Table Talk
WPC's Weekly E-Newsletter (January 17, 2025 Edition)
Sunday Worship Times
8:15A Chapel Service
10:30AM Sanctuary Service & Online
Five Mantras for 2025
We’re only a few weeks into 2025, and already, it’s been a challenging start for many. Wildfires have caused devastation on the west coast, freezing temperatures and winter storms have gripped the east and south, and communities in the south are still recovering from hurricanes and floods. On top of these natural disasters, the upcoming presidential inauguration on Monday adds a layer of uncertainty for many as we wonder what the rest of the year will bring.
Couple all of that with the everyday challenges of life—illnesses, medical treatments, surgeries, work responsibilities, and family dynamics—and it’s no wonder the year feels a bit overwhelming. Life is complex and often messy, but in the midst of it all, God offers us hope, strength, and guidance.
To help us navigate these moments with grace and courage, I’d like to share five mantras—simple truths rooted in our faith. These reminders can encourage us as we move through the uncertainties of life, leaning on God’s presence and on one another in the days and months ahead.
I am not what others think of me.
Your worth is not determined by someone else’s opinion. God sees you as beloved, just as you are. Remember Psalm 139:14, which reminds us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Your value doesn’t come from meeting others’ expectations but from being created in the image of God.
Other people’s happiness is not my responsibility.
While we’re called to love and care for others, it’s not your job to make everyone happy. Jesus himself faced criticism and disappointment from those who misunderstood his mission (Luke 7:33-35). Despite this, he stayed grounded in his purpose. Follow his example by offering love and kindness without bearing the weight of others’ unhappiness.
I will not expect people to be different.
We all hope for transformation and growth—in ourselves and in those around us—but real change takes time. Consider the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). The father welcomed his wayward son back with open arms, not because the son had already changed, but because love and grace are patient. Trust God to work in others’ lives in God’s time.
I am smart, strong, and capable.
When life feels overwhelming, remember Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” God has equipped you with the wisdom and strength to face life’s challenges. You are never alone—God’s Spirit is always with you, guiding and empowering you.
I have awesome people in my life.
In times of difficulty, lean on the people who encourage you and remind you of God’s love. Think of Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 5:11: “Encourage one another and build each other up.” Your friends, family, and church community are gifts from God to walk alongside you in love and support.
Above all, let’s hold onto this truth: God loves us deeply, even in the messiness of life. As we journey through 2025 together, may we draw strength from our faith, comfort from our community, and hope from the God who walks with us through every moment.
See you in church!
Pastor Adam
Donna Parsons
Pete Mirich
Faye Kisak
Pete Kisak
Brenda Hughes
Vivian Naome
Amy Sorvillo
Aiden McVeigh
Bible Reading—Micah 6:1-8
Hear what the Lord says: Rise, plead your case before the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice. Hear, you mountains, the controversy of the Lord, and you enduring foundations of the earth; for the Lord has a controversy with his people, and he will contend with Israel. “O my people, what have I done to you? In what have I wearied you? Answer me! For I brought you up from the land of Egypt, and redeemed you from the house of slavery; and I sent before you Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. O my people, remember now what King Balak of Moab devised, what Balaam son of Beor answered him, and what happened from Shittim to Gilgal, that you may know the saving acts of the Lord.” “With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
“Second Sunday” Luncheon—Sunday, February 9
“First, we worship God. Then, we eat!”
Join us for our free “Soup-er Bowl Luncheon” in the fellowship hall, served immediately after the 10:30AM worship service. RSVP by calling the church office or by signing up in the atrium.Interested in Membership at WPC? Come Explore Sunday, Jan 26!
Are you wondering what the next step in your faith journey might look like? Want to learn more about our church? Join Pastor Adam today, Sunday, January 26, in the parlor room immediately after the 10:30AM worship service. (Head down the main hallway. Stop when you see the signage.) Learn about WPC, the beliefs and traditions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and hear about opportunities to serve, connect and grow. Also, bring your questions. No need to register; just show up!
2025 Rescue Mission Benefit Dinner
The Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley (a long-time local mission partner) is having its annual Benefit Dinner on Friday, Feb. 21, 6:00 pm, at Waypoint 4180, in Canfield. Last year, 30 of our Westminster family attended the dinner and enjoyed good food and fellowship, and received an update of the Rescue Mission’s work, along with personal testimonies of changed lives. The cost of the benefit dinner is $50 per person. The church is reserving tables (8 seats per) and you can reserve a seat(s) by calling or signing up in the church office by Thursday, Feb 13. Request that checks be made out to: "Westminster Presbyterian Church" and add "Rescue Mission" on the Memo line. Your WPC Mission Committee encourages you to be part of, what has been, and should be another fun and inspiring evening. If you have any questions or comments, contact Joe Parsons 330-503-8354 or email:
Want to join a small group?
