The Gator Gazette
Friday, September 20
Message from the SWAMP
Looking Ahead
- 25th - District Cross Country Meet
- 27th - Orange Shirt Day
- 27th - Healthy Hunger Lunch - Tim Horton's
- 30th - National Day For Truth and Reconciliation (No School)
- 4th - Heathy Hunger Lunch - Boston Pizza
- 10th - Healthy Hunger Lunch - Chopped Leaf
- 10th - Parent Council Meeting 7pm
- 11th - PD Day (No School)
- 14th - Thanksgiving (No School)
- 18th - Healthy Hunger Lunch - KFC
- 25th - Healthy Hunger Lunch - Subway
- 31st - Halloween
Junior Volleyball
Our Junior Girls Volleyball team took home gold and our Junior Boys silver at the U of A Tournament this past weekend.
2023-2024 Yearbooks
Earlier than anticipated the 2023/24 Lorne Akins Yearbook has arrived! Current Lorne Akins students were given their yearbooks to take home this week. We have sent an announcement over to Paul Kane & Bellerose advising Grade 10 Gators to come to the office between 9am - 3.30pm to collect their copies.
Once all ordered & paid for yearbooks have been collected we will let everyone know if there are any extras to purchase.
Grade 8 Fashions Potluck Fun!
Staff Birthday's
Celebrating our staff summer birthday's...Happy Birthday to Mrs. Campagna, Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Ruivo, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Dorn, Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Boychuk and Mr. Baba.
Healthy Hunger Lunches
Our next Healthy Hunger lunch is on Friday, Sept. 27 (Tim Hortons). Please make sure to place your order by Sunday at midnight!
Use this link to place your order https://healthyhunger.ca/index.php please make sure you know your students Homeroom/TA number before setting up your account as you will need this to create your students profile.
If your child is away and has ordered hot lunch, please email or call the office by 11 am to direct your child's hot lunch. It can be given to a sibling/another student or can be picked up at the office.
Gator Gear
Get your Gator Gear and show your LA spirit! Order through this link & your items will be delivered to Lorne Akins office for you to collect!
If your child will be absent, please email la@spschools.org or call 780-460-3728 (this is 24 hrs and you can leave a voicemail)
If a student needs to leave early, the office MUST hear from a parent/guardian. Please email or call the office and we will allow the student to sign out & meet you outside (or walk home).
If a student will arrive late, they are to sign in at the office. If we have been informed the student will be late, it will be an excused late. Without hearing from a parent, the student would be marked as unexcused.
If you have any questions, please ask the office.
Lorne Akins Junior High School for Grades 7 to 9
Email: la@spschools.org
Website: https://lorneakins.spschools.org
Location: 4 Fairview Boulevard, St. Albert, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-460-3728
Facebook: facebook.com/LorneAkinsJuniorHigh
Twitter: @lorneakins
Jennifer Suriano
Assistant Principal