CSD Board Briefing
Cambrian School District, March 21, 2024
Adoption of Consent Agenda Items
The Governing Board voted to accept the consent agenda items. Items listed under the consent agenda motion are considered to be a regular course of procedure and are acted on by the Board of Trustees in one motion. There is no discussion of these items prior to the Board vote unless a member of the Board, staff, or the public requests specific items be discussed and/or removed from the agenda. It is understood that the administration recommends approval on all consent items. Each item on the consent agenda approved by the Board of Trustees shall be deemed to have been considered in full and adopted as recommended.
Personnel Report
The Governing Board approved the Personnel Report as part of the Consent Agenda.
To view the personnel report for 3.21.24 revised, please click here.
Santa Clara County School Linked Services Grant
The Governing Board acknowledged the receipt of the Santa Clara County School Linked Services Service Agreement as part of the Consent Agenda. Cambrian School District wishes to continue a partnership with Santa Clara County School Linked Services to help provide students and families with school based coordinated services to improve health and wellbeing of families through a community participatory approach.
The attached service agreement will allow Cambrian the continuation of benefits from the additional funding to support our Enrollment Specialist and Community Liaison position which supports Cambrian families by fostering community partnership, and coordinating community services and resources among students and families as soon as they enter the District.
To review the service agreement with Santa Clara County, please click here.
Shared Assignment Contract: Erich and Matveief 2024-25
The Governing Board approved the Shared Assignment Contract between Mrs. Joelle Erich and Mrs. Kelly Matveief, for the 2024-25 school year, as part of the Consent Agenda. Mrs. Joelle Erich and Mrs. Kelly Matveief wish to participate in a Shared Assignment Program at Fammatre Elementary School per Collective Bargaining Agreement - Article 12: Shared Assignments.
To review the job share proposal, please click here.
Shared Assignment Contract: Kannan and Matsuda 2024-25
The Governing Board approved the Shared Assignment Contract between Mrs. Bhuvana Kannan and Mrs. Yoko Matsuda for the 2024-25 school year, as part of the Consent Agenda. Mrs. Bhuvana Kannan and Mrs. Yoko Matsuda wish to participate in a Shared Assignment Program at Steindorf STEAM School per Collective Bargaining Agreement - Article 12: Shared Assignments.
To review the job share proposal for Mrs. Kanna Mrs. Matsuda, please click here.
Annual Overnight Field Trip: 5th Grade Science Camp for Bagby and Steindorf
The Governing Board approved the overnight field trips for Bagby and Steindorf, 5th grade students, to attend an Outdoor Science Camp at YMCA Camp Campbell during the 2024-25 school year as part of the Consent Agenda.This is an annual field trip for the Cambrian School District 5th grade students to participate in a four day, Outdoor Science School at the YMCA Camp Campbell during the 2024-25 school year.
Bagby: November 12-15, 2024
Steindorf: September 24-27, 2024
To review details about Steindorf’s science camp, please click here.
To review details about Bagby’s science camp, please click here.
Student Services: Plan for Expelled Youth 2024-27 - Triennial Renewal
The Governing Board approved the Cambrian School District Plan for Expelled Youth 2024-27. Education Code Sections 48926 requires governing boards of each school district to develop a plan for providing education services to all expelled students. The plan shall be adopted by the governing board and by the county board of education.
The plan establishes existing educational alternatives for expelled students, identifies gaps in educational services to expelled students, and strategies for filling those service gaps. The plan also identifies alternative placements for students who are expelled and placed in district community day school programs, but who fail to meet the terms and conditions of their rehabilitation plan or who pose a danger to other district students, as determined by the governing board.
No changes have been made.
To review Cambrian’s 3-year expulsion plan, please click here.
Measure I: Resolution 23-24-06
The Governing Board adopted Resolution 23-24-06: Terms And Authorizing The Sale and Issuance of Refunding Bonds and Related Actions. At the November 2014 election, voters within the District voted to approve Measure I. The Board will have the opportunity to consider the adoption of a Resolution authorizing the sale of the Bonds via a competitive bid process using the negotiated sale statutes.