Simply contact the group leader, and let them know you’re interested.
Church membership is NOT required for joining any group.
The early Church had a saying,
“unus Christianus, nullus Christianus.”
One Christian, no Christian.
The very fabric of our faith is experienced in community.
Youth (Grades 5-12) Sunday Morning Small Group, 9:15AM
Meet in the Youth Room for Relaxed Conversation & Prayer
Led by a Team of Adults
Gathering Opportunities for Youth (Grades 5-12)
January 19: Youth Gathering (Youth Lounge), 6-7:30PM
January 26: Youth Gathering (Youth Lounge), 6-7:30PM
Questions? Text Bevin Baker 330-774-0809
Help Sort Books—Helping with the Annual Book Sale
Volunteers are needed and appreciated as we do the ongoing work of sorting donated books for our yearly sale. All are welcome to help dust, categorize, and price books. Use the lower level parking lot and entrance doors to access the Multipurpose Room.
Next Sorting Date: January 20; February 3 & 17; March 3 & 17 (9-11AM)
Adult Sunday Morning Small Group, 9:15AM
Meet in the Parlor Room for Fellowship, Prayer, & Previewing the Day’s Sermon
Various Leaders. Church Office 330-758-4513
Young Adult Women’s Group—Tuesday Evenings, 6:30PM
Panera Bread (7121 South Avenue, Boardman)
Book Study/Bible Study led by Lindsay Rodgers, 724-893-6243 (call or text)
Contemporary Christian Issues Discussion Group, Wednesdays, 1PM
Gracious Conversations at the Intersection of Contemporary Life and the Christian Faith
Parlor Room Led by Susan Sheridan, or 330-507-9232
Weekly reading material for discussion is available by email or in the church office.Discussion for January 22: We’ll focus on how much can we really change and on forgiveness. Let’s learn to be a little gentler with ourselves as we navigate the world. From Christianity Today, “Can People Change? ‘Ted Lasso’ Revived an Ancient Debate. From The Corners, a Substack post by Nadia Bolz-Weber, an ordained Lutheran Pastor. (Content Warning: Pastor Nadia often uses coarse language in her writing, though she manages to behave herself in the pulpit. For that reason, redacted copies of the first of two of her articles presented for this session will be available on the counter in the church office. Regular attendees to the discussions are free to choose which version they prefer. The article will not be provided in emails to discussion members.) “1% less &#%!@?!” on Roy Kent, Unicorns and the Limit & Possibilities of Human Transformation”. And also from Pastor Nadia, “You’re always gonna be you.”
Young Adult Men’s Group—Tuesday Evenings, 6:30PM
Starbucks (7680 Market Street, Boardman)
Book Study/Bible Study led by Pastor Adam, 724-893-6244 (call or text)
Women’s Circle of Love (Adult Women’s Group)
3rd Tuesday of Month, 10AM, Hearth Room.
Fellowship, faith lessons, food, & laughs comprise these gatherings.
Questions? Call Patti Ward 330-398-1449 (c) 330-757-7591 (h)Older Adult Women Small Group—Monthly Lunch Gathering
Volunteer Opportunity: Our Community Kitchen
The 2nd Monday of the month we're needed to help serve lunch to hungry people at Our Community Kitchen (515 Mahoning Avenue). Each month we need 2-3 people who can assist from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. It's worth the effort, for them and for you! If you're interested, please call the office. Next date: February 10
[Way Too Early Preview] Small Group Opportunity Coming Lent 2025
Meet Your Bible: (Re)Introducing the Bible to Seekers, New Believers, and Longtime Followers. The purpose of the course will be to provide an overview of the Bible— exploring what it is and where it came from, helping adults understand the Bible's overarching story and their place in it. Designed for anyone curious about the Bible—whether you're exploring it for the first time, seeking a refresher, or hoping to deepen your understanding of how the Bible connects to our lives. This casual, low-pressure Bible study will welcome your questions and invite us to learn and grow together.
Music Notes
Fall/Winter Music Schedule
Chancel Choir—Thursdays, 7PM, Choir Room
New singers always welcome! There’s a chair for you in the choir room and space for you in the choir loft.
Handbell Choir—Thursdays, 6PM, Choir Room
New ringers are always welcome to come and learn a new music skill. It’s a fun activity and teaches rhythmic and music reading abilities.
Children’s Choir and Chime Choir (thru Grade 4)
2nd and 4th Sundays of the month (during 10:30AM worship services)
Children’s music time will resume during the January 12th worship service. Participating children work with choir chimes, rhythm instruments and learn traditional and new music.Annual Congregational Meeting—Sunday, Feb 23, 2024, 11:30AM
The Session of WPC approved a motion to call the Annual Meeting of the Congregation of WPC for Sunday, February 23, 2024, 11:30 AM. The meeting will be held in the sanctuary. Active church members will be counted as “present with both voice and voting privileges.” The purpose of the meeting is to present the annual report and to elect church officers. (Note: Hard copies of the latest Annual Report will be made available in the church atrium Sunday, February 16. Digital downloadable copies will be available as a part of the Friday e-newsletter, beginning Friday, February 14.)
