Little School News
December 2024

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2: 8-12
The Christmas Season is Upon Us!
December has arrived, and it might just be our favorite month of the year! Little School is filled with the joy and excitement of Christmas celebrations and special events. It’s a true gift for us as educators to witness the season’s magic through the eyes of our 200 students—it truly makes our work a joy.
This month, we’ll not only celebrate the birth of Jesus but also honor the generous spirit of St. Nicholas on St. Nicholas Day. Our students will place one shoe under the Christmas tree, hoping St. Nicholas will visit and fill it with treats while they attend chapel in the sanctuary. Throughout the world, various traditions bring light to this darker time of year. Our students will learn about these diverse holidays celebrated by people around the globe.
We want to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Whatever you celebrate this month, we hope it brings peace, joy, and hope for a wonderful new year. There’s a lot happening this month, so be sure to read through this newsletter to stay up to date on everything!
With love and grace,
Kelly Amadeo
Director and Principal
Upcoming Events
December 2nd: Registration open to Current and Alumni family @10:00am
December 4th and 5th: Chapel: St. Nicholas and Christmas Story Theme
December 11th and 12th: Little Schoolers' Christmas Concert Programs! We will be Live-streaming these. Check your email for links coming later this month to share with family and friends who cannot attend in person.
- 12/11 @9:15am: Katie Maldonado MWF, Julie MW, Katie Matthews MW, Jessica MW, Tiffany MWF, Katie D. MWF
- 12/11 @12:15pm: Laura M. MWF, Jenn N. MWF, Kristi M-TH, Dawn & MaryJane, M-F Jennifer S. M-F
- 12/12 @9:15am: Katie Maldonado TTH, Missy TTHF, Tiffany TTH, Amy C. M-F, Kathy TTH, Katie D. TTH
- 12/12 @12:15pm: Deon TTHF, Sandi TTHF, Kara O. M-F, Katie W. M-F
December 16th and 17th: Pajama Day and Pancake Breakfast
December 19th-January 6th: No School Christmas Break
January 7th and 8th: First days back after Christmas Break
January 13th: Registration open for general public @10:00am
Holiday Shop!
Here is how it works:
- Soon, you will receive a Holiday Shop envelope in your child's bag. The envelope will ask you who your child is buying gifts for and how much they can spend on each person. For example: Mom-$10.00, Dad-$10.00, sister age 3-$6.00.
- You will put money in the envelope and return the envelope to your child's teacher. Make sure to tell your child's teacher that they will be going to the Holiday Shop.
- When it's your child's turn to shop, helpers will take them to the holiday shop so they can purchase gifts.
- Gifts will either be $3.00, $6.00, or $10.00.
- Please do not have your child buy for more than six people
- All proceeds for this event go to St. Luke's UMC
- This is an optional event
Want to help kids shop? Please sign up to volunteer. However, be sure to ask your child's teacher when their class is going so your child can shop for you without ruining the surprise!
Music Class News
There is magic all around in Little School music this month! We couldn't be more proud of the incredible effort put in by all the children as they prepare for their Christmas programs, which will be held on December 11th and 12th.
Every age group will showcase their own special Christmas songs, and there will also be collective performances of "Mary and Joseph," and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." We are truly grateful to you for entrusting your children to us. Seeing their growth and learning every day brings us great joy. May your Christmas be filled with love and your New Year be filled with blessings.
With musical wishes,
Ms. Sheri, Ms. Laura, and Ms. Jana
Teacher Gift Buying Ideas 🎁
We Need a Baby Jesus and Holy Family!
St. Luke's UMC has live nativity scenes during their Christmas Eve services. They are looking for a couple of families to play the Holy Family during their services. If you have a baby under the age of one (boy or girl) who could be Jesus, and your family would love to play the rest of the Holy Family and attendants, please email sam@stlukeshr.com.
St. Luke's United Methodist Church Happenings (Video)
See this advent video that outlines all the events the church is offering this season and details about what each event is. There are so many wonderful child friendly events that will help your family celebrate the season of Jesus' birth.
Christmas Music Cantata: December 8th at 9:30am and 11:15am. If you love Christmas music, you will love the Cantata! Join us for Christmas songs and performances by our choir, bells, orchestra, and bands. There will be NO SUNDAY SCHOOL this day, but childcare is available at 9:30am only.
Charlie Brown Christmas Themed Christmas Concert: December 11th: The Annie Booth Trio will be offering a free concert (donations accepted) at St. Luke’s UMC. You will not want to miss this “Jazzy Christmas Concert” for the entire family. This concert is family friendly with a photo booth and Snoopy Snacks for the kids.
Holiday Shop for children December 14th 9:00am-12:00pm. Little School Children will have a special shopping time December 11th-13th, but feel free to bring your older children and siblings of Little Schoolers to shop for their family on Saturday! By participating in this event, children will learn what it means to be giving at the holidays. Gifts are $3- $10, and there are gifts for the whole family. Contact sam@stlukeshr.com for questions.
Candy Cane Sunday: December 15th at 9:30am Join us for a special Sunday School all about Candy Canes!
Christmas Eve Services: December 24th
Children themed services with puppets at 1:00pm and 3:00pm.
Traditional services will be at 5:00pm and 7:00pm.
Childcare will be available at the 5:00pm service only.
Epiphany/Kings Sunday: January 5th at 9:30am and 11:00am. Join us for this moving reenactment of the Three Kings and their delivery of their gifts to the Christ Child. Our Three Kings are 15’ tall puppets, and this is a wonderful service for the whole family as we wrap up the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Happy Holidays from St. Luke's Children Ministry Directors ~ Ms. Sam and Ms. Sharon