News You Can Use

Week Ending January 18, 2025
Saturday, January 18, 2025
- Sports
- A, B & C Volleyball Championships 8:00 AM @ Rangeview
Monday, January 20, 2025
- NO SCHOOL in observance of Martin Luther King Day
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - A Day
- Clubs
- Art Club - 4th & 5th 2:30-4:00 pm
- Odyssey of the Mind 2:30-3:30 & 6:00-7:00 pm
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - B Day
- Clubs
- Art Sculpture Club 2:30-4:00 pm
- Music Studio Club - 6th through 8th Grade 2:30-3:30 p.m.
- Events
- Kindergarten Field Trip Arvada Center 9:30-1:30pm
- 5th Grade CalWood Parent Info. Mtg. 5pm
- Sports
- Basketball practice 2:30-4:30 pm
Thursday, January 23, 2025 - A Day
- Clubs
- Student Council 2:30-3:30 p.m.
- Events
- Rangeview H.S. Presentation 7:45-8:10 am in Library
- 5th Grade Stockshow Field Trip 9:30 a.m. - 1:33 p.m.
- GlowMundo Parent Dialogues 5:00 p.m.
- Sports
- Basketball practice 2:30-4:30 pm
Friday, January 24, 2025 - B Day
- Clubs
- Music Studio Club - 6th through 8th Grade 2:30-3:30 p.m.
- Sports
- Basketball practice 2:30-4:30 pm
2/4 - 5th Grade Talent Show 5:00-7:00 PM
2/6 - Skate City 4:00 - 6:00 PM
2/7 - Professional Release Day- No Classes
2/11 - PTA Meeting 6:00 - 7:00 PM
2/13 - GlowMundo Dialogues - 5:00-6:15p.m. Rm.130
2/14 - Middle School Dance 2:30-4:00 PM
2/17 - Presidents’ Day - No Classes
2/20 - K-8 Parent-Teacher Conf. 3:15-7:15 pm
2/26 - Class & Indivdual Spring Pictures - All Day
2/27 - Quest Culture Fair 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Important! Please Read!
If your student is not a designated bus rider, they will NOT be able to ride any bus.
Students may not switch school buses to go to their friends house.
Bus drivers know their riders and will not allow your student to board the bus.
This is a liability for them so please, make sure to make other arrangements for play dates, etc. Thank you!
Student Opportunities
Boy's Basketball registration is open. We've had the best participation in sports throughout the district! Let's keep the momentum going. To sign up go to:
Practices begin Tuesday, January 21st
Monday-Friday 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Games will be announced.
Humane Education Club starting soon! Humane Education- Compassionate Changemakers Club (Grades 3-6 )
Teacher: Ms. Brynn Wiessner
Location: Ms Brynn’s room
Meeting Date and Time: Thursdays Weekly 2:30-3:30 Quarter 3 and 4 only
This club is for those who are interested in animals, the environment, and all living beings. We will look at the intersection of caring for each other, animals, and the earth. We will choose an area of interest based on the students in the club to create positive and compassionate change in. Sign up Link:
Girl Scout Opportunity at Aurora Quest!
Is your girl interested in joining girl scouts?! An opportunity for a free girl scout program is coming to Aurora Quest!
Grades 3-5: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, starting February 4th
2:30 -3:30 after school! See attached flyer for sign up! :)
Email Ms. Brynn for questions! bmwiessner@aurorak12.org
5th Grade CalWood Informational Meeting January 22nd 5:00 p.m.
On April 16th-18th our 5th Grade will be going on an overnight field trip to the CalWood Education Center.There is a mandatory parent meeting for students who are going on this trip. It is an informational meeting that we will hold virtually on January 22nd at 5 pm. Here is the 5th Grade Virtual CalWood Parent Meeting Information
Virtual Calwood Parent Meeting 2025
Wednesday, January 22nd 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/hwg-eyqx-ahk
There will be important paperwork documents sent home with students on January 22nd. We will go over the packet during the meeting.
This is a very fun, adventurous and experiential field trip that we provide to our 5th graders. We hope All 5th grade students will participate, so if you have any hesitations or doubts, please attend this meeting.
Important Information and Reminders
Enrollment Plans for the 2025-26 School Year
We are evaluating applications for students interested in attending Aurora Quest K-8 next fall.
Because student enrollment here is limited, it is important to know the plans of our current students. (Remember: Aurora Quest students DO NOT need to reapply to Quest for next year). We have not yet heard from your family about what your plans are for next school year
Would you please take a moment to fill out the form below to let us know your plans for next fall?
We realize that plans can change, but this will give us a basis for establishing our classrooms and hiring our staff for next year.
Please complete the form by Friday, January 24, 2025.
Thank you!
A few students at Quest will be taking the English proficiency assessment (ACCESS) in January. The window for this will be from January 13 - February 14th.
