September 2024 Edition

Associate Director of Federal Programs and Leadership
Director of School Safety & Security
Title I, Part A / Parent & Family Engagement (PFE)
Career & Technical Education (CTE)
McKinney-Vento TEHCY / Title I, Part C Migrant
Bilingual/ESL - Title III, Part A
Counseling Services & Title IV Mental/Behavior Health
Title I, Part A/ Title I, Part D/ Title II/PNP
AI Meeting Assistant - ESC Zoom Meetings
It has come to our attention that there is an “AI meeting assistant” product that, on your behalf and under your name, automatically “joins meetings, records audio, writes notes, captures slides, generates summaries, and answers questions” while in a Zoom meeting. If you are using this product, we are requesting that you not utilize it for ESC meetings. If an ESC team member notices that the product is being used, you will be removed from the virtual meeting.
Tailor-Made Days
Tailor-made days can be used to help support your Federal Programs Department
by providing training in the following areas:
- Title I, Part A
- Collaborative Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CCNA)
- District Improvement Plan (DIP)
- Campus Improvement Plan (CIP)
- Parent and Family Engagement (PFE plans)
- Title II, Part A
- Private Nonprofit (PNP)
- McKinney Vento
- Title III, Part A - ESL/Bilingual
- Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- Counseling Services
Click on the flyer to join the monthly Zoom chat sessions.
Professional Development Opportunities
2023-2024 Random Validation Resubmission Updates and Reminders
LEAs that received an “Improvement Needed” status are required to resubmit documentation showing evidence of compliance for the 2024-2025 year by September 30, 2024. In the July 29, 2024, email, LEAs were provided with a link to access the timeline and documentation submission instructions. The program-specific handbooks can be found on the FPC RV Webpage. LEAs will be submitting documentation using the FPC Program Monitoring Validations WorkApp system (see screenshot).
Save the Dates: 2024-2025 FPC Program Monitoring Validations Process Informational Session
LEA Statewide Virtual Informational Session:
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 (1:30 pm CT – 3:30 pm CT)
Session Registration Link: https://txr20.escworks.net/catalog/session.aspx?session_id=105155
Year Five USDE ESSER Annual Performance Reporting - Phase I Launch
2023-2024 ESSA Consolidated Compliance Reports
The 2023-2024 ESSA Consolidated Compliance Reports opened in TEAL on July 29, 2024, and are due on September 30, 2024. The Federal Program Compliance Division has updated two resources for you to review ahead of the soon-to-be-released 2023-2024 ESSA Consolidated Compliance Reports. Please review the following resources and let me know if you have any questions.
*Reports submitted after the due date or not submitted will result in points added to the LEA's risk assessment.
2023-2024 Rural and Low-Income Schools Report
The 2023-2024 Rural and Low-Income Schools Grant program compliance report is required for LEAs that applied for funding in the 2023-2024 grant year. Reports are due via eGrants by September 30, 2024.
The following resources are available on TEA website: Mockups, Instructions, and Videos
Contact: Nez Paniagua-Jimenez, essasupport@tea.texas.gov
2024-2025 SC5000 – Title I, Part A Campus Selection Schedule Review
The review of the 2024-2025 SC5000-Title I, Part A Campus selection schedule for potential areas of noncompliance will take place in October. LEAs with potential areas of noncompliance will be notified of such issues via an auto-generated email from the FPC WorkApp system in mid-November 2024.
Resource: Average Number of Days Served
A resource produced by The National Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Neglected or Delinquent Children and Youth. The Reporting Tool: Calculating Average Number of Days Served provides guidance and examples of how to report data requested by the U.S. Department of Education. We hope this tool will aid in filling out the PR2000 due in 9/30/24.
Program Reminders
Title I, Part A (TIA)
Implement: Resubmission deadline for 2023-24 Random Validation documentation for those districts who received an "Improvement Needed" status (9-30-24).
