Madonna Catholic School News
December 20, 2024
Dear Madonna Catholic School Community,
As we enter the joyous season of Christmas and Advent, we would like to express our gratitude for your continued support and partnership in nurturing our young learners. This is a time for reflection, celebration, and giving thanks, and we are so thankful for the wonderful children and families who make up our school community.Your dedication enriches our school and inspires us daily.
The Advent season reminds us of the importance of hope, peace, joy, and love. As we celebrate the birth of Christ and the spirit of Christmas, we encourage you to share these values with your children in special ways—through acts of kindness, moments of reflection, and, of course, family traditions. May this Christmas bring rest, comfort, and cherished moments with loved ones. For those traveling, we wish you safety and peace throughout your journey.
We look forward to welcoming our students back on Monday, January 6, refreshed and ready for a new year of learning and growth and we look forward to the wonderful things the new year will bring.
Wishing you a blessed and joyful Christmas,
The Admin Team and Staff at Madonna Catholic School
What's Ahead!
Christmas Break and a Happy New Yearf! December 21 - January 5
Monday, January 6
- Return to classes
Wednesday, January 8
- Spirit Days .... wear PJ's
Thursday January 9
- Preist visit from OLPH Parish this morning - prayer club at recess
Wednesday, January 15
- Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00pm Virtual Link
Friday, January 17
- Eucharistic Adoration and Mass 9:30am
Thursday, January 23
- Open House for 2025 Pre K, Kindergarten and Cogito Programs @ 6:00pm
Meet the Madonna Shepherd
Willis is finding the light of life!
Christmas is almost here!
Willis found the fountain!
Willis needs some guidance from Jesus!
Willis in the manger on December 20th
May you have a blessed Christmas season and may the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of his love be yours.
Madonna Prayer Club - Thank you for supporting our school!
Learning through Discovery in Pre-Kindergarten!
Kindergarten Fun!
Kindergarten and Grade 4 Buddies making Christmas Tree Sculptures!
Hop Aboard the Polar Express with 1SW
Kindergarten candy cane science and graphing
Telus World of Science Grade 2
Minute to Win it with 2L!
Actions for Healthy Communities
This month our partners at Actions for Healthy Communities came to work with students to chat about Christmas traditions in Canada and to create their own ornaments.
Kindergarten and 2M making Christmas Cards for the Strathcona Food Bank
These will be included in Christmas hampers to spread joy!
Poinsetta Giveaway!
Congratulations to the winners of the the two Poinsettia's .... Mom of Kolt S. in Mrs. Cholak's Kindergarten and Mom of Percy S. in Mrs. Maclean's grade 2 class. Thank you for participating!
OLPH Children's Christmas Trees! Three beautiful Christmas Trees have been donated to the parish and are set up in our entrance foyer for the CHILDREN & YOUTH of our parish to decorate!
We invite all the children to MAKE ORNAMENTS and come hang then on the trees when you come for Advent and Christmas Masses. Let’s see your CRAFTS!
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.