contact the Austin High Performance Course Director, Dylan Hall (mail to: dhall@performancecourse.com) and he will be glad to assist you.
Thanks and we hope your child has the opportunity to participate!
AHS Baseball
ATTN: Baseball Players
If you are a rising freshman and would like to play baseball next year at Austin High School - please fill out this form and a coach will be in touch with you soon.
Please contact Sherrill Deering with questions. Sherrilldeering@yahoo.com
O. Henry Middle School
Website: https://ohenry.austinschools.org/
Location: 2610 West 10th Street, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-3229
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ohenryms
Twitter: @Ohenryms