- TIA activities for LEA campuses and eligible PNP students, as approved in application.
Monitor/Reporting: Consolidated Compliance Report for 2023-2024 is due on 9-30-2024.
- Periodically monitor campus program implementation timeline (i.e. coordination, parental involvement, and professional development activities.)
Title I, Part C (TIC)
ACTION REQUIRED: 2023-2024 ESSA Consolidated Compliance Report Data
Districts in ESC18s Migrant SSA Only:
In order to assist us in completing the ESSA Compliance Report (PR1200). If you would, please send me the following information, no later than September 20th.
- PR1200: Title I, Part C - Ed of Migratory Students
- Part 1: B. Program Activities and Expenditures
- Other Funds
- If any of the activities listed have been provided by your district, please write in the 'other fund' amount that the district used for that activity. Zero is an acceptable answer.
- #5 through #13 and #19 through #22 (see attached PR1200)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
(432) 567-3205 abalderrama@esc18.net
Plan: Identification and Recruitment planning for strategic use of recruiter’s time.
Implement: Conduct MEP activities approved in Consolidated Federal Grant Application; ensure alignment to ESSA Consolidated Application.
- Ensure coding of migratory students in PEIMS is correct.
- Run PFS report and submit it to ESC.
- Run Migrant P2s turning P3 report for Residency Verification
- Enroll Children with new COEs into TX-NGS
- Identify and recruit eligible migratory children in school and in the community year-round
- Provide updated list of migratory students with newly identified students to cafeteria manager.
- Respond to MISX move notifications within timelines.
- First Contact: Contact currently eligible families to determine if a new move has occurred.
- Complete PFS Action Plan
- Annual Training for ID&R and TX-NGS (And ensure all designated staff receive training for the current year from ESC)
- Complete Annual ID&R Online Course
Evaluation: Assessment of the MEP’s effectiveness/program evaluation (Best Practice-quarterly)
Title I, Part D (TID, sub 2)
Plan: Use previous year performance data to plan for current year.
- Prepare for the annual student count
- Program is considered with the DIP as appropriate as a reaction to needs identified.
Implement: LEA reviews TID Provisions and Assurances for program implementation fidelity.
- Identify items that need to be addressed for next year.
Monitor/Reporting: Monitor facilities as appropriate and by LEA’s schedule.
- Report on any new facilities as appropriate.
Evaluate: Program outcomes and deliverables
- Review last year’s program outcomes and prepare for current year implementation.
2024-2025 PNP Affirmations
Program Reminders
Title II, Part A (TIIA)
Plan: Planning for Meaningful Consultation, Coordination of Professional Development.
Implement: Work on the DIP description for TIIA activities and their alignment with challenging State Academic Standards and
- TIIA Meaningful Consultation
- TIIA PNP participation
- Deadline for re-submission of documentation if "Improvement Needed" status was received on Random Validation 2023-24.
Monitor/Reporting: Retain documentation that can be used to establish compliance.
- Compliance Report is due on 9-30-2024.
Evaluate: Meaningful Consultation.
Plan: Consult with Private School Officials on equitable services being provided for current year.
- Program Manager clarifies budget based on district applications and PNP consultation of needs.
- Send updated budgets for services to private school principals.
- LEA program manager clarifies budget based on district applications and PNP consultation needs.
- Sends updated budgets for equitable services to private school principals.
- Consult and plan on PNP TIIA professional development needs.
Implement: Ongoing consultation with PNP school officials to ensure services are being implemented for applicable program(s).
- Establish equitable services start date with participating PNP school officials and begin services with current fiscal year funds.
- LEA program instructor/third party contractor:
- Visis with principal for final determination of content area and grade levels to be served.
- Finalizes student rosters by verifying returning students on proposed roster.
- Adds students new to the school who are exhibiting academic need based on predetermined criteria.
- Develops instruction schedule-based times when instructor will be working with students.
Monitor: LEA Manager: consult with private school officials to review budgets for equitable services, program specifics, and timelines/deadlines.
