McAuliffe News Shuttle
Christa McAuliffe Elementary School
Dec. 13, 2024
Daily Schedule
Gates open at 8:25am
School begins at 8:55am
Upcoming Events
PTO Holiday Market
Dec. 17-19 (preview day 12/16)
TK Holiday Sing-Along
Dec. 19
Rm K1
Challenger Assembly
Dec. 20
Winter Concert
Dec. 20
Kindergarten Polar Express Parade
Dec. 20
Winter Spirit Week
Important Reminder: Before School Student Supervision
Dear Families,
Please remember that there is no adult supervision for students before the school gates open at 8:25 AM.
A Friendly Reminder to Keep Our School Community Healthy
As we move through this exciting time of year, we kindly ask for your help in keeping our school community safe and healthy. If your child is experiencing symptoms of a cold, or other airborne illness, please consider keeping them home.
We understand that balancing work and family responsibilities can be difficult, especially when your child is unwell. However, sending a sick child to school can unintentionally put others at risk, including classmates, teachers, and families who may have vulnerable members like infants, older adults, or individuals with compromised immune systems at home.
By working together, we can protect everyone in our school community and ensure a successful year for all. Thank you for your support and understanding!
PTO Holiday Market
December 17-19 (Preview day 12-16)
This holiday Shopportunity is a great time for your child to be empowered with a little independence and time around and during the school day to hand pick holiday items for family, friends, and teachers alike. Items are priced from $.50-$8, cash only please. The Market is run completely by Parent volunteers and student helpers and will be open during the day depending on volunteer sign-ups, so keep an eye on your email for sign-up times!
Check out the flier below for information and follow THIS LINK to sign-up to help- we need volunteers to keep the shop open, so be sure to see where you can fit in.
Dine-Out WEEK at Mountain Mike's
December 16-20
This AMAZING fundraising opportunity to partner with a local restaurant with a generous 30% profit will run the whole week of December 16-20 from Open to close! We all know that'll be a busy week, so be sure to earmark a day (or a few!) to order out, feed the office staff, 'meal-prep', or gather with friends at Mountain Mike's @ 2251 S. El Camino Real, Oceanside. Be sure to read the flier below on how to make your purchase count for our school. Happy dining!
Yearbooks 2024-2025
Stay tuned for more information on this year's yearbook!
Weekly Attendance Recognition
Congratulations to these classes for having the highest attendance for the week:
- Mr. Elwood's Class (Primary grades): 98%
- Mrs. Farish's Class (Upper grades): 96%
Bicycle Safety Course
Would you like to learn valuable information about bicycle safety? The Oceanside Police Department is hosting a Bicycle Education Safety Course. Bring your bicycle and we will help you register it. This is a one stop shop for all of your bicycle safety resources.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Oceanside Police Department
3855 Mission Avenue
Oceanside, CA 92058
Receive valuable resources and information on:
*Rules of the Road
*Current Traffic Laws
*E-Bike Safety
*Helmets-Safety First
For more information or to RSVP, contact:
Officer Matthew Parenteau
Digital Progress Reports and Report Cards via Aeries Parent Portal
OUSD is making an important change in our student progress report/report card distribution process. Beginning this reporting period, progress reports/report cards will no longer be printed and mailed home. Instead, parents and guardians will access their child's progress reports/report cards electronically through the Aeries Parent Portal.
Parent Resources
The District IT department has created a series of instructional videos to guide parents on navigating the Aeries Parent Portal and accessing report cards.
These videos are available at https://bit.ly/ousdparentportal
These resources can also be found on the ITS webpage at www.oside.us/departments/information-technology-services-its/aeries-parent-portal.
Grades will be published in the Aeries Parent Portal on January 15th.
Art Corner
Audio Enhancement Program
After successfully piloting a school safety and audio system at two of our schools during the 23-24 school year, at the June 2024 Board of Education meeting, the Board approved installing this system at all OUSD schools.
This enhancement serves as an update to our current bell and intercom system. Each classroom teacher will have a device on a lanyard that amplifies sound throughout the classroom during every lesson. Every student, no matter where they sit, will be able to clearly hear the teacher and information being taught.
Along with audio and video capabilities, the new device incorporates a safety notification button to alert administration and front offices of any emergency situation. In the event of a classroom emergency, the teacher can activate the camera for office staff to view the situation. The device identifies the exact location to initiate school safety protocols. Further, and only in the event of a lockdown or active shooter emergency, Oceanside Police Department can utilize these same cameras to access views into classrooms and throughout the school.
Thank you for your constant support as we work to provide a safe and modern learning
environment for all!
OUSD District Cell Phone Policy
We are excited to share our new cell phone policy, "During the Day, Off and Away," for the 2024-2025 school year (Board Policy 5131.8). Our goal is to create a safe and focused learning environment for all students by minimizing distractions and promoting their mental well-being.
Key Points:
Cell Phone Usage: Students must turn off (ringer/tone/sounds off) and store their phones in their backpacks upon entering campus. Phones should stay off until they leave.
Exceptions: Students with specific accommodations (IEPs, 504 plans, or medical conditions) may have phone access as specified.
Communication: Classrooms have landlines for students to contact parents when necessary. Phones will be accessible in emergencies.
Academic Benefits: Reducing phone usage helps students stay focused and engaged in class.
Safety and Security: This policy helps prevent cyberbullying, ensures students focus during emergencies, and reduces the risk of theft or loss.
Support and disciplinary measures are in place for policy violations to help students adjust.
Thank you for your support as we work together to enhance our students' learning experience and well-being.
Blackboard Communication Platform
OUSD messages families using a platform called Blackboard Communications. This allows teachers and staff to send an email, text or voice message directly to the email address or phone number you have listed in Aeries. You no longer need to download any third party apps to receive messages from OUSD. The only district supported app that families should download is the OUSD app. It’s important that all the adults in your student’s life have updated contact information in Aeries so everyone can receive important messages from your student’s school.
McAuliffe Elementary Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Breakfast and Lunch menus are now available online.
You are now able to do the following on our interactive menus!
- View images and descriptions for our menu items
- View nutritional information for each entree and food item
- Translate the menus into multiple languages
- Filter the menu for specific food allergens
- Rate foods and see carb counts!
Please use the link below to access the breakfast and lunch menus.
OUSD Mission and Vision Statement:
All students graduate college and career ready, prepared to be responsible global citizens and ambitious future leaders
Students First: Our students are our highest priority. Every decision is made to maximize our students’ well-being.
Educational Equity: Every student receives the academic, social, and emotional support needed to thrive. Resources are allocated to address achievement and opportunity gaps.
Diversity: Our learning community’s diverse cultural experiences and intellectual variance drives our collective and individual success.
Collaborative Relationships: We foster learning environments where meaningful collaboration occurs. Members of our learning community forge respectful relationships based on integrity, empathy and dignity. Our community schools initiative and the support to military-affiliated students are just a couple ways OUSD continues showing up for everyone in the district.