Berthoud Community Library District
November 2024
In This Issue...
- Letter from the CEO
- Hours
- November Closures
- Digital Navigators
Online Resource Highlight:
- Kanopy: Native American Heritage Month
Family Events:
- 11/2: Fall Fest at 2PM
- Tuesdays: Bouncing Baby Storytime at 10:30AM *No storytime on 11/26
- Wednesdays: Terrific Toddler Storytime at 10:30AM *No storytime on 11/27
- Fridays: Perky Pre-K Storytime at 10:30AM *No Storytime on 11/29
11/4 & 11/18: Musical Moments at 4PM
11/7: Tinker Tots at 4:00PM (for ages 3-6) *Registration Required
11/14: Budding Artists (for ages 7-10) *Registration Required
11/16: Fun-damentals of Play at 2PM (for ages 5-9)
Teen Events:
- 11/21: Construct & Concoct (Greeting Cards) at 4:15PM *Registration Required
Adult Events:
- 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/25, & 12/6: NaNoWriMo from 4:30-5:30PM
- 11/7: Foothills Audubon Bird Club at 6PM
- 11/7: Learn About Colorado's Rattlesnake "Megaden" at 6PM *Virtual Event Via Zoom
- 11/14: “Could better democracy require less political action?” a Reading Group with POPCO of CU Boulder at 6:00PM
- 11/15: Food for Thoughts Breakfast with Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary at 8AM *Registration Required
- 11/20: Game Night at 6:00PM
- 11/21: Yoga with Bella at 10:30AM *Registration Required
- 11/22: Knit & Crochet Drop-in from 1-3PM
- Mondays: Writer's Group from 10:30-11:45AM
- Saturdays: Saturday Sketch Hour from 11AM - 12PM
- Podcast
- Virtual Storytime with Miss Christy
- Contact Us
CEO Note
It’s November, so in the spirit of gratitude that we’re all practicing this month, here are
three things that I’m thankful for:
1. The Library Board. This is the time of year when they’re busy working on setting
priorities and direction for the coming year, and as usual, they’re doing a fantastic
job on your behalf. Many thanks to Aly, Amanda, Bob, Julie, Karen, Kathy, and
2. The Library Staff. They do so much every day to keep the Library running
smoothly and helping all of you do what you need to do. Many thanks to Bella,
Christy, Diane, Kelly, Sam, Sarah, Thora, and Tom.
3. The Library Littles. Nothing brightens up our days quite like an interaction with
the kids (and teens) in this community. Grownups, you should be proud of the
next generation of Berthoudites. Our community’s future is bright.
Fall Fest is coming up right away, so be sure that you check the information below so
you don’t miss out on that great event. As usual, our calendar is full! We hope you join
us for a class or event this month.
Also note that the holiday season begins this month with three Library closure dates.
The Library will be CLOSED on Monday, November 11 for Veterans Day, as well as
Thursday and Friday, November 28 and 29, for Thanksgiving.
With gratitude for all of you,
Amie P.
Library CEO
We have extended our Browsing Hours on Wednesday and Thursday!
We are now open for browsing Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 10AM - 6PM. Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10AM - 8PM, and Saturday we are open from 10AM - 4PM. We are no longer closed for lunch on Saturdays (yippee!).
Curbside hours remain constant every day, Monday through Saturday, from 10AM until 5PM. Please email us at curbside.bcld@gmail.com or give us a call and let us know what we can gather for you. We'll arrange a time to pick up for contactless delivery.
November Closures
The Library will be closed on November 11th for Veterans Day.
The Library will also be closed on November 28th & 29th for Thanksgiving.
Digital Navigators
Digital Navigators of Larimer County Libraries are here to teach you how to confidently use technology and to provide digital skill building support to your community!
Build your digital skills with:
- Cell Phones
- Computers & Internet
- Social Media
- Email & Online Accounts
- Apps & Software
-…and so much more!
Call (970)962-3154 and leave a message to schedule an appointment. Please ask your library about their first come, first serve drop-in hours with our Navigators!
*Please note they help community members learn how to use their devices, they are unable to provide tech support or repair assistance.
Online Resource Highlight:
Kanopy: Native American Heritage Month
Celebrate Native American Heritage Month by delving into the rich tapestry of indigenous
cultures, stories, and histories. Embrace the wisdom, resilience, and artistry of Native American
communities through a variety of captivating resources. Begin your exploration
today at kanopy.com/category/67095 #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth
Don't have a free account with Kanopy yet? Visit this link: https://www.kanopy.com/berthoud/?frontend=kui and add your library card!
Family Events:
Fall Fest
Cozy Up for Fall Fest!
Join us for a delightful day filled with face painting, fun games, exciting prizes, cozy crafts, and tasty fall treats! Let’s celebrate the beauty of the changing seasons together.
Perfect for kids ages 5-12 and their caregivers.
Bouncing Baby Storytime
Join us for Bouncing Baby Storytime on Tuesdays at 10:30AM. This story time is tailored to babies under two. Short books, bounces, songs, finger and foot play rhymes will be fun for babies and their grown-ups alike!
No storytime on 11/26.
Terrific Toddler Storytime
Join us on Wednesdays at 10:30AM for Terrific Toddler Storytime. Let your toddler move and wiggle at this fast-paced story time with books to grow on, as well as plenty of singing and dancing!\
No storytime on 11/27.
Perky Pre-K Storytime
Join us on Fridays at 10:30AM for Perky Pre-K Storytime. We will be reading and interacting with longer stories in this group, but don’t worry we will still have songs and movement. We will wrap up with a craft.
No storytime on 11/29.
Musical Moments
Every other Monday!