- Consults with private school officials to review budgets for equitable services, program specifics, TIIA PD, upcoming timelines/deadlines.
- Confirm physical home addresses from PNP school officials of potentially eligible TIA students to verify residential eligibility.
- Program Instructor/Third Party Contractor maintain log of attendance with eligible students.
- LEA program instructor/third party contractor: continues instruction, submits student reports/attendance following LEA procedures, maintains documentation of ongoing consultation regarding schedules, student progress with private school staff.
- Affirmations of Consultation for PNPs due.
Evaluate: Consult with participating private school officials on Title program equitable services, implementation and effectiveness.
2024 Fall: Title I, II and Private Nonprofit Professional Development Schedule
Session# 562424 (AM)
Parent & Family Engagement Compliance Training: making Sense of Title I PFE Requirements
Session# 562425 (PM)
Parent & Family Engagement Compliance Training: Building Capacity
Session# 562435
Title I Basics: Program Overview, Use of Funds, & LEA/DIP Plans
Session# 562436
Title I Schoolwide Elements: CNAs, CIPs, and Evaluation of Effectiveness
Session# 562433
Private Nonprofit: Providing Equitable Services
Session# 562444
Title II Program Requirements and Use of Funds
Maria Mata, Consultant
For additional information, please take a moment to view this first edition of the
2024-2025 Bilingual/ESL/Title III Updates Newsletter.
Title IV, Part A, LEA Special Data Collection for Public Reporting
Report Guidance - ESSA Consolidated Compliance Reports Resources &
TEA Unsafe School Choice Option Guidance Handbook
TEA released information from the Department of Grant Compliance and Administration regarding the upcoming Title IV, Part A, LEA Special Data Collection for Public Reporting. This report OPENED on October 1, 2023, in the TEA WorkApp. Please use the link to access the TEA News Bulletin.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this required reporting, please don't hesitate to contact me and/or Ray Vasquez (ray.vasquez@esc18.net).
Program Reminders
Title IV, Part A (TIVA)
Plan: Consult with required stakeholders and gather input/feedback on the TIVA program and activities being supported with funds.
- Consult with private school officials on the TIVA program needs, objectives, intended outcomes, implementation, and effectiveness of equitable services provided.
Implement: Consult with required stakeholders and gather input/feedback on the TIVA program and activities being supported with funds.
- Set and prepare data collection/documentation for the TIVA program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness data for activities to be implemented the upcoming year.
- Share final TIVA program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness tool with stakeholders, for current year.
- Establish equitable services start date with participating PNP school officials and begin services with current fiscal year funds.
Monitor/Reporting: Consult with participating private school officials on TIVA program implementation and effectiveness of equitable services provided..
- For participating PNP’s monitor the use of TIVA program supplies, materials, and equipment to ensure use is secular, neutral, and non-ideological.
- Compliance Report due Random Validation process, for applicable program requirements.
Evaluate: Review program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness data for the activities funded with TIVA in the past year.
TAA - School Safety Allotment Data Collection and SAFE Grant Cycle 2 Information
School Safety Due Dates & Deadlines
- August 30, 2024 | Initial Intruder Detection Audit (IDA) District Verifications & Setup Due
- September 13, 2024 | School Safety Formula Grant Reporting Due
- August 30, 2024 | SY2023-2024 Bus Collision Reporting (Deadline extended)
- September 13, 2024 | SAFE Grant - Cycle 1 Reporting Due (if applicable)
- September 13, 2024 | SAFE Grant - Cycle 2 Reporting Due
- September 1, 2024 | All public school districts and charter schools MUST be in compliance with Minimum School Safety Standards.
- October 23, 2024 | Deadline Extended! Multi-Hazard EOP Basic Plan and Cybersecurity Annex submission deadline to TxSSC for all LEAs and open-enrollment charter schools. Connect with your TxSSC Regional EOP Specialist for more information.
