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Principal's Update
Dear LP Families,
We have had a busy first week back from break. The kids have slowly acclimated back into their learning modes. We know next week will be even better. We have some really great things planned for the month of January. We will finally celebrate our musicians during their upcoming Winter concerts and begin our 5-week Black History celebration of learning. Stay tuned for some fun updates around that.
I do hope this new year brings us all a sense of normalcy and good health...a principal can hope right?!
Enjoy your weekend,
Dr. Bello
Weekly Highlights!
Fort Day!
It's almost time...
Find your JOY!
New year, new App!
News from Mr. Trumpowsky and Mr. Savine!
We are so looking forward to our 3rd and 4th grade winter concert next week!
January 12- 6:00 PM- Grade 3 Winter Chorus
January 12- 7:30 PM -Grade 4 Winter Chorus
January 20- 7:00 PM- Grade 5 Winter Band and Chorus Concert
All performances will be held at the Eastridge High School Auditorium.
News from Mrs. Costello
Tuesday was National Spaghetti Day! It was only fitting that this week's Lunch and Learn students got to listen to stories about spaghetti and make crafts. Students listened to Spaghetti in my Hotdog Bun and Spaghetti Eddie, and then were challenged to build the tallest marshmallow and spaghetti tower! It was also an exciting week for book checkout as students have been learning how to use our new Self-Checkout Station. After finding their books, students can head over, scan their new library cards and checkout their books. They are loving their independence!
News from Mrs. Ryan-Taillie!
Intramurals are starting!
Dear Parents/Guardians:
We will be offering a morning intramural program that runs from 7:30-8:20am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Each grade level will have designated dates for 9 consecutive weeks. Activities will vary but the objective is to provide our students with an additional opportunity to move and to socialize with peers. If your child is interested in this program, please sign the consent form that went home this week and send it back to school with your student by Tuesday, October 19, 2021. Students are required to wear sneakers and to bring a positive attitude . We hope you encourage your child to take advantage of this free opportunity.
The dates for each grade level are indicated below.
5th GRADE-10/19 & 10/20, 10/26 & 10/27, 11/2 & 11/3, 11/9 & 11/10, 11/16 &11/17
OFF 11/22 & 11/23- Thanksgiving Break
11/30 & 12/1, 12/7 & 12/8, 12/14 & 12/15, 12/21 & 12/22
4th GRADE-1/4 & 1/5, 1/11 & 1/12, 1/18 & 1/19, 1/25 & 1/26, 2/1 & 2/2, 2/8 & 2/9, 2/15 & 2/16
3/1 & 3/2, 3/8 & 3/9
3rd GRADE- 3/15 & 3/16, 3/22 & 3/23, 3/29 & 3/30, 4/5 & 4/6, 4/12 & 4/13,
OFF 4/19 & 4/20 -SPRING RECESS
4/26 & 4/27, 5/3 & 5/4, 5/10 & 5/11, 5/17 & 5/18.
Did you know?!
Look for @LaureltonPE on Twitter!
A Note from Ms. McAllister!
No new updates this week!
January PTA meeting
**Please note: this is a calendar change as the original meeting was scheduled the same day as the 5th grade Winter concert.
Upcoming Events
January 11: 4th grade intramurals
January 12: 4th grade intramurals
January 12- 6:00 PM- Grade 3 Winter Chorus (EHS Auditorium)
January 12- 7:30 PM -Grade 4 Winter Chorus (EHS Auditorium)
January 17: No school; Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 18: 4th grade intramurals
January 19: 4th grade intramurals
January 20- 7:00 PM- Grade 5 Winter Band and Chorus Concert (EHS Auditorium)
January 25: 4th grade intramurals
January 26: 4th grade intramurals
Old but Important Information!
Follow us on social media: Facebook
Report Card Update:
Dear Parents,
Our district hopes this letter finds your families happy and healthy. Enclosed you will find a paper copy of your child’s report card. You will also receive a paper copy of the report card in March. However, for the final report card in June, we will not be sending a paper copy. At that time, we will ask that you access your child’s report card through the parent portal in Infinite Campus. You will need a parent portal account to do this. Below are the directions on how to create a parent portal account. If you already have a parent portal account, you can access the report card now in the portal.
