Monteith Messenger
August 17th
Welcome to Monteith for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Monty's Corner: Getting ready for The 2024-2025 School Year
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer spending time with family and friends. I loved having the opportunity to see many of you throughout the summer around town and getting sweet emails from families about the wonderful things you have done this summer. I know that my favorite part of summer is spending time with my family traveling up North in Michigan and this summer we had an awesome family reunion with over 70 people in Rough River, Kentucky!
As you can see Family is very important to me and I'm very excited to welcome back and welcome new members to our incredible Monteith Tiger family this Fall! There is a lot of important information in this email and I don't like to overwhelm families so next week I will be sending an email with links about more specific details about Pick up/ Drop off, Lunch schedules, Entry doors, PTO, and more.
This letter is just to make sure you have all the information for things you need to do before the 1st day and so you know of changes in staffing and important events coming up! I can't wait to see all the smiling faces on August 29th from 3:45- 5pm at the Popsicles with the Principal event!
Your Partner in Education,
Dr. Keelean
K-12 Information
Dear Grosse Pointe Public School System parent/guardian,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!
Before the start of school, there are forms that parents/guardians will need to complete online as part of the pre-registration process. The link to these forms will be available on August 16th on this page: Here you will also find the Webstore, where you will have an opportunity to purchase PTO memberships, yearbooks, and other items.
To complete these forms, you will need your Student's ID Number as the "Login" and the student birthdate as the 'Access Key' below. The 'Access Key' must be entered exactly as shown, including leading zeros and forward slashes. (Please keep this for your records.)
Student Name: John Smith
Student ID Number: 150000000
K12 Access Key: 01/01/2010
All fees should be paid online using a Visa, Mastercard or bank debit card. Checks will not be accepted at school registration.
Thank you for your cooperation,
The Grosse Pointe Public School System
Parent/Guardian To Do list...
1. K-12 Pre- Registration ( this is different then enrollment Everyone does this part please complete before the 1st day)
3. Check Parent Portal for Teacher Assignments after 9am on August 27th
Calendar of Events 2024-2025 School Year ( Events will be added as they are available)
16th- K-12 Preregistration opens
27th- Teacher Assignments available in Parent Portal
29th- Popsicles with the Pricipal & and Supply drop off in lockers 3:45- 5pm
3rd - 1st Day of School Full day (8:20 - 3:38pm)
10th - Monteith Back to School Night (6:30pm -8pm)
13th- PTO Movie Night
25th - PICTURE DAY!!!
11th- Monteith PTO Fun Run (Afternoon)
12th- PTO Mums Delivery Day
23rd-25th- Monteith's 22nd Anual Pumpkin decorating Contest
31st- Halloween
5th- Election Day (No School)
12th- Picture Retake Day
27th-29th - Thanksgiving Break
13th- PTO Jingle Jamboree (6-8pm)
23rd- Jan. 1st Winter Break ( Tentative)
20th- MLK Day (No School)
8th- PTO Glow Dance (5-7pm)
17th- 21st- Mid Winter Break
24th- 28th- Spring Break
18th - Good Friday (No School)
9th- Kindergarten Farm Trip
26th- Memorial Day ( No School)
30th- Monteith Field Day
7th- PTO Summer Celebration
9th- 4th grade Promotion Rehearsel and Picnic
10th- 4th Grade trip to Lansing
11th- 4th Grade Promotion
13th- Last Day of School (1/2 Day 11:36am dismissal)
Monteith After School Programs
After School Chess Club Begins September 12th
Mini Picassos: Art After School
Family Center Community Events
When Your Child is Ill
If your child is staying home because of illness, please call the attendance line at 313-432-4501 and leave a brief message. Please refer to the Guidelines to Exclude a Child from School.
Daily Student Medication: If your child needs to be given any type of medication during the duration of the school day, you MUST have a current Student Medication Form on file.
Monteith Elementary School
Location: 1275 Cook Road, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, USA
Phone: 313-432-4500