- June 2, 2025 | Last Day to Amend SAFE Grant (Cycle 2 )
- August 31, 2025 | Grant End Date SAFE Grant (Cycle 2 )
- Distribute Safe Firearm Storage Resource letter to parents/guardians.
- Establish SSSP Team and conduct training before first day of school.
- Schedule fall Safety and Security Committee meeting. (SSSC Committee Guidelines)
- Office of School Safety Regional Contact Information
Safe & Supportive Schools Program Back-to-School Checklist
- Make data-based decisions to improve school climate
- Coordinate with other teams that serve the campus to align MTSS processes
- Ensure that team members have completed behavioral threat assessment training
- Determine the training for staff and students on identifying and reporting concerning behaviors
- Review SSSP data from previous years to improve school safety
- Support the School Safety and Security Committee with planning and implementation of the campus multihazard emergency operation plan and safety training for school staff
Resources: Safe and Supportive Schools (PDF Excel Spreadsheet)
Questions: Email safeandsupportiveschoolprogram@tea.texas.gov
TEA Sentinel - School Safety Dashboard
School Safety Dashboard Release: Sentinel will serve as the data reporting mechanism and repository for all safety and security-related data submitted by school district, open-enrollment charter school, campuses and other entities to TEA. This dashboard will be similar to last year's Intruder Detection Audit (IDA) Dashboard but all-encompassing for school safety. Login credentials are the same as what you used for the IDA Dashboard. Learn more
(Sentinel Update, June 27, 2024)
⭐NEXT STEPS⭐- Superintendent add district designee(s) to Sentinel platform.
- District designees participate in TEA webinars (August 14th, 1:00-2:00 PM | Zoom).
- District designee uploads district calendar into Sentinel (professional development days, school closures, early release days, etc). Requires manual upload, not PDF or file version.
- Four Primary Components of Sentinel
- Statewide Programs - school safety initiatives required by state statute and under the purview of TEA’s Office of School Safety and Security which include:
- Intruder Detection Audits,
- Behavioral Threat Assessments,
- District Vulnerability Assessments, and
- Emergency Management;
- Data Integration - connecting data from multiple sources across an organization to provide a complete, accurate and current dataset for data analysis and other applications and business processes;
- Tools and Resources - elements or components of the systems that the user can interact with or use to gain a better understanding of their work; and
- System Supports - elements and processes designed to facilitate the functioning, optimization and automation of the system.
- All BTA reports must be loaded into Sentinel.
- Districts are encouraged to review the District Vulnerability Assessment (DVA) rubric to determine how districts will be evaluated on school safety and mental health training, policies, and procedures.
For questions, information, or guidance related to this TAA, please contact the Office of School Safety and Security at SafeSchools@TEA.Texas.gov.
Updates & News
- AskTED Reminder: 2024-2025 AskTED update with new district/campus personnel for district programs, such as Business Manager, Counselor, Homeless Liaison, etc.
- The TEA Office of School Safety and Security will now be responsible for the Safe & Supportive School Program (SSSP) data collection due in June each year (data previously submitted to TxSSC). The TEA contact is Casey Stump, School Safety Data Analyst (casey.stump@tea.texas.gov).
- The TEA is committed to supporting LEAs in their efforts to improve the safety and security of school facilities. This TAA provides information related to the technology vendor directory referenced in TEC, Section §48.115.