We felt it was important to communicate this now, so we have time to support you in this transition. We will resend these directions in March and principals will continue to share this information in their building communications. In June, if you need a paper copy, we will most certainly respond to this request. We will send more details as that final marking period comes to a close.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Terri Robson
Parent Portal Instructions:
In order to create a parent portal account, you will need to have an email address on file with the district before you begin. If you do not already have an email address on file with the district you will need to call the main office of your student's school from a phone number associated with you and your student in order for them to update your information. If you have neither an email address nor phone number on file with the district, you will need to visit your student's main office in person.
- Visit www.eastiron.org, click on the Infinite Campus link, select Campus Parent and click the "Click here to request a parent portal activation key" link on the Campus Parent homepage. You may also choose to go directly to the URL below.
https://ic.eastiron.monroe.edu/campus/portal/custom/requestActivation.jsp - Enter the email address that you provided to the district in the box and click the "Submit" button.
- You will receive an email with your activation key.
- Click the "New User" link on the Campus Parent homepage (refer to step 1 if necessary).
- Enter your activation key in the box and click the "Submit" button.
- Enter your desired username, password, confirm your password and click the "Submit" button.
Update on testing!
On December 3rd, The New York State Department of Health provided an update regarding the type of tests that can be used to permit return to school after COVID symptoms. No longer will a negative NAAT (PCR) test be required to return to school following COVID symptoms, rather, a negative antigen (rapid, shallow nasal swab) or negative NAAT test will suffice. This change was made with the understanding that the turnaround time for some laboratory based NAATs has resulted in multiple day exclusions from school for people with symptoms.
**While rapid tests are now accepted to return to school, please note students are still expected to remain home while symptoms are present. If students come to school sick, school nurses are able to test students with a rapid test, but students will still be sent home and need to stay home until symptoms clear. Also, home kits cannot be used to provide a negative result. You will need to go through your own healthcare provider, school, county facility, or local pharmacy to produce a negative result.
For more information, please visit our district website.
A few reminders...
*It is important that you please call us as soon as you know your child tested positive for COVID. Many times, we are required to quarantine additional students due to lunch seating and the DOH may not get us the results right away.
*In order to clear the kids to ride the bus again, our school nurse needs the negative test results or clearance note from the doctor. If you get these documents after hours, Mrs. Wright will not get them until 8:00am which means the kids will not be cleared to ride the bus right away. Students will likely need a ride to school in this case.
We understand the challenges this places on families but appreciate your cooperation and support.
*iPad Protection* Please Read!
Dear LP Families,
First and most important, I hope this letter finds you well! I am reaching out to any families who have not yet filled out a Device Protection Plan or paid the $25 protection plan fee for your child’s iPad. Here are some frequently asked questions we have received about this plan:
Why would I need a Device Protection Plan?
Every student at Laurelton-Pardee is given an iPad to use for instruction at school, as well as at home. While this is a benefit for our students, the downside is accidents do happen and iPads are sometimes damaged or even lost. If this happens, and you do not have a Device Protection Plan, you could pay upwards of $300 for a damaged iPad and over $400 for a lost iPad! If you pay the $25 protection plan, these charges are significantly reduced. Please see the Program fee/Coverage section on the next page for more information!
How do I sign up for a Device Protection Plan?
Simply fill out the second page and return to the main office with $25 cash or check. You can also do this all online at: https://eicsd.revtrak.net
How often do I have to sign up for this?
You will need to fill out a form and submit $25 EVERY school year. The protection plan fee covers damage or replacement of the iPad for one school year.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. We really want to help our families avoid these high charges if possible and highly encourage you to take advantage of this protection plan.
Thank you,
Dr. Bello (Principal)
Just a reminder!
Laurelton-Pardee Intermediate School
Email: meghan_bello@eastiron.monroe.edu
Website: https://www.eastiron.org/Domain/11
Location: 600 Pardee Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: (585) 339-1370
Twitter: @LaureltonPardee