Mary Hogan Family Newsletter
Update from Principal Jen Kravitz
November 15, 2024
Dear Mary Hogan Families,
Tonight is a full moon and the skies are clear, so I hope you get outside after dark (which comes so early) to enjoy the beautiful full moon. You certainly don't need sunglasses, like these third graders in the photo, but you may not need any flashlights.
If you haven't been stargazing with your children, it is something that I really do recommend. We all can enjoy the stars, finding constellations (sometimes phone apps help!), and sometimes meteors shoot through the sky. Last month's full moon coincided with a comet! And, when you are out there, you can look for satellites that are crossing the sky faster than planes and last longer than meteors. There is so much to enjoy in the night sky. Go out for an after dinner walk (or jog!), find a clear spot, and enjoy the full moon!
💙, Jen
Important Upcoming Dates
Monday 11/18 - 6.30pm - Cooking with NOM at Mary Hogan (email to come this weekend for those signed up)
Tuesday 11/19 - Spirit Day - Dress as your favorite fruit (or food) Day!
- 10am - All School Meeting led by 4th grade
Thursday 11/21 - 6.30pm - MESA meeting with Supt. Wendy Baker!
Friday 11/22 - School Wide Art Contest Due - See below
Monday 11/25-Friday11/29 - No School
Monday 12/2 - 4th grade climbing wall begins
Wednesday 12/4 - December Walk and Roll to School
Thursday 12/5 - 5th grade performs Romeo and Juliet at Town Hall Theater (letter to 5th grade families from teacher is coming)
- 4.30pm - Scholastic Book Fair opens to families
- 5.30pm - Math Night for Families!
Friday 12/6 - Scholastic Book Fair - 8:00am-11:00am- teachers would only send students down who bring in money.
Saturday 12/7 - 9:00am -11:30am - Scholastic Book Fair
Student Council Art Contest
From Mary Hogan Student Council:
We hope all students will submit a 2 dimensional piece of art that depicts a teacher at Mary Hogan. It can be turned in to the library no later than Friday 11/22. We look forward to seeing what you create!
News from School
Who can make it up the Firecracker?
Kindergarten song time is the best time!
Learning to tie shoe laces from a friend
1st grade visited Shaws as part of their inquiry into wants and needs
Students turned mistakes into beautiful art
Reading together is one of our favorite things.
Math Night for Caregivers
We will get you the link to the presentation next week, hopefully. In the meantime, you can always do some Math at Home with your children. Just choose the grade for math and then explore! Another math resource you can have fun with at home is Which One Doesn't Belong? You can choose from shapes, numbers, and graphs and then see how many reasons and ways to exclude one from a group of four.
And if you are looking for advice on how to support your child in math, here is advice from Jo Boaler, a professor at Stanford who has done A LOT of work around teaching and learning of mathematics.
MESA Message
Scholastic Book Fair Is Coming
The Scholastic Book Fair is on its way back to Mary Hogan for another year! Books will be delivered soon and we are looking for volunteers to help us run the Fair! To help out, please click on the sign up below and pick a time slot(s)! Book Fair sign up
The Book Fair will run this year from Dec 5th-7th with special Mary Hogan Math Night hours!
Thursday, Dec. 5th (8:30-2:45) During the day the students can preview the fair and make wish lists (no money or buying).
Dec. 5th Open to the public during Math/Inquiry night from 4:30-6:30pm.
Friday, Dec. 6th 8:00am-11:00am- teachers would only send students down who bring in money.
Saturday, Dec. 7th from 9:00am -11:30am
Mary Hogan at Catamount Hockey
Family Resources
Help at Mary Hogan: Sign up to be a volunteer!
Want to know more about the Volunteer Process? Check out more information HERE.
Photos of the Week
Connect on Social Media!
STUDENT ABSENCES: 802-382-1401
STAFF ABSENCES: 802-382-1498
TELEPHONE: 802-388-4421
FAX: 802-382-1405