- Texas has amended its education rules to require high schools to record student completion of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training on official transcripts. This change goes into effect on August 1, 2024. Previously, only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training was required to be documented. Adopted Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements, Subchapter A, Required Curriculum, §74.5, Academic Achievement Record (Transcript)
Texas has updated its education requirements to include AED (automated external defibrillator) training in addition to CPR for all students in grades 7-12. This change is effective August 1, 2024. Adopted Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements, Subchapter C, Other Provisions, §74.38, Requirements for Instruction in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Texas has updated its school safety regulations. The new rules, which go into effect on August 11, 2024, are based on recent state legislation (Senate Bill 838 and House Bill 3) and aim to improve security in public schools. Adopted Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 61, School Districts, Subchapter CC, Commissioner's Rules Concerning School Facilities, §61.1031, School Safety Requirements
House Bill 1525, passed in 2021, temporarily required schools to get written parental consent before providing human sexuality instruction to students. This requirement expired on August 1, 2024. However, even without this specific mandate, schools still have the authority to require parental consent for such instruction under existing Texas law. Also, before a student may receive any instruction related to the prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking a district must obtain written consent from the student’s parent. TAA: Updated Guidance on Parental Opt-In Requirement
Adopted Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 61, Commissioner’s Rules Concerning School Facilities | Effective Date: August 11, 2024 | Changes since published as proposed
Thank you,
Sherri Heiting
Educational Consultant - Counseling Services
Angie Balderrama, Consultant / Erin Casey-Richardson, Consultant
2024 - 2025 McKinney-Vento/TEHCY Professional Development Schedule
Professional Development Sessions for McKinney-Vento /TEHCY will be open for registration on September 1, 2024, so save those dates!
McKinney-Vento Homeless: Establishing a Successful Homeless Program
Session #562380
This session will provide participants with the knowledge on how to create and implement an effective McKinney-Vento program.
Session #562381
McKinney-Vento: Identification Indicators
This session will provide participants with terminology, proper identifiers, and PEIMS indicators regarding homeless students.
Session #562383
McKinney-Vento Homeless: School of Origin Transportation
This session will provide an in depth look at School of Origin Transportation to give participants a better understanding of the term 'School of Origin'. Ways to provide transportation support services will also be shared, along with resources,
Session #562384
McKinney-Vento: Identification Indicators
This session will provide participants with terminology, proper identifiers, and PEIMS indicators regarding homeless students.
Session #562385
McKinney-Vento: Developing a Data Driven Student Success Plan that includes Parent and Family Engagement
This session will provide participants with recommendations on how to design and implement a data driven student success plan.
Session #562386
McKinney-Vento: End of Year Review
This session will provide participants the opportunity to evaluate their McKinney-Vento program and build upon their strengths, needs, and improvements.
Highly Mobile and At-Risk Student Program Division Upcoming Webinars:
(Registration is Now Open!)
- Register for 2024-25 Quarterly Webinar #1 | Thursday, September 19, 2024
- Register for 2024-25 Quarterly Webinar #2 | Thursday, November 14, 2024
- Register for 2024-25 Quarterly Webinar #3 | Thursday, February 13, 2025
- Register for 2024-25 Quarterly Webinar #4 | Thursday, May 1, 2025
2024-2025 Programs of Study
Refreshed programs of study will be implemented beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. Changes to programs of study are additive and should not negatively impact students who have already started a program of study. Additional information is available on the programs of study webpage
Industry-Based Certifications for CCMR Accountability
On December 12, 2023, the Texas Workforce Commission’s three-member commission adopted the Industry-Based Certification (IBC) Advisory Council’s Inventory of Industry-Recognized Credentials to comply with Texas Labor Code Chapter 312. The chapter directs the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to provide a copy of the Industry-Recognized Credential Inventory to each school district and public institution of higher education that offers a career and technical education (CTE) program to public high school students. The IBC Advisory Council Inventory of Industry-Recognized Credential may be found at Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative.
While the TWC’s list of industry-recognized credentials may be used to provide additional opportunities to meet the educational and career goals of students, only the Texas Education Agency’s Industry-Based Certification List for Public School Accountability with aligned certifying entities may be entered into Texas Student Data System (TSDS) Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) and count toward the College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) calculations for accountability and for reimbursement requests. In the future, all certifications included on TWC’s inventory will be evaluated against criteria in 19 TAC §74.1003 for possible inclusion on the TEA’s list for public school accountability.