In addition, the Resolution:
• Establishes not-to-exceed Bond issuance amount of $36,000,000 and a minimum net present savings threshold of 3% of the par amount of the General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2014, Series 2014 being refunded
• Approves the forms of various documents related to the issuance of the Bonds (as further described in the following sections), and authorizes certain District officials to execute the final versions of the documents with information available after the sale of the Bonds
• Identifies Parker & Covert LLP as Bond Counsel, Zions Bancorporation, National Association as Paying Agent, and our firm as Public Finance Consultant to the District with respect to the Bonds
• Provides, in Exhibit A, a good faith estimate for the Bonds to be issued, including the true interest cost, finance charge, amount of proceeds to be received, and total payment amount
To review Resolution 23-25-06 please click here.
To review the paying agent agreement, please click here.
To review the Bond Purchase Agreement, please click here.
To review the Escrow Agreement, please click here.
To review the Continuing Disclosure Certificate, please click here.
Resolution 23-24-07
The Governing Board approved Resolution 23-24-07: Government Financial Services Joint Powers Authority (GFSJPA) Membership. State law authorizes two or more public agencies to establish a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) for the purpose of jointly exercising common powers. JPAs provide public agencies with the means to provide services more efficiently and in a cost-effective manner. Public agencies have formed JPAs to provide information technology, procurement services and insurance and risk management, among other things.
The District has previously contracted with private providers for public finance work, and would like to join GFSJPA for technical assistance and support with various fiscal matters including general fiscal and debt financing issues, financial modeling and implementation of bonds, post-bond sale compliance and the required continuing disclosure reports, among other financial work.
Membership Term: Three (3) years
Annual Membership Cost: $5,000
To review Resolution 23-25-07, please click here.
To review the Joint Powers Authority document, please click here.
To review the Fee Schedule, please click here.
To review the Third Amended and Restated Bylaws, please click here.
Budget: Second Interim Report for 2023-24
The Governing Board, having reviewed the Interim Report, which reveals pertinent financial and budgetary information,
(1) approved the Second Interim Report
(2) found that the District will be able to meet its financial obligations through June 30, 2023, and the two subsequent fiscal years, and,
(3) authorized the Board President to certify and file a "positive" financial certification statement with the Santa Clara Office of Education.
Education Code Sections 42130 and 42131 require school district governing boards to certify their district's projected year-end and subsequent years' financial condition twice a year, First Interim (July 1 – October 31) and Second Interim (July 1 – January 31). The certification shall be based upon required financial and budgetary reports, cumulatively entitled the "Interim Report". There are three possible “certifications” that can be made: (1) positive certification, meaning the District will meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year and subsequent two fiscal years; (2) qualified certification, meaning that if certain events do or do not occur, the District may not meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year or two subsequent fiscal years; and (3) negative certification, meaning that the District will be unable to meet its financial obligations through fiscal year-end or two subsequent years.
After reviewing the Interim Report, the County Office of Education can either agree with the Board’s Certification, or disagree and make a change to the Board’s Certification, and shall notify the District within 75 days after the close of the reporting period of their review.
Chief Financial Officer, Dr. John Pappalardo presented the Second Interim Report.
To review the 2nd Interim Report, please click here.
To review the 2nd Interim MYP Report, please click here.
To review the 2nd Interim Presentation to the Board, please click here.
Student Services: Transportation Plan 2023-24
The Governing Board approved the 2022-2023 and 2023-24 Transportation Plan. On July 10, 2023, California added Education Code 39800.1 which requires school districts to develop a plan describing the transportation services it will offer to its students, and how it will prioritize planned services for students in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and any of grades 1 to 6, inclusive, and students who are low income. In exchange for developing the plan, the state will fund Transportation at 60% of our costs. The District's unfunded transportation costs will go from about $376,000 to about $219,200 in 2023-2024 with the adoption of this plan. Director of Student Services, Ms. Maggie Spehar presented the plan.
To review Cambrian’s Transportation Plan, please click here.
Next Board Meeting
The next meeting of the Cambrian School Board will be held Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in person at the Professional Development Center located at 4115 Jacksol Drive, San Jose, CA 95124 in Building 7, and can be viewed online as well. Agenda and login information will be available the week of the April 4th meeting. The meeting is open to the public.