The Eagle Beak-on
January 13, 2025
Mrs. Campbell's Notes
Welcome to the second semester. Throughout 2025, we will be focusing on the word THRIVE. We believe in the power of collaboration to create a thriving environment where every student can grow and succeed. "Together We Thrive: Growing Minds, Building Futures" is more than a motto—it's our commitment to fostering a community that nurtures curiosity, celebrates achievements, and prepares our students for bright and promising futures. With your partnership, we will continue to cultivate an atmosphere of excellence, accountability, and support for every learner. Let’s make this a semester to remember!
Happy New Year! I was excited to see students and staff back in the halls at KMHS this past week. A break is much appreciated, but returning to normalcy also has value. As we kick off the new year, we have exciting updates and important information to share with you in this month's newsletter. Please read on to stay informed how we plan to accomplish thriving in 2025.
Welcome to KMHS as Our New Health Room Aide
Hi my name is Evan Bradshaw, I am married with two kids, a two and three year old and I have three dogs! I was born and raised in Mulvane, Kansas and moved to Kingman in 2021! My husband grew up here and his family has lived and worked in the school district for many years so it is fun meeting new people and being involved in the community! I previously was in the dental field as a Dental Assistant/ Office Lead. I look forward to making the change as a Health Aide and meeting all of the students and faculty here at the middle/ high school!
❄️Snow Days❄️
If you did not receive any information from the district in regards to the snow days, a phone call or email, please contact the office and we will try to fix the issue before the next possible cancellation. All communication is based off Skyward information, so please be sure all your information is up-to-date.
2024 STUCO Talent Show
New Morning Tardy Policy
Last semester our high school students had a total 610 student tardies to check-in or first block, which averages out to 7.82 student tardies every morning. Our middle school had 229 tardies, which averages out to 2.94 tardies every morning. So every morning, on average, we have 10.76 students coming to school late. Due to the high amount of morning tardies, we are implementing a new tardy policy for this semester.
Morning Tardy to School:
School begins at 7:50. Students are to be IN THEIR HOMEROOM CLASSROOM (Check-in) by 7:50, not entering the building or walking down the hallway. If a student is tardy to check-in or first block, the following policy will be followed. 1st and 2nd tardy is a warning.
3rd - 6th tardies - 30 minute detention AFTER SCHOOL
7th - 10th tardies - 1 Hour detention AFTER SCHOOL
11th + tardies - In school suspension for each tardy
KMHS is preparing students for their future. Timeliness is a character trait we want all our students to possess when they leave KMHS.
We understand life happens, but it shouldn't be happening every day. Thank you for your help in encouraging our students to be to school on time! We appreciate you!
Important Dates
Wednesday 1/15 - RealityU for 8th, 10th, 11th, & 12th grade students
Wednesday 1/15 - Senior FASFA Night - Lucia Munz @ 7:00 in the KMHS Cafeteria
Friday 1/17 - No School - Teacher Inservice
Monday 1/20 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Thursday 1/23 - Kingman Carnege Library Dyslexia Presentation @ 6:00 in KMHS Auditorium
Tuesday 1/28 - Path Finder Night for all 8th grade students and their parents/guardians
Wednesday 1/29 - No School KMHS Students ONLY - District FBLA Hosted at KMHS
Looking Ahead...
Parent/Teacher Conferences February 5th & 6th
No School 2/7 - Conference Release Day
2/14 - Winter Homecoming Basketball Game
2/15 - Semi-Formal Winter Homecoming Dance
Counselors Corner - RealityU
We are excited to host RealityU at KMHS Wednesday, January 15th. We will be hosting RealityU in four different sessions for all 8th grade, sophomores, juniors, and seniors in USD 331. The schedule is as follows:
Session 1
Kingman 11th and 12th
Session 2
Norwich 8th, 10th 11th, 12th
Session 3
Kingman 10th graders
Session 4
Kingman 8th graders
RealityU is a financial literacy simulation. Students fill out a questionnaire where they will input their GPAs, different personal qualities, and their future life plans. This information will be used to give them possible career opportunities (4.0 students can select any occupation, where 2.0 students will have a more limited selection). During the simulation they will experience what life may be like at the age of 26 and the different struggles they may face. It also brings to light the importance of what they are doing right now.
For those of you wondering "why-not" for 7th graders and freshmen, the plan is for them to do it next year. Our hope/goal is that this takes place every year for 8th graders and sophomores. We'd like seniors who have experienced the simulation to help be volunteers in the future.
Please reference the linked video for more details. We need parents' help to make being at school a priority on this day.
Capturing Kids' Hearts January Focus - RESPECT
No School for KMHS Students ONLY on January 29th
KMHS to Host FBLA District Competition
Taylor McGowne is our District 5 Vice President for Kansas FBLA. KMHS will be hosting FBLA members from 26 schools in the area on Wednesday, January 29th. As of right now we have over 350 members planning to attend. All KHS members are expected to participate. Members will participate in various objective tests in the subjects of Accounting, Business Communication, Economics, Business Math, Organizational Leadership to Personal Finance. Many will have presentations and role play events as well. The District event is in preparation for the State Conference in Topeka in April. There will be no school for KMHS Students ONLY on this day. KES and Norwich schools will still be in session
8th Grade Path Finder Night
An Evening for 8th grade Students & Parents/Guardians
We are excited to announce that we will once again host a Path Finder Night for all KMS and St. Patrick's 8th-grade students and their parents/guardians. This event is designed to help students and their families navigate the transition to high school by providing essential information about academic pathways and general education courses. During the evening, students will have the opportunity to select their classes for their freshman year.
Date: January 28
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Auditorium/Commons
The goal of this event is to equip students and parents with the tools and knowledge they need for a successful high school experience. Mrs. Campbell will kick off the evening by presenting key information about high school academics, pathways, and course options. Following this, students will have the opportunity to enhance the experience by having a first-hand look into classrooms. Teachers will be set up in the commons area to better explain what classes they have to offer for current freshmen and what classes they may have to take for future classes in high school.
A Great Way to Recognize Our Teachers
Social Media
Website: https://www.knusd331.com/o/kmhs
Phone: 620-532-3136
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/usd331kmhs
Twitter: @usd331khs