Ranger Roundup
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Ranger Roundup- February 2025
Chromebook Replacement Costs/Fees
Marquee Birthday Shout Outs
2023-2024 Federal Report Cards
Dear Parent:
Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district’s campuses are now available on the district’s website at this link:
• Select a campus level (ex: Elementary, Middle, High)
• Find your campus
• Click 2023-24
• Click 2023-24 Federal Report Card
Information on these report cards includes:
• Part (i): Description of State Accountability System
• Part (ii): Student Achievement by Proficiency Level
• Part (iii): Academic Growth and Graduation Rate
• Part (iv): English Language Proficiency
• Part (v): School Quality or Student Success
• Part (vi): Goal Meeting Status
• Part (vii): STAAR Participation
• Part (viii): Civil Rights Data
• Part (ix): Teacher Quality Data
• Part (x): Per-pupil Expenditure
• Part (xi): STAAR Alternate 2 Participation
• Part (xii): Statewide National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
• Part (xiii): Cohort Rate of Graduates Enrolled in Postsecondary Education
• Part (xiv): Additional Information—Chronic Absenteeism
• Part (xv): Section 1003 Fund
• Part (xvi): Counts of First Year English Learners Excluded from the State Accountability
If you are unable to access the information from the website, hard copies of the reports are available at the district or campus office. If you have questions about the information, please contact Director of Instruction, Christy Hames, at 281-897-4400.
Thank you!
Estimados padres de familia:
Las Tarjetas de Calificaciones Federales del estado, el distrito y cada una de las escuelas del distrito están disponibles ahora en la página Web del distrito, en este enlace:
• Escoja el nivel escolar (primaria, intermedia, secundaria)
• Escoja la escuela
• Haga clic en el año escolar 2023-24
• Haga clic en “2023-24 Federal Report Card”
Las tarjetas de calificaciones contienen la siguiente información:
• Parte (i): Descripción general del sistema de evaluación de escuelas del estado de Texas.
• Parte (ii): Rendimiento estudiantil por nivel de dominio
• Parte (iii): Crecimiento académico e índice de graduaciones
• Parte (iv): Dominio del idioma inglés
• Parte (v): Calidad de las escuelas o éxito de los estudiantes
• Parte (vi): Situación actual de la obtención de objetivos
• Parte (vii): Participación en STAAR
• Parte (viii): Datos de derechos civiles
• Parte (ix): Datos de la calidad de los docentes
• Parte (x): Gastos por alumno
• Parte (xi): Participación en la Alternativa 2 de STAAR
• Parte (xii): Evaluación Nacional a nivel estatal del progreso educacional (NAEP)
• Parte (xiii): Índice estadístico de graduados inscritos en educación posterior a la secundaria
• Parte (xiv): Información adicional – Ausentismo crónico
• Parte (xv): Fondos según la Sección 1003
• Parte (xvi): Número de estudiantes de inglés de primer año excluidos de los reportes de
responsabilidad estatal
Si tienen alguna dificultad en acceder a esta información de la página Web, hay copias de los informes disponibles en las oficinas del distrito o en las escuelas. Si tienen alguna pregunta sobre esta información, sírvanse contactarse con Director of Instruction, Christy Hames- 281-897-4400.
Counselors' Corner
Safety Spotlight
ID Badges
CFISD Tipline
Grade Snapshot
Home Access Center Help Links
Decoding the Gradebook
Community Support & Partnerships
Kroger Community Rewards
Upcoming Events
Ranger Showcase
All students will be completing projects in at least one of their classes in preparation for the Ranger Showcase. All students are invited to showcase their projects at the Ranger Showcase. This is a great opportunity for students to practice presentation skills and demonstrate their learning for family members. Check out the video below for a view into a past Ranger Showcase.
Students are completing projects in the following classes.
- 6th Grade- World Cultures
- 7th Grade- Science
- 8th Grade- Language Arts
Cook Attendance
Student Pick Up Procedures
Volunteer Opportunities
Yearbook Sales
Car Rider Procedures
Walker and Biker Procedures
Lunch Deliveries & Lunch Visitors
Campus Policies
Electronic Device Policy
We believe that removing cell phone, earbud and personal device usage while students are inside Cook Middle School will:
1. Minimize Distractions
2. Promote Face-to-Face Interactions
3. Enhance Focus and Learning
4. Reduce Opportunities for Cyberbullying
If students need to make contact with a parent or guardian they may:
1. Use the campus phone in our security vestibule during passing periods, or their lunch period.
2. Use their phone during our dismissal process once they have exited the building.
3. Speak with a campus administrator, counselor or staff members about an alternative plan should an emergency arise.
Should a parent or guardian need to communicate an important message to a student, please call our main line to have a message sent to your student.
We appreciate your support in reinforcing the importance of following the Electronic Device Policy. Please have a conversation with your students about the reasonings behind this policy and the positive impact it can have on their academic progress and school experience.
ID Badge and Clear Backpack Policy
At Cook Middle School, identification badges and clear backpacks are essential aspects of our commitment to a safe environment for students, staff and visitors to our campus. In addition, student ID badges allow students to access transportation, meals and library books with a quick scan of their badges. Please review the badge policy with your student and discuss the importance of wearing their ID badge each day.
We appreciate your support in ensuring that your student has their permanent ID badge and a clear backpack each day.
Tardy Policy
At Cook Middle School, we place great emphasis on teaching and reinforcing our campus PBIS values of being Respectful, Organized, Cooperative and Kind. An essential piece of students living these values at school is being on time to each of their classes and being in attendance for as many school days as possible.
Arriving to class on time, ensures that students do not miss essential instructions, announcements and the beginning of lessons. Our staff is working diligently to plan quality lessons that include a purposeful warm up within the first few minutes of class. Students arriving late to class, may miss those essential warm ups, reminders about upcoming assessments and other classroom announcements.
First period begins at 7:45 a.m. and students are expected to be in their assigned first period, ready to learn at 7:45. We ask your support and assistance in ensuring that students arrive on campus prior to 7:45 a.m. so that they may eat breakfast, make it to their classroom and be ready to learn when the bell rings.
Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in encouraging your students to make the most of the academic year by being on time to each of their classes.
Dress Code
Bell Schedule
School Family Compact
Title I Parents Right to Know
Staying Connected to Cook Middle School
Cook Middle School Communications & Emails
Don't miss out on any of our campus communications or emails from your student's teachers!
- Be sure that we have an updated email address on file with our Registrar's office.
- Opt in for School Messenger Text Message