Pray for your Hospitality Deacon Team
Thursday (Jan 23) the Hospitality Deacons will be attending an online conference with Pastor Adam called The Art of Hospitality. Cultivating a culture of hospitality is not only fundamental to any Christian community, it is essential to connecting with non-religious people. During the event, they’ll learn the principles and best practices of exceptional hospitality that are applicable to churches of all sizes, and receive practical tips and tools we can use in our church right away.
2025 Giving Envelopes Are Here for WPC Members & Friends
2025 Per Capita Information
Are you a member of WPC? If so, please consider making an extra contribution to WPC to cover your Per Capita for the year 2025. In 2025, Per Capita is $33.00/member.
($10.84 General Assembly; $3.40 Synod of the Covenant; $18.76 Eastminster Presbytery)
What is Per Capita? Per capita is a yearly contribution that each member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) is asked to give. It is set by the General Assembly (Book of Order, G-3.0106) and sometimes by synods and presbyteries. This contribution helps all Presbyterians share the costs of running the church and supporting its mission to follow Christ. Paying per capita is like contributing a dish to a potluck, sharing gas money on a road trip, or paying for shared services like electricity or the Internet. It’s a way for everyone to pitch in and support the community we are all part of. Nearly 70% of your per capita contribution will go to support the larger church’s mission and ministry here in Ohio and throughout the Mahoning County region.
WPC partners with Community Groups by providing rooms and space for folks to gather. All Community Groups have their own unique guidelines/rules/fees for participation. Please contact the groups directly for clarifying questions about involvement.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 8:30AM & Tuesdays, Thursdays, 5:30PM
Fellowship Hall, Contact Brenda Hughes, 330-402-1654 (call or text)
Balance Class
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:30 a.m. in Hearth Room
Contact Missey DiMattio, 330-885-2040 or Patti Ward, 330-398-1449 (call or text)
Recovery Groups
Al-Anon, Sundays, 7PM, Hearth Room or Pavilion (weather permitting)
Overeaters Anonymous (OA), Mondays, 7PM, Preschool Entrance
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Wednesdays, 7:30PM (Closed Meetings)
Fellowship Hall or Pavilion (weather permitting)
Gamblers Anonymous (GA), Fridays, 7:30PM (Closed Meetings)
Lower Level of Church or Pavilion (weather permitting)
Scout Troop 60, Tuesdays, 7PM, Fellowship Hall
Girl Scout Troop 80224, First Wednesday of Month, 5:30PM, Hearth Room
Preschool—CCW Academy
Contact Janet Petro, Administrator, 330-755-7041,
CCW Academy offers structured classes for children aged 2.5-5 years (9am—12pm) and childcare (7am—5:30pm).
Can We Pray for You?
Have a joy? We’d love to celebrate with you. Have a concern? We’d love to encourage and support you. Don’t hesitate to share your joys and concerns with Pastor Adam OR send a note to our beloved email prayer chain:
Pray for Your Brothers and Sisters...
This list is an invitation for you to hold your WPC siblings & friends in prayer. Names added to this prayer list will remain on the list for one month or whenever you request it be removed, whichever comes first. After a name has been removed, we will gladly add it to the list again if such a request is made.
Dona Hammond
Amy Galose (and daughter Jenna)
Tim Woods
Lou Ross
Bob Machel
Richard Grate
Pat Honen
Bob McCollum
Sylvia Kuppler
Rev. Paul Anderson
Wish Someone a Happy Birthday!
January Birthdays
Jan 17 JoAnn Anderson
Jan 17 Laurie McEwan
Jan 18 Christy Blazek
Jan 18 Robert Bowen
Jan 18 Alan Burns
Jan 18 Priscilla Sutton
Jan 18 Ashley Townsend
Jan 19 Megan Vivo
Jan 24 Stephen Kness
Jan 25 Charlene Galose
Jan 25 Ella McGee
Jan 25 Timothy Meehan
Jan 27 Deborah Holokai
Jan 27 Cheryl Morrow
Jan 28 Gary Camp
Jan 28 James Connolly
Jan 28 Emma Eggleston
Jan 30 Emma Maraffa
Jan 30 Aiden McVeigh
Jan 30 Alexandra Swavel
Contact the Church Office
Location: Westminster Presbyterian Church, Stadium Drive, Youngstown, OH, USA
Phone: 330-758-4513
Contact CCW Academy Preschool
Location: 119 Stadium Drive, Youngstown, OH, USA
Phone: 330-755-7041