Red Stick Academy
May 2024
Site Leader Corner:
Knowing we only have 18 more school days left this year, I am sure you (and your child) are thinking about how you are going to spend your summer break. Go to the beach. Go camping. Spend time together as a family making memories. Your child is only 10 once (or whatever age he/she is). Make a vow to decrease your own personal screen time. How? Spend time reading together as a family. Go to the library and find a book (or two or three) that you want to listen to/read as a family. Take turns reading out loud. Ask questions about the story line. As you are cooking, include your child. Reading a recipe takes reading and math skills. Who knows? you might have a budding Ree Drummond or Guy Fieri in your kitchen. You should have received your child's iReady Spring Diagnostic already. Review it with your child and come up with a plan to fill in the gaps over the summer break so that when August rolls around, your child will hit the ground running and not grasping for straws to catch up. Your local library has many summer programming opportunities available that are FREE!
Parents Check Folders/PowerSchool for Grades
With the end of the year right around the corner (18 more school days left!), please be sure and monitor your child's grades. Please check PowerSchool and/or your child's folder that is sent home. We don't want any last minute surprises. We know your child is tired and ready for summer break. Help encourage him/her to persevere and end the year strong.
Spring Field Day!
Spring Field Day is this Friday! We have an even better field day planned for you and your child this year!
- Click here to signup to work a station or make a donation.
- We will eat as a campus next Friday on the front lawn starting at 11:15.
- Food services is scheduled to serve hot dogs and nachos for our students' lunch. YUM!
- The RSA parent organization is providing a "moon bounce" as a station. One of our second grade parents is giving our school a special deal. Thank you parents for loving on our students!
- We will have an ice cream truck on campus that day. Items are available for purchase for $3, $4 or $5. You are welcome to send $ with your child in a ziploc bag.
Thank you for helping us have the best field day ever!
Panda Paws: Your RSA Parent Organization News
A heartfelt thank you to all the parents and families for your incredible support and active participation throughout the year. Your contributions have truly made a difference in enriching our school community and enhancing the educational experience for our students. Thank you for your invaluable support and partnership in nurturing a thriving learning environment.
The following are a few year-end announcements.
RSA Parent Organization Meeting – Friday, May 3
Our last Parent Association Meeting for the year will be Friday, May 3 after carpool in the RSA Multi-Purpose Room. Please note that this will be a brief meeting to wrap up the school year. We hope to see you there!
The RSA Parent Association meets monthly after carpool in the Multi-purpose Room. The purpose of the meetings is to plan and organize schoolwide events. We would love to have as many parents as possible attend as your schedule permits. For more information on the Parent Association or to be added to the volunteer list, please contact Lydia Lafleur at 225-938-7949 or lafleurl@bellsouth.net.
Upcoming CommUNITY Events in May:
· Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6 to 10.
o To honor our dedicated educators, the Teacher Appreciation Committee is planning a week of special activities, including a Breakfast and Coffee Bar, a Build-Your-Own Bouquet Bar with a special spa treat, notes to teachers, and two lunches. An informational letter and email were sent home last week.
o We kindly invite you to consider a donation of $5, $10, $20, or any amount that you are comfortable with. You can make your donation through Friday, May 3, by using one of the following methods:
1. Cash or Check made payable to “BOSS” returned to the RSA Office.
2. Online and Cash App Options (Please include your child’s name with your remittance.)
· PayPal https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/93QiQ80iEt
· Cash App https://cash.app/$RSADonations
· Pizza Friday – Friday, 5/10
o Please contact Lydia at 225-938-7949 or lafleurl@bellsouth.net if you would like to help serve pizza.
Please contact the RSA office to let us know how you want to get involved or to share your ideas.
Thank you!
Tennis Shoes for PE
We know the weather is getting warmer and your child may want to wear sandals or crocs but they are not the best choice for PE and/or recess. Please keep your child safe by sending him/her in tennis shoes.
Change of Clothing
Please consider including a change of clothing in your child's backpack. Children in grades K-4 are more likely to spill food at lunch, get dirty at recess time and/or "get too busy" to get to the bathroom on time. This will help cut down on time spent out of class and you won't have to stop your day to bring in a clean pair of clothes.
Dress Code Reminders
Although RSA does not require uniform attire for our students, the school is eager to help children learn to discern modesty and discretion in choosing apparel appropriate for their age and activities. They will need parental assistance and guidance in choosing comfortable play clothes and shoes. No pajama pants unless it is a specifically designated dress day. Girls should wear shorts under skirts. Students should wear tennis shoes for physical education and/or recess.
Water Bottles!
Don't forget to send a refillable water bottle with your child each day. Water keeps your brain hydrated and it's hard to learn when you are thirsty and/or distracted by headaches. Per the handbook, please do not send your child with a sports drink or a sugary drink in their water bottle. Be sure your child's name is on the bottle. :)
EBR Bookmobile
Morning Arrival
- Students should be in their desks by 8:00 am.
- Please make sure to have your child at school before 8:00. You can drop off your child as early as 7:45. If you need early drop off, it starts at 7:30 and is $5/day.
