All Things Bennington Elementary
January 10, 2025
Upcoming Events
- January 13th-PTO Meeting: 6:30
- January 20th-No School (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
- January 22nd-Early Release (11:40)
- January 31st-SPIRIT DAY!
- February 5th-Early Release (11:40)
- February 11th-Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00
- February 12th-Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00
- February 13th-No School (Teacher Inservice)
- February 14th-No School
Kindergarten Registration is Now Open
Do you have a child ready to start Kindergarten in August 2025?
Bennington Elementary has begun accepting registrations for incoming Kindergarten students for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year.
If your child will be eligible for Kindergarten this year (age 5 by July 31, 2025), visit our district website and click on "Enroll New Student" to register for the upcoming school year, and be sure to select the 2025-2026 school year.
Completing registration ensures that you receive communication regarding kindergarten. Determining the enrollment for the next year is also important for future staff planning.
Kindergarten Roundup for students will take place just prior to the start of the school year. More information will be sent on this at a later date. If you have any questions regarding enrollment, please call Mrs. Lehman in our school office or email at,
Kids with Character
School Closing Information
There may be occasions when attending school due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances may not be advisable. Student safety and learning is always the top priority for Bennington Public Schools. The District will either cancel school for the day or announce a two-hour late start.
School closings will be announced using the following media sources listed below:
District Notification: School Messenger (Phone, Email, Text Message)
Television: KMTV 3, WOWT 6, KETV 7
Radio: KFAB (AM 1110), KKAR (AM1290)
Social Media: Facebook - Bennington Public Schools Facebook, Twitter - @aaronplasBPS
When school is closed due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, Bennington Public Schools will make efforts to make up these educational opportunities. The District has embedded days into the school calendar for such occasions. Students will NOT make-up the first two snow days. If there are more than two snow days, students may be required to make up the third, fourth, and fifth snow days on May 28, May 29 and May 30. BPS is hoping to end school as scheduled but we are restricted by state mandates on the number of instructional hours we must provide to our students. Any changes to the school calendar will be communicated early and often!
School Closing Questions & Answers
Will the All-Star Kids program be affected by snow days?
All-Star Kids program will be closed when school is closed for a snow day.
Will students be required to attend extracurricular activities on snow days?
Decisions about high school extra-curricular activities will be made and announced through School Messenger. There are times that a storm may move through early in the day and practice or competition may be held in the afternoon or evening. There are also times that storms hit some communities harder than others, so the administration is in communication with other districts to determine if a competition will be held or not. Decisions are always based on the safety of Bennington's staff and students.
Will Bennington School facilities be open to the community for youth sports practices on snow days?
School facilities are closed to youth sports when school is not in session. Only emergency staff report to school buildings on snow days to make sure students and staff are safe during poor weather conditions.
What if I don’t agree with the decision to have school when it is snowing, cold, or icy?
Making decisions regarding snow days is never fun or easy. These tough decisions will inevitably make some upset because they think we should be called off while others can’t believe how ‘soft’ schools have become with their decisions. We promise to do the best we can with the information and resources we have at the time. Please remember, you can keep your child(ren) home on days that we have school but you think we shouldn’t.
Will Bennington Public Schools call “cold days” when the temperatures are well below freezing?
The Omaha metro has a very unique set-up with so many schools in such a small area. This can create a comparison and judgment between districts, and how they are handling inclement weather including both snow/ice and extremely cold conditions. But each district does not have the same set of variables including buses that can be plugged in at night, walking distance for students, and the ability to have late starts. With that said, please know it is possible for each district to have a different response on both snow days and ‘cold days’. Again, if you think we shouldn’t have school on a ‘cold day’ where other districts have shut down, please feel free to keep your child(ren) at home.
Late Start Information
Late start days will begin exactly two hours later than the normal school start time. When weather permits for a later start, the streets, sidewalks and parking lots can be better cleared and rush hour traffic can be completed. Late start days will be announced in the same manner as school closings.
Late Start Questions & Answers
Why are we having a late start day?
In the event of inclement weather, the District may delay the start of the school day by two hours. By starting two hours later, this allows for streets, sidewalks and parking lots to be cleared and for rush hour traffic to be complete.
What is the school scheduling time for students on a late start day?
Elementary - 10:05 AM to 3:07 PM
Middle School - 10:00 AM to 3:10 PM
High School - 10:10 AM to 3:17 PM
Will transportation be provided on a late start day?
Yes, transportation will be provided and stop times will be modified and will be running approximately two hours later to get students to school for the two-hour late start.
Will the District provide supervision if I drop off my child(ren) at school early on a late start day?
No, staff is not on duty and students are not permitted to enter the buildings before a designated time. Remember, the District will announce a late start to allow authorities and school personnel time to clear roads, sidewalks and parking lots for safe travel.
Will students be required to attend extracurricular activities on late start days?
Before school and/or morning extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, and groups) will be canceled on late start days. After school activities will proceed as scheduled.
Will preschool students attend on late start days?
There will be no morning preschool on a late start day. Afternoon preschool will be scheduled as normal with normal transportation.
Will the All-Star Kids program be affected by late start days?
Yes, for students enrolled in the All-Star Kids program that have an enrollment category that includes morning care. The hours of operation will be 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM at all locations. Breakfast will be served around 9:45 AM.
Will there be breakfast and lunch on late start days?
Yes to both. A grab & go breakfast will be offered. Lunch will run at the similarly scheduled time. Check your building's website for the exact times.
Will students have to make up instructional time lost on a late start day?
No, Bennington Public Schools builds extra hours into the school calendar every year. Late starts will not significantly affect the District’s ability to schedule school days to meet the Nebraska Department of Education’s requirements.
All Stars is Hiring!
Lost & Found
January PTO News
Teacher Gift: If you are interested in coordinating a Holiday gift for your student's teacher, please send an email to with the information below. Shannon Lehman will send this information out to each class on your behalf. Please include what you would like sent out to families including contact information, gift details and payment preferences (venmo QR). Don't forget to include your teacher's name and what your plans are for the gift! As a reminder, you can view teacher favorites at
Adopt the Lounge: December Adopt the Lounge is available here. Thanks to our 1st grade families for covering this month! Items can be delivered to the office on Monday of the week you sign-up!
Heart & Soul Painting Painting Kits: This is an optional fundraiser with a local small business to purchase painting kits, which includes a step-by-step video tutorial and all materials, for your kids to do during winter break. Kits are $25 and will be distributed prior to Winter break. Follow this link for the order form. Orders are due December 17th.
Runza Food Night: Mark your calendars - Our next BE PTO Excuse to Not Cook Dinner is Thursday, December 19th from 5-8PM. Runza will donate 10% of the proceeds to the PTO.
Winter Party Details: Winter parties are scheduled for December 20th from 9-10am. NEW THIS YEAR: Due to your incredible fundraising efforts, the PTO was able to purchase all supplies needed for each classroom party to include games, project supplies and snacks! With collaboration from teachers, Kristi Dowding has been busy planning fun activities, projects and games for our students. As a volunteer, you simply have to show up with your holiday cheer and run the show. Detailed emails will be sent out prior to the event so volunteers can decide how to best manage the activities and games provided! If you have any additional ideas or things you want to add to your party, go for it! We hope to have 4 volunteers per classroom. You will only be able to sign up for one class as the parties happen at the same time.
Maturation Kits: The PTO has already purchased supplies for our 4th and 5th grade maturation talks that will be taking place on December 12th. Our school nurse, Jill Yosten, will be leading these discussions. Some items provided include deodorant, toothpaste/toothbrush, body wash and mints.
NEW YEAR'S DAY Family Fun Ice Skating Event: Join us for our 2nd Annual Ice Skating event at Moylan Iceplex (12550 W Maple Rd.) on Wedn, January 1, 2025 at 11am. We will have the rink to ourselves for an hour before open skating. Stay as long as you’d like! Cost is $9.95 (12 and under) and $11.95 (over 13yrs) which includes skates.
Quarter 3 PTO MEETING: Save the date for our Quarter 3 PTO Meeting on January 13th. We will be discussing and planning for the final events of the year to include Pancakes and Bingo, Teacher Appreciation Week and Pajama Jam. We value your feedback and ideas and would love to see new faces!
If you have any additional questions, please visit our website or reach out via email at
Bennington Elementary PTO
Bennington Public Schools is implementing updated procedures for volunteers working with students. Parents and caregivers who want to volunteer at school throughout the year are asked to review the new procedures at this link. If you would like to volunteer, please complete this form, sign it, and return it to the school office where you hope to volunteer.
January Menu
Schedule of Events
Music Concerts
2024-2025 District Calendar
Cycle Day Calendar
Bennington Public Schools Foundation
Bennington Community Activities & Events
All information regarding upcoming Bennington community events, sports camps, and activities
will now be posted on our district website,
and shared through the weekly district newsletter, the Badger Update.
You can access this by visiting > Departments > Communications > Community Youth Activities
or through this link:
If you wish to have your event or activity shared there, please contact our
Communications Coordinator, Stacy Hawn, at
Contact Us
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Bennington Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, religion, veteran status, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, or other protected status in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Students: Mr. Dan Bombeck, Director of Student Services, 11620 North 156th Street, P.O. Box 309, Bennington, NE 68007 (402) 238-3044 ( Employees and Others: Dr. Matt Blomenkamp, Assistant Superintendent 11620 North 156th Street, P.O. Box 309, Bennington, NE 68007 (402) 238-3044 ( Complaints or concerns involving discrimination or needs for accommodation or access should be addressed to the appropriate Coordinator. For further information about anti-discrimination laws and regulations, or to file a complaint of discrimination with the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education (OCR), please contact the OCR at 601 East 12th Street, Room 353, Kansas City, MO 64106, (800) 368-1019 (voice), Fax (816) 426-3686, (800) 537-7697 (telecommunications device for the deaf), or
Title IX
The Bennington Public School District is committed to offering employment and educational opportunity to its employees and students in a climate free of discrimination. Accordingly, unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation of any kind by District employees, including, co-workers, non-employees (such as volunteers), third parties and others is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.