Let's play at the library! Musical Moments is especially designed for preschool children. Stop by every other Monday at 4PM to learn, play, and sing at the Berthoud Community Library.
November's Musical Moments dates are the 4th & 18th.
Tinker Tots
For this month's Tinker Tots, we will be learning all about weather on November 7th at 4PM.
Call (970)532-2757 to register. For ages 3-6 and their adults.
Budding Artists
🌟 Calling all budding artists! Join us on November 14th from 4:00-4:45 PM for a fun and engaging art class. For ages 7-10.
We will be focusing on lines this month. Unleash your creativity and create your own artwork!
Reserve your spot today by calling (970) 532-2757. We can’t wait to see you there! 🎨
Fun-damentals of Play
After a week of hard work in school, it’s time for your child to unleash their creativity!
For ages 5-9. No registration required.
Teen & Tween Events
Construct & Concoct
🎨 Join Us for Teen Construct & Concoct on November 21st at 4:15PM!🖌️
The holiday season is just around the corner, and we’re excited to host a workshop where you can create your own handmade greeting cards! It’s the perfect way to add a personal touch to your holiday wishes.
Make sure to mark your calendars! No registration needed. ✉️✨
Adult Events:
NaNoWriMo is a global challenge to write a novel (or 50,000 words!) in November. Join us to connect with fellow writers, share laughs, and seek advice. Your novel is waiting—let’s make it happen together!
10/25: Kick-off Meeting & Pre-Challenge Planning: Let’s introduce ourselves, share information, set expectations, and outline our goals.
Weekly Meetings in November:
11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/25: Each session will include a 15-minute discussion on challenges, successes, and motivation, plus sharing excerpts we’re proud of. After that, we’ll enjoy 45 minutes of quiet writing time with some ambient music.
Final Celebration:
12/6: Let’s celebrate all your hard work!
All meetings will be from 4:30-5:30PM.
Foothills Audubon Bird Club
Foothills Audubon Bird Club November Program Radar Ornithology: Tracking Migration Under
the Cover of Darkness Presented by Dr. Kyle Horton
Free and open to the public on November 7th at 6PM.
Learn About Colorado's Rattlesnake Megaden
This event will be on November 7th at 6PM, held virtually via zoom. Save this link: https://calpoly.zoom.us/j/86062119395 and mark your calendars!
In the meantime, feel free to check out there website and watch Project RattleCam's 24/7 livestream:https://rattlecam.org/
The livestream runs 24-7 from May through October. If you are watching and the stream stops, it will begin again soon. The stream pauses for 15 minutes at 7am and 7pm PT.
"Could better democracy require less political action?"
Philosopher Robert Talisse has argued in recent writings that intense political action can lead to belief polarization and worse democratic practices. The solution is for citizens to get some "social distance from the political fray." This month we'll discuss Talisse's arguments as he presents them in his online essay
"The Need for Socially Distanced Citizens."
Join us for a participant-driven discussion of this provocative essay! Visit this link: https://sites.google.com/view/berthoud-philosophy/home for the reading materials and to register.
Registration is required.
Food for Thoughts Breakfast with Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary
We are excited to have Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary join us for breakfast on November 15th at 8AM!
Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary is located in Erie, Colorado. They are a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit animal sanctuary for abused or neglected farmed animals. Their rescued residents include cows, pigs, turkeys, chickens, horses, goats, donkeys, sheep, and ducks. Join us to learn about their life saving mission.
Call 970-532-2757 to make a reservation.
Game Night
Join us for Game Night on November 20th from 6:00-7:30PM. Bring your own game or use one of ours!
Per our lovely patron's requests, we've acquired sets of some of your favorite classic games: backgammon, chess and cribbage!
Yoga with Bella
Join us for a free yoga class on November 21st from 10:30-11:30AM!
This class will be a gentle energizing flow. All levels are welcome. Bring your own mat and props.
Registration is required. Call (970)532-2757 to register.
Intro to Managing Your Virtual Privacy
Concerned about privacy? Unsure about accepting cookies? Come learn about some essential privacy tips with AmeriCorps Digital Navigator, John Williams, on November 21st at 6PM!
In this introductory lecture, we’ll review how ads target us online, how to limit tracking, where to find browser settings and extensions to better control how our information is shared. We’ll also discuss some of the key features of password managers and why they’re a safe and secure option.
Knit & Crochet Drop-In
Knit & Crochet Drop-in will meet this Friday the 22nd of November from 1-3PM.
This is not a class, just a place for fellow crafters to meet and knit/crochet together. This is a drop-in event.
Writer's Group
Join us as we free-write, critique, and hone our craft together.
All genres of writing welcome. We meet Mondays from 10:30AM to 11:45AM.
No Writer's group on 11/11.
Saturday Sketch Hour
Join us for Saturday Sketch Hour each Saturday from 11AM-12PM! This is an hour for artists of any age and skill level to come and practice, and to learn from each other. Paper and pencils will be provided, however, if you have your own sketching supplies feel free to bring them. (Activity is drawing-specific!)
This is Berthoud Podcast
This podcast is not just about library 'stuff', but about the wonderful community we live in. Straight from our CEO, Amie!
We're here for you, to support you, to inform you, and to care for you the best way we know how.
Most Recent Episode:
Season 5 – Episode 6 Learn About the Larimer County Clerk and Recorder: with Tina Harris
Virtual Storytime Vault with Miss Christy
View all of Miss Christy's virtual story times from the past years. Watch the ones you missed or re-watch your favorites over and over again.
Stay Up to Date
Please keep checking our website, our Facebook page, and/or our Instagram page throughout the month to see the events we are hosting and any updates we may have!
Click here to visit our website.