The Texan Star May 20th
Prairie Trail Elementary School Newsletter
LAST Day to Order WRAP PACKS FOR 2024-25 - June 16th
It’s hard to believe that we are already thinking ahead to next school year! But it is that time to get ahead of things and knock one thing off your Summer to-do-list by purchasing a school supply wrap pack!
The PTA provides this service to families and teachers to make sure you can get your supplies in an easy, no-stress way. One of the best benefits of wrap packs is that EPI guarantees their products and will replace them at no cost (think headphones!).
Just go to www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks
And enter code PRA013 (3 letters, 3 numbers) for our school list.
Questions? Email wrappacks@prairietrailpta.org
Please check your Lunch Account!
We have several students with outstanding cafeteria accounts. Please check to make sure your child does not owe any money. RevTrack Link
If you would like to donate to the Angel account, here is the link: https://lewisville.revtrak.net/r6#/v/ptes-angel-lunch-account-donation
Prairie Trail has about $300 in total money owed.
Countdown to 5th Grade
We are excited to celebrate our 5th graders with several activities over the next week. Please check out all that is going on above. You do not want to miss out!
Summer Reading Program - Earn BIG Rewards!
Ms. Howell wants everyone reading this summer. She has put together so great prizes for you to earn if you participate. Check out how you can earn a Hot Dog Cookout!
You can use the reading log she is sending home this week or use your own sheet of paper.
Yearbooks Delayed
Please see the letter from Balfour about the delay on our Yearbooks.
Valued Balfour Customer,
You are receiving this message because your Yearbook has been affected by unforeseen manufacturing delays, causing your books to be delivered after their originally scheduled dates. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and frustration this has caused.
We want you to know we are working hard to produce your books quickly and with great quality. In the meantime, we are working with your Yearbook Adviser on how to work through this challenging situation and move forward.
We want to acknowledge that these delays are not the fault of your Yearbook Adviser, Staff, or Sales Representative. They have worked diligently throughout the year, and your school should be proud of the work they have put into creating this publication.
Again, we sincerely apologize for the current situation. We know you will love your book when it arrives, and we have full confidence this will never occur again. We remain thankful for your continued patience and understanding and look forward to delivering your amazing yearbook.
Balfour Management Team
What Does the Delay with Yearbooks Mean?
We are very disappointed that Balfour will not be able to deliver the yearbooks before the end of this school year. They are sending autograph books for all students who ordered a yearbook. These will be given to students as soon as we receive them. The autograph books can be added to the yearbook like an additional page in the book.
At this time Balfour cannot give us a delivery date. However, as soon as we know when we are receiving the books, we will arrange a pick up date and time.
We are also working with PTA to set up a couple of spirit nights where students can pick up their yearbooks at the restaurant and have their friends sign. We could also do an evening at PTE on the playground for signing and catching up with friends.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please reach out to Stacey Domzalski at domzalskis@lisd.net. She will be able to help you.
Wendi Vaughn
August - Important Dates!
- 7th - find out who your child's teacher will be
- 7th - Kinder Parent University - 5:00-6:00 pm (parents only if possible)
- 8th - Kinder Meet the Teacher 4:15-5:15 pm - drop off school supplies, sign up for PTA
- 8th - 1st-5th Meet the Teacher 5:30-6:30 pm - drop off school supplies, sign up for PTA
- 9th - 1st Grade Parent University - 5:00-6:00 (parents only if possible)
- 13th - First Day of School - 1st-5th walk to class independently
- 13th - Kinder families sign-up for a time with their child's teacher to walk child to his/her classroom starting at 7:20 am
- 13th - PTA hosts Tears and Cheers for all families.
- 14th - All students will walk independently into school. We will have lots of people ready to help them get to the correct place.
- 15th - Individual School Picture Day
- 15th - 2nd Grade - Parent University - 5:00-6:00 (parents only if possible)
- 15th - 3rd Grade - Parent University - 6:00-7:00 (parents only if possible)
- 20th - 4th Grade - Parent University - 5:00-6:00 (parents only if possible)
- 20th - 5th Grade - Parent University - 6:00-7:00 (parents only if possible)
PTA Corner
SUPPORT PRAIRIE TRAIL ALL YEAR LONG with your Kroger & Office Depot rewards accounts (Walmart coming soon!):
Want to help raise funds for Prairie Trail with just one click?
It’s easy! Link your existing Kroger and/or Office Depot rewards accounts to Prairie Trail PTA and a portion of every purchase will go right back to the school!
For ALL the latest info & more upcoming events, hop on over to our PTA WEBSITE at www.prairietrailpta.org. 🌐👀
Follow us on FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM for daily updates, fun content, photos & more!
Marcus High School Summer Camps 2024
Please click this LINK to see all of the summer camps Marcus High School has available.
Support Marcus HS students as well as send your kids to some really fun activities this summer. They have cooking classes, dance, multiple sports, science, and more.
Some dates are not yet available.
PTE Picture Folder for 2023-2024
Have you missed an event that happened at PTE this year? Check out all the pictures from this school year at this LINK. Pictures are sometimes added a little later so you might check back to see if you missed any.
May Breakfast and Lunch Menus
May Elementary Breakfast Menu
May Elementary Lunch Menu
To get to your child's meal account: RevTrack link
2023-2024 LISD Calendar
School Schedule
Mark Your Calendar
- 21st - Last Day to order Wrap Packs
- 22nd - 5th Grade Celebration (Outside weather permitting) - 6:00-7:30
- 23rd - 5th Grade Final Walk - 9:05 am
- 23rd - No lunch visitors due to alternate schedule and early dismissal
- 23rd - Last Day of School & Early Release at 11:45 am
Kindness isn't just one week a year!
Need some ideas to keep the kind acts going? Check out the Random Acts of Kindness Calendar below. One kind act can change someone's day!
2024-2025 School Calendar (Next Year's)
The 2024-2025 School Calendar has been approved by the school board. Check it out at this LINK.
Stay Connected with us!
Email: prairietrail@lisd.net
Website: lisd.net/prairietrail
Location: 5555 Timber Creek Road, Flower Mound, TX, USA
Phone: (469)713-5980
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prairietrailes
X (Twitter): @PrairieTrailES