- Late arrivals have to sign in at the administration office and be sent to class with a pass.
- If your child is out sick for 3+ days, please send them back to school with a mandatory doctor's note for an excused absence. If your child is out sick for 1-2 days, please send them back with a parent or doctor's note.
Absences and Makeup Work - Page 9 in the Handbook
If a student is to be absent, parents should notify the teacher by 9:00 am on the first day and every day of the absence. For anticipated absences, parents are asked to give notice well in advance to the principal. Notice can be given by phone, email, or in writing. For excused absences, students are given the same number of days as the number of days missed to make up a test or to turn in make-up work. Make-up tests will be given at the discretion of the teacher within the allotted days, and students may be required to report to school early or stay late to make up tests. However, if there is a test given or assignment due on the day the student returns that he or she knew about or reasonably should have known about during the absence, and if the student was present for the original instruction (not review) related to the test or assignment, then the returning student will take the test or turn in the assignment on the day of return.
For excused absences of five days or more, teachers and the principal will formulate a personalized make-up plan for the student. With prior notification, the principal may allow students to make pre-arrangements for family or student trips, although such absences will still be considered unexcused. In such a case, the student must take all tests in advance of the trip and must turn in all work occurring during the trip immediately upon return to school. In any case of a missed test, for whatever reason, a make-up test may be different than the original test given to the rest of the class.
Administration of Medication
Please do not send medication in your child's backpack. All medication (prescription and over the counter) should be administered through the front desk. Please see the form below for your convenience.
PowerSchool and Schoology
School Dismissal
- School finishes at 3:00 pm.
- If there is any change in your child’s transportation schedule, please submit it in written form, so we can adjust accordingly.
- Aftercare begins as soon as carline is over. The first 20 minutes is dedicated homework time.
- Aftercare is provided until 5:00 p.m. for $15/day or $50/week.
Afterschool ELA/Math Lab
Afternoon Carline
- Thank you for remembering to use your hands free connection while in carline.
- We appreciate you showing your carline sign on your rearview mirror up until the time your child gets into the vehicle.
- Please stay in your vehicle.
- Please pull up close to the vehicle in front of you.
- If you are not inside the gate, help us keep the line off of Jefferson Highway by creating two lines and take turns going into the gate.
May Birthdays
5/7. Nur (1st)
5/10 Rose (2nd); Berlin (3rd)
5/15 Elijah (2nd)
5/17 Shara Brown
5/19 Clinton (1st)
5/20 Huxley (2nd)
5/29 Coco (Kinder)
EBR Bookmobile
9AM: 3rd
9:10: 4th
9:30: Kinder
9:40: 1st
9:50: 2nd
10:00: 7th
10:10: 8th
10:20: 5th
10:30: 6th
Friday, May 3, 2024, 09:00 AM
RSA Parent Meeting
Our next Parent Association Meeting will be Friday, May 3 after carpool in the RSA Multi-Purpose Room. We hope to see you there!
The RSA Parent Association meets monthly after carpool in the Multi-purpose Room. The purpose of the meetings is to plan and organize schoolwide events. We would love to have as many parents as possible attend as your schedule permits. For more information on the Parent Association or to be added to the volunteer list, please contact Lydia Lafleur at 225-938-7949 or lafleurl@bellsouth.net.
Friday, May 3, 2024, 08:15 AM
Spring Field Day
Sign up here to help make it a success!
Friday, May 3, 2024, 11:45 AM
Teacher Appreciation Week
Monday: breakfast
Tuesday: flower bar and bath salts
Wednesday: Lunch Buffet donated by Cork's Seafood
Thursday: Lunch Buffet from Izzo's Illegal Burrito's
Friday: Notes from students to teachers
Monday, May 6, 2024, 08:00 AM
Pizza Friday
Look for order form to come home with your child 5/6. Orders must be in by 3:15 5/9.
Friday, May 10, 2024, 11:00 AM
6455 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Spring Fine Arts Festival, Awards Ceremony & 8th Grade Recognition
Mark your calendar now and plan to attend. We will be recognizing our music, visual arts, special awards and 8th grade.
Monday, May 13, 2024, 06:00 PM
Jefferson Baptist Church, Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
MS Spring Final Exams
6-8th grades will be taking finals (one a day) starting 5/16-5/21. Students are encouraged to leave after their final exam to go home and prepare for the next day.
Thursday 5/16: ELA
Friday 5/17: Math
Monday 5/20: Social Studies
Tuesday, 5/21: Science
Thursday, May 16, 2024, 08:00 AM
Grade Level End of Year Parties
More information will be coming home soon
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 07:00 AM
Last Day for Students
Noon dismissal for all. No aftercare.
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 12:00 PM
SY 23-24 Final Report Cards
Will be mailed home today
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 12:00 PM
6455 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
About RSA
Email: info@redstick.academy
Website: https://redstick.academy
Location: 6455 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 70806
Phone: (225) 960-1370
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedStickAcademyOfficial