Millry High School
December 16-20
Weekly News
- Last day for exempt students is 12/16.
- The PTO Santa Store is open this week. Stop by for some really cute affordable gifts.
- All basketball players will be taking yearbook individual & team pictures tomorrow. PLEASE HAVE YOUR UNIFORM. Girls team will start at 12:15.(5th period)
- If your HS student is exempt he/she will be marked absent from homeroom, and you may receive a phone call; however, these absences will be recorded as EXEMPT. All teachers are required to send the office a list of their exceptions per period.
- It is important that all students adhere to the dates and times for their exams.
- Students will be not be allowed to check out with a note. Parents, or a designee that is currently on the student's check out list will need to come to the school to check out a student
- A parent may come first thing in the morning to check out a student for later in the day. The parent will need to sign the the student out in person stating that a student may leave upon completion of his/her last exam of the day. This is to insure the safety of all of our students.
- Students will not be called out of class until the end of an exam session. This can be disruptive to students. Check the times below for the exam completion times per period.
- Sign-ups for Cheer, Drum Major, Color Guard and Majorette are outside the HS office. Try-outs in January.
- Early Dismissal days on Dec. 19th & 20th @ 1:00 Carpool for elementary will begin at 12:35.
Upcoming Events
Students return to school January 7.
Dress Code
Shirts Students may wear a green, white, gray, or black “Spirit” T-shirt or polo shirt. Non-school related emblems must be smaller than quarter size. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. Camouflage is not a uniform color and must not be worn.
Pants Students may wear khaki or blue jean pants with finished hems that are fitted and worn at the waist. NO holes, tears, or rips. Khaki capri pants are allowed. Leggings/Jeggings/ may not be worn as outerwear.
Shorts/Skorts/Skirts Students may wear khaki or green/white plaid shorts/skorts/skirts that are not more than 3 inches above the middle of the knee.
Jumpers/dresses Green/white plaid or khaki jumpers, or solid green, gray, or black polo style dresses are allowed. Length to be no more than 3 inches above the knee. Please wear shorts/leggings under dresses/jumpers.
Shoes Students will wear shoes with a closed toe and closed heel. Flip flops, sandals, slides, and Crocs are NEVER to be worn to the school. Velcro or slip-on shoes are preferred until students can tie.
Belts Belts and buckles cannot contain print or pictures. Students in grades 2-12 must wear a belt if pants have belt loops. Pre-K, kindergarten and 1st grade students are not required to wear a belt.
Visible clothing All visible clothing must be in school colors.
Outerwear Outerwear must not be worn without a uniform shirt underneath. Students may wear outerwear and hoodies that are a school color (green, white, gray, or black), including those with school emblems. Emblems not school related must be no larger than a quarter size. Hoods may not be worn on the head inside the building or on the school bus. Hats are not allowed. On days of extreme cold, the policy may be relaxed by the superintendent.
No clothing from another school may be worn at any time.
Millry High School
Email: kimberly.johnson@wcbek12.org
Location: 1 Wildcat Drive, Millry, Al 36558
Phone: 251-846-2987