8th graders Practice PSAT:
8th graders at Quest will be taking the Practice PSAT during the week of January 27. IT is important for all 8th-grade students to take this exam, as high schools use this information for class placement in 9th grade.
Welcome to the New Year!
Norovirus is spreading rapidly, shutting down hospital units, closing schools for deep cleaning, and causing lost workdays. Pediatric clinics and pediatric EDs are overrun with sick children.
Any child with nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea needs to stay home until there has not been any nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea for 24-hours without giving any medicine. Children with nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea will be sent home. Many people with norovirus do not have fever or muscle ache as this is not stomach flu.
The respiratory triple threat of COVID, Flu, and RSV is back also. Children may come to school with a cough and nasal congestion but must stay home with a fever above 100.4. Children need to be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine. It is not too late to get a flu shot.
RSV vaccines are available for persons of a certain age.
Please do NOT be confident in your hand sanitizer--it is not the killing machine you want. Use soap, water, and friction. Sing happy birthday twice while scrubbing with soap. If you have artificial nails scrub scrub scrub under them. Seriously, this stuff is nasty.
One more vaccine plug. Roald Dahl’s (author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, and more) daughter died as a young child of measles encephalitis in 1962. This is preventable with the MMR vaccinations. Children unvaccinated for measles have the risk of hospitalization, death, permanent hearing loss, and pneumonia. Please vaccinate your children.
Let me know how I can help.
Susan Golden MSN RN
Immigrant Family Resources
The district has provided information on resources available for immigrant families. Please visit the APS Resources for Immigrant students and their families.
Colorado Child Passenger Safety Law
Parents and caregivers are responsible for properly restraining a child and will be ticketed if they fail to do so.
- All safety seats should be installed and fitted according to the manufacturer’s instructions and the vehicle owner's manual
- Caregivers can be pulled over if their child is not properly restrained
- Caregivers can face additional charges if the law is not followed and the child is injured
For more information go to: https://www.codot.gov/safety/carseats/colorado-child-passenger-safety-law-1
APS Student Technology Contract Now Includes Damage Costs
Now that remote learning at most schools has ended and additional federal funding for devices is no longer available, schools will again begin charging families for any damages incurred to district devices during the 2024-25 school year. Please note that the first incident of damage will not be charged. Any following incidents will be charged based on the type of damage. See student technology device contract that you agreed to during check-in at the beginning of the year.
If you have any questions about the new technology device contract and the possible damage costs, please contact 303-326-1985.
You have not stopped helping and we appreciate this soooo much!
Thank you to the following volunteers:
Amber Wright, Christal Perkins, Christian Garcia, Estella Escobar, Imelda Yanez, Jamie Ramirez, John Vecchioni, Julie Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Krista Pfeiffer, Loan Nguyen, Lynn Vair, Maleeha Nawaz, Michael Dixon-Moran, Senait Isaya, and Valerie Schowinsky
World's Finest Chocolate Sales Going Great!
Thank you everyone! Our sales are soaring so much that we had to order another 100 boxes. After the sale we hope to have collected $10,000 in funds. Student Council is already brainstorming on how to spend it all! Let's keep the momentum going!
Dates to Look Out For:
-Next PTA meeting is January 14th 6-7
PTA Swag
The wait is over! We have a long sleeve black tees in stock for $25 and embroidered beanies for $15. Our tees are adult sizing S-XXL. There is a sample in the glass case at the school entrance of both items. We also have PTA short sleeve tees in minimal quantities. Check out our FB page for pictures
Where does the money go?
PTA looks very different from what we thought, until we joined and learned all the stuff that PTA either supports or is responsible for funding throughout the school year. We provide the funds for transportation to field trips, which has increased by 50% in the last year. We provide teachers with a budget for classroom enrichment as well as a small allowance for class supplies. We were able to have lunch catered using a local small business as part of our teacher appreciation line item in our budget. If you need Mexican Food catered or would like to visit the food truck, check out North of the Border Grill.
King Soopers Rewards: (EASIEST way to passively fundraise without trying!)
Help our school by buying your groceries! This is the easiest fundraiser and takes less than 10 minutes to set up so sign up if you haven't already. A huge THANK YOU to our current participants!! 181 families are currently contributing money towards our school.
• Go to: www.kingsooperscommunityrewards.com
• Click on Enroll Now.
• Sign in to your account.
• Click on Community Rewards
Enter Aurora Quest K8 PTA or “BX352”
Shop as usual using your rewards card or alternate ID
We Have A Facebook Group!
Wondering what is going on? Curious about upcoming events? Wanting to volunteer during fundraisers or at school events but not sure how? This is your one stop shop for how to support the school, fundraisers and overall school community. Please be sure to answer the questions when you ask to join. It's a way that we ensure that our Quest information stays within our community.
Thank You for all you do to help grow and nurture our community!