The Falcon Zone Flyer
August 3rd, 2023

October 7, 2024
Hello Falcon Zone ~
The FZ Community Closet & Pantry will be open this week on Thursday from 3:45-4:45.
Thank you to the Exchange Club of Falcon for their donations of school supplies and snacks and other items for the Pantry - we appreciate your generosity and for thinking of us!
Falcon High School will be celebrating Homecoming this week and we would love Falcon Middle School and our Elementary Schools to join in! Please see the graphic below for this week's Spirit Days (these vary slightly from the high school days but align to the general theme). We would also love to see everyone as the Falcons play under the lights on Friday night @ 7pm!
Check out the latest October edition of our Engage49 Newsletter - This month it covers Parent-Teacher Conferences!
Have an amazing and restful Fall Break ~
Cari Muresan
FZ Community Liaison
Empowering Moments
From Superintendent Smith...
Thank you to all that came to support the FHS Homecoming Parade this past Saturday! It was awesome to see all of the different groups from FHS along with each of our other zone schools to celebrate the Night of 1000 Lanterns Homecoming. We were also appreciative of all of the other community organizations and teams that came to show their spirit as well. Falcon Zone is all about our community and Networking together to support all of our students, clubs, teams, and schools. As a zone, we hope to build upon this momentum with additional community events throughout the year while continuing to make our parade better each and every year. Let's see how many additional community groups we can get to join the parade next year!
I also want to extend a huge THANK YOU to Cari Muresan and the Falcon High School Student Council for all of their work to make this event a success. There were countless hours of planning and preparation that went into planning this event and making it an awesome celebration for our FHS Homecoming launch. Thank you team! Let's build upon this and continue to expand all that we do in the Falcon Zone, Network further together, and build stronger levels of Integrity of our zone as a whole!
Congratulations to Tessa Flahive-Foro!
Tessa was recognized for all of the support she provides our schools, students, and staff members with behavior strategies. She is regularly called upon and collaborates closely with our teams at all of our schools. Tessa shows incredible Grit as she tackles any challenge that is placed before her. We received numerous compliments about all of the great supports she provides and we were honored to recognize her as our next Falcon Zone star with a zone hoodie!
Empowered FZ Staff
🐮🐔🐷 Sponsored by Texas Roadhouse 🐮🐔🐷
Rosella Anderson, CLDE teacher, works with her students on academic vocabulary in math. She uses assessment data to find gaps in their understanding of standards and works with them in small groups and 1 on 1 to increase their competency in all academic areas!
Ms. Reece's students listened to a read aloud about human body systems as part of their literacy curriculum. Students gathered on the carpet to review the body systems after they were done listening to the text. The CKLA curriculum is a great cross-curricular tool for teachers to use with their students that not only hits on the literacy standards but social studies and science standards as well!
Students in Ms. Franzen's math class worked on an expressions scavenger hunt. Different expressions were written around the room and students needed to set them up with their partners correctly using parenthesis and the correct operations. 5th grade students at BRES departmentalize with their teachers so that they are moving classrooms for each subject. This helps prepare them for middle school and having multiple teachers throughout the day!
Ms. Takacs has her students independently navigate stations in her PE class. Student worked on dribbling, stretching, the food pyramid, bones and math facts using the interactive LU screen. They did an amazing job following directions, helping one another and transitioning quickly to their next spot!
8th grade students in Mr. Young's Science class worked in small groups on a heat conduction lab while others navigated their learning plans. Students used a hot tray, foil and chocolate chips to observe and time how heat travels through the metal foil to melt the chocolate chips at varying distances away from the heat source.
Ms. Auer is new to MRES and is rocking it with her 2nd graders. While she worked with small groups of students on the floor for math, students engaged independently on Zearn to practice math skills and fill gaps.
Falcon Zone Staff Recognition
In the Falcon Zone we pride ourselves on having the most incredible staff! We want to give our community a chance to recognize those people that make a difference in our schools and for our students every day! Please let us know who is making a positive impact for your student. Let us know who has gone above and beyond to enhance your experience in our zone. Let us know who is doing an outstanding job!
Every staff member that is recognized will receive a note of recognition and a shoutout in our community newsletter. Staff members include not only teachers but secretaries, administrators, custodial & kitchen staff, paras, etc.
We want to know who is making a difference! Thank you for taking the time to fill out this quick form!
Brenda Fields (FMS) - Brenda goes above and beyond to help us in the SSN room when we are short staffed (which is often), even though she has tons of her own work to do.
She is reliable, flexible, and we would be lost without her. Thank you for all that you do, Brenda!!Kacey Stovall (FMS) - Mrs.Stovall is exceptionally patient, empathetic, and reliable. She is amazing at her job and the staff and students of FMS are lucky to have her on our team. Thank you for all that you do, Kacey!!
Lente Oullette (FMS) - Lente is just all around amazing at her job and is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to Para work. The students adore her and so does her team. Her reliability is unmatched. Thank you Lente, we are all so grateful for you!
Kallie Fields (FMS) - Ms.Kallie is a fantastic Para and colleague. She is always happy to step up when and wherever needed, she works hard, and her dedication is especially apparent when you see how much the students love her. Thank you for all that you do, Kallie!!
Jakob Reynolds (FMS) - Mr.Jake is an awesome Para and a priceless, dedicated part of our team. He is wonderful with our students, all of which just love him and it's obvious that he loves them too. Thank you for all that you do, Jake!!
Virginia Reynolds (FMS) - Virginia has been subbing long term in the SSN room and we are SO thankful for her help. Even after the hardest and most stressful days, she always comes back and brings a great attitude with her. Her positivity is so much appreciated. Thank you Ms. Virginia!!
Upcoming Falcon Zone Events
10/8 - WHES PTA Meeting @ 4
10/9 WHES Dine to Donate @ La Mission
10/10 - FZ Community Closet & Pantry @ 3:45-4:45, D49 Board Meeting @ 6, Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/11 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL, BRES Fall Fest @ 4:30, FHS Homecoming Football Game @ 7
10/14- 10/25 - D49 FALL BREAK / NO SCHOOL
10/29 - DAAC @ 6
10/30 - MRES Bingo for Books @ 4:30
Future Falcon Zone SAC Dates
Quarter 2 SAC - November 7th @ Bennett Ranch Elementary
Quarter 3 SAC - February 6th @ Falcon Elementary School
Quarter 4 SAC - April 17 @ Meridian Ranch Elementary