Friday 28th June 2024
Headteacher - Mr J Ayre
Assistant Headteacher - Mrs S Humphreys
Associate Assistant Headteacher - Miss L Brook
Dear Parents and Carers,
Another Busy Week at Carleton Park!
The Colour Run was such a fun, messy, and exciting afternoon for all the children, and I hope all the parents and carers who joined in had just as much fun! What a wonderful way to bring everyone together from the school community and our pupils were resilient as always, throwing themselves into a new experience. I am incredibly proud of all our staff and the collective effort from various staff across Pontefract Academies Trust. The dedication and teamwork from all the staff made this event truly special. Thank you for creating an unforgettable experience that will stay in the children's memories for a lifetime.
Special mention this week also needs to go to Years 1-5 for completing their final assessments. They have worked very hard and their efforts will be rewarded as they move through school. After speaking to all the teachers, they are very proud of their pupils and how they have progressed throughout the year.
And finally, a huge congratulations to our talented children who attended the Multi Skills event at Carleton High School yesterday. I am very pleased to announce they came 1st and also won the Spirit of the Games Award which is fantastic! They were also supported by our team of Year 6 Sports Leaders who encouraged them all the way and helped with the event.
Have a lovely weekend, and we go again next week!
Mr J Ayre
Upcoming Events
Attendance Update
Whole School Target = 97%
Rec - 97.1%
Year 1 - 95.3%
Year 2 - 96.6%
Year 3 - 95.6%
Year 4 - 94.8%
Year 5 - 95.6%
Year 6 - 97.7%
Whole School Attendance Summer Term 2, Week 4 - 96.1%
Whole School Year to Date - 97%
Reception - Bonnie and Hunter
Year 1 - Harper M and Emmy
Year 2 - Rosemary and Evalyn
Year 3 - Everyone!
Year 4 - Thomas S and Hope
Year 5 - Everyone
Year 6 - George and Lola
All events are communicated here as soon as they are confirmed
Please visit our website - Be The Best You Can Be - Carleton Park : Carleton Park ( for all the term dates.
Summer Term 2 2024
- 1st - Y3 Ukulele Summer Concert - 9.30am - Please enter through the main entrance. Please note this is a short concert of around 20 minutes.
- 2nd - Reception Trip to Bridlington - please see MCAS for payment and website for letter
- 2nd - Y6 Trip to Bridlington - please see MCAS for payment and website for letter
- 3rd - Round 2 - Pontefract Academies Trust Talent Show (Children only)
- 4th - Y6 Induction Day at Carleton High School or The King's High School - pupils to attend during the day
- 5th - Summer Fayre - Children can be collected from 2pm. Please bring change.
- 8th - Y5 and Y6 Trip to Manchester City - Educational Tour - See letter and MCAS for this free trip!
- 8th - Value Awards Ceremony for Reception to Year 5 - Starts at 4.30pm ***Invite only for the winning children and their parents***
- 9th - Year 5 trip to School of Rock performance
- 9th - Talent Show Finalists Performance for Parents - Invitation Only
- 9th - New Reception 2024 Starters - Parent Information Meeting (Adults Only) - 5pm
- 10th and 11th - Celebration Days - Inflatables for whole school and ice cream for 100% attendance
- 12th - Y6 Performance for Parents - AM show 10am, PM show 1.30pm. Please enter through the main entrance.
- 12th - Talent Show Rehearsal Day - 4pm-6pm at Carleton High School. Parents to drop off/collect.
- 15th - Transition Day for all years. Moving up to new classes.
- 15th - New Reception 2024 Starters - Play and Stay with parents. AM Session 10am, PM Session 1pm (Places must be booked)
- 15th - Y6 Transition Day at Carleton High School or The King's School - pupils to attend during the day
- 16th - Y6 Transition Day at Carleton High School or The King's School - pupils to attend during the day and parents and pupils to attend in the evening
- 17th - Pontefract Academies Trust Talent Show Final at Carleton High School - 5pm-7pm
- 18th - Y6 Leavers Assembly - Parents invited. Starts at 2pm - please enter through the main entrance.
- 19th - Last Day of Term/Academic Year
2024 ASSESSMENT DATES - If your child is in the following years please make sure they attend school during these important dates:
Year 1 - Monday 10th June to Friday 14th - Phonics Screening Check Week
Year 4 - Monday 3rd June to Friday 14th June - Multiplication Tables Check Week
Please visit our website - Be The Best You Can Be - Carleton Park : Carleton Park ( for all the term dates.
Reception, KS1 and KS2 Clubs - Available to book on MCAS
Clubs run from 3.10pm to 4.10pm with the exception of Forest Schools which runs until 4.30pm. Children are collected from the Main Entrance.
Please make sure if your child is booked onto a physical club they bring some jogging bottoms/shorts, t shirt, jumper and footwear suitable for the weather on the day. Activities can be held inside or outside. Children will need long tops and leggings/jogging bottoms for Forest Schools.
Please note - there are no clubs in the 1st or last week of term
Please see particular dates for the Forest Schools Clubs.
School Dinner Menu Next Week 3
Holiday Activities
SM Football Development is highly recommended
Summer School at St Wilfrid's Catholic School
Diggerland is not far in Castleford for a great day out!