Parent Advisory Council Meeting
September 11, 2023
Ringgold Primary & Ringgold Elementary
Thank you for participating in our Fall PAC
Welcome! We value our home-school partnership and want you to have a voice in decision making. Research has shown when parents are engaged in their child's learning, students experience higher achievement. Thank you for participating today and for the support you give your child at home.
This is our input meeting for the fall. All parents and guardians are invited to participate. We will be reviewing policies, compacts, the Title l budget, and much more!
If you would like a paper copy of this presentation, please let Cathy or Tracy know, and they would be happy to get one to you!
Please fill out the Evaluation/Input Form after the meeting and Return to the PIC!
Meeting Agenda
- Title l Spending
- School and District Policies
- Family-School Compacts
- Fall Survey Results
- Building Staff Capacity
- School Goals
- School & State Assessments
- Parent Input and Feedback
Title I Spending
- Part-Time Parent Involvement Coordinator
- 2 Academic Coaches/Interventionists
- Software Resources & Interventions (I Ready Math and Reading for Tier 3 students, and Quizizz, Generation Genius, and Eureka Math Squared for all students)
- Instructional Supplies & Materials for classrooms (Eureka Math Workbooks for all students)
- Family Resource Room Supplies
At RPS, Title 1 money is used to fund:
- Full time Academic Coach to guide and train teachers
- Full time Parent Involvement Coordinator to inform and engage parents
- 2 part time Interventionists to help students meet grade level goals
- Instructional supplies and materials for classrooms and Resource room
Let us know your suggestions for how we can use our Title l funds to help our students learn on the Feedback Form at the end of this meeting.
School and District Policies
If you have any input or suggestions for our policies, let us know on the Feedback Form at the end of this meeting.
School-Parent Compacts
Both RPS and RES Compacts have been revised and approved and will be available to sign at the FAST night in September (Sept 12 &14 at RPS, and Sept. 19 at RES). They will be sent home to those that do not attend to sign and return. We need at least 80% returned signatures to keep us compliant. Please keep the Compact at home for your records, and send back the signature sheet to be documented.
Click the button below to review the RPS & RES grade-level compacts.
Fall Survey Results
We sent home our Fall Survey on August 22. Thank you to all who participated! We had 195 responses!
The workshops that were most requested were:
- Discovering Your Child's Learning Style (we will host this parent workshop in October)
- What is Your Child's Love Language (we will host this parent workshop in February)
- Transitioning to the Next Grade Level (we will host a 2nd to 3rd grade transition event in May here at RES, as well as sharing information about 5th to 6th grade transition, that will take place at RMS and HMS)
The topics that most parents wanted more information on were:
(You can find the full Parent Institute Digital Library below. Click the button to view many other topics that might be of interest.)
- ADHD and ADD Strategies We reached out to the RES counselor, and he shared these links to resources he's used in the past to teach students how to cope with their ADD and ADHD symptoms. These resources also show how to plan and prepare for students with ADHD and ADD:
- Georgia Standards of Education (see links below - You can also find a link to this on school website under the Title 1 section.)
The most requested time for trainings/meetings were:
- Online/Virtual - Our Annual Meeting was online/virtual in late August. Whenever possible, any in-person meeting information is also shared digitally for those who cannot attend
- Evenings -We will have a FAST Meeting/Classroom Orientation on 9/19 held in the evening. When possible, we will host more events/meetings in the evenings.)
- After school hours - whenever possible, we will host more meetings in the afternoons.
When asked: "What should school staff know and do to help engage parents in their child's academic goals and learning?", several great comments were submitted! These comments will be shared with RES teachers to help increase parent engagement.
Ringgold Primary School:
We had 228 responses, which is amazing! The surveys were sent home as a paper copy to be returned.
The most requested trainings were:
- What is my child's learning style? (We will host this training in October 2023)
- Transitioning to the next grade level (We will host this training in May 2024)
- How to use the Parent Portal (Date TBA)
Topics of interest:
- ADHD & ADD Strategies (see links above)
- Learning Self Discipline for Children (Parent Institute Library-see link above)
- YMCA Programs (info to be posted on Dojo, website, and resource room)
Evenings and Online were the most requested time for meetings and events.
When asked: What should school staff know and do to help engage parents in their child's academic goals and learning? Several great comments were submitted! These comments have been shared with RPS teachers to help increase parent engagement.
For more detailed results, please visit out website at
Thank you for all your input! It truly matters!
Building Staff Capacity
What can we do to help teachers and staff better meet the needs of parents and families?
Give your suggestions on the Feedback form at the end of this meeting!
School Goals
Ringgold Elementary School Goals for the 2023-2024 School Year:
Mean MAP RIT scores will increase on the MAP Growth Assessment from Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 by using Eureka Squared Math with fidelity as follows:
3rd grade: increase 10 points
4th grade: increase 12 points
5th grade: increase 10 points
- Mean MAP RIT scored will increase on the MAP Growth Assessment from Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 as follows:
3rd grade: increase 10 points
4th grade: increase 8 points
5th grade: increase 7 points
Ringgold Primary School Goals for the 2023-2024 School Year:
- RPS will increase Reading and Math benchmark scores that are at or above grade level by 3% from Fall 2022 to Spring 2023
- These goals are implemented by our School Improvement Plan and Family School Compacts
- Non Academic goals include increasing the number of mentors by 10 people, and increasing attendance by 10%.-
School and State Assessments
Please make it a priority to attend all FAST group meetings and individual parent-teacher conferences. Teachers will discuss your child's MAP growth and progress at that time.
Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade at RES take the Georgia Milestones Assessments in April. Click on that video for more information about Georgia Milestones. There will be an information session in the spring with more information about the GMAs. Please make it a priority to attend.
Click the Buttons Below to View the RES and RPS Title 1 Websites
- School-Parent Compacts
- School Policy and District Policy
- Acronyms for Parents
- Components of a Schoolwide Program
- How to Communicate with Your Child's Teacher
- Georgia Standards of Excellence
- Student Testing in Georgia
- Title 1 Input Card
To request a paper copy of any of these forms email your Parent Involvement Coordinator.
Cathy Cooper
Tracy Wilson