Valley News
December 2024
A Note From Mrs. Chivington:
Dear Valley Families,
As hard as it is to believe, we are quickly nearing the end of the first semester of the 2024-25 school year! With less than three weeks remaining until the end of Quarter 2 and the start of Winter Break, time seems to be flying! Please note that report cards for this quarter will be sent home on Friday, January 10, 2025.
As a reminder, we take students outside for recess when the “real feel” temperature is 20 degrees or higher. Please send your child with warm winter clothing such as a coat, gloves, hat, and scarf so they can stay cozy during outdoor play.
Our Lost and Found is overflowing with jackets, coats, and other items left behind by students. To help ensure items are returned, we encourage you to write your child’s name inside their belongings. We are also fortunate to have a supply of donated winter items like coats, hats, gloves, and shoes available to students who need them. Please reach out if your child could benefit from these resources!
For our students who enjoy breakfast at school, we will be making a few changes to our procedures. In order to get through breakfast prior to the start of physical education classes, beginning Monday, December 9, 2024, students who purchase breakfast will take their food to their classrooms to eat. Doors will open for breakfast at 9:00, just as they do for all students when that change is made next week.
Cold and flu season is quickly approaching and we know that proper handwashing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of illness. We encourage you to remind your child to practice good hygiene by washing their hands thoroughly with soap and water, especially before eating and after coughing, sneezing, or using the restroom.
As a reminder, our Winter Break will take place December 23, 2024-January 3, 2025. I hope that all of our staff members, students, and families are able to spend time together making precious memories during this time!
The staff of Valley Elementary wishes you and your family a joyful, healthy, and memorable holiday season!
Sarah Chivington
Girls on the Run 5K
Congratulations to the members of Valley's Girls on the Run Team for completing a 5K together! Thanks also to our volunteer leaders: Mrs. Smigel, Mrs. Haffey, Mrs. Rykken, and Mrs. Phillips!
The Valley Staff Celebrating "Food"
Third Grade Boot Camp Graduation
Fourth Grade Physical Education Class
Veterans Day Celebration
November SHINE Award
We are very excited to announce that 4th grader Lydia Mancilla is Valley’s November recipient of the SHINE award for the 2024-2025 school year. Our Character Education program is a key component to helping our students understand what it means to lead and to be good citizens. Every month, we honor one student who consistently demonstrates two or more pillars of character which are: Citizenship, Caring, Trustworthiness, Fairness, Respect, and Responsibility. To recognize these students for their efforts, Beavercreek City Schools has created the “SHINE Award – Highlighting Outstanding Students of Character.”
This is how Lydia’s teacher, Mr. Dillon, describes her:
Lydia is a model student that follows directions without any question. She is kind and respectful not only to her teacher but to her classmates as well. Lydia always puts in the maximum effort into anything she does and is able to look back at her work with a sense of pride for a job well done. Lydia is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone she sees in need whether that is a classmate needing help on an assignment or a student that needs reassurance and encouragement because they may be struggling with something. I cannot brag on Lydia enough; she truly is a one of a kind student that deserves the recognition of this award and I am incredibly proud to have her in my class this year!
Way to go, Lydia! Keep up the great work!
December Character Education Focus: Caring
On Wednesday, December 4th, wear RED to show your support of December's character trait: CARING.
One Minute Reads from Mrs. Haffey
Thinking about getting your child some new tech for Christmas?
Here are some expert recommended Kid safe devices that make it easier to keep your kids safe online.
The Gabb phone is internet and social media free. It includes GPS tracking. See more information and a review in the links below. Gabb also offers a smart watch option as well.
The company Bark offers an App you can put on your child's phone to monitor texts, social media, apps & more for potential dangers — even the photos and videos your child saves. You can set time constraints and block websites or apps. Bark also offers a phone and watch. See more information below.
Attendance Information
Attendance at school is an important part of your child's education. Ohio House Bill 410 has strict attendance guidelines, and you can read more about those requirements here. Our Building Office Assistant, Shannon Wyatt, has created a helpful list of do's and don'ts to help your family avoid a truancy or chronic absenteeism letter. Please call her at (937) 429-7597 with any questions!
Attendance Do's and Don'ts
- DON'T forget to report an absence to the office! Call 937-429-7597, option 1 OR email valleyattendance@gocreek.org. If the absence is not reported by 10:00am, our automated calling system will call home for any absent student who we have not heard from.
- DO keep your student home until they are 24 hours symptom free, without medication.
- DON'T forget to get a doctor's note and turn it into the Valley office when your student visits the doctor during school hours. Each student has 10 absences per school year that a parent can excuse, however, if you get a doctor's note, the absence does not count against the 10 you are allotted. Doctor's notes should be turned in within 5 days of the absence.
- DO let us know in advance of any absences due to a vacation. The district is no longer using vacation request forms, therefore, an email to valleyattendance@gocreek.org is the best way to let us know about an upcoming vacation. The district excuses 5 vacation/out of town days per school year.
Thank you for making your child's attendance in school a priority!
Yard Signs Still Available!
We're excited to share that our new ONE CREEK 9x12 yard signs are still available!
You can pick one up at any of our school buildings or the central office during business hours.
Show your school spirit and support by displaying one in your yard. Don't miss out—get yours today!
Community Opportunities
December Events
2 - BookMobile Visit (1st Grade)
3 - Math Club Meeting
4 - Character Ed Day - Wear RED!
5 - Student Advisory Council Meeting
10 - Writing Club Meeting
12 - Writing Club Meeting
13 - Beaver Buck Boutique Open at Lunch
17 - Math Club Meeting
19 - Student Council Meeting @ 8:10
20 - End of 2nd Quarter
23-January 3 - Winter Break