Paws for News - The Ocelot Outlook
Olmito Elementary School
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Feb. 10-14, 2025
A Note from the Principal
Dear Olmito Elementary Families,
We have some important updates and events to share as we kick off another great week at OES!
Here’s what’s happening at OES:
Here are a few brief updates for OES parents:
1) 🥞🍳🥓 February Attendance Challenge - Breakfast Incentive 🥓🍳🥞
We’re bringing back our exciting February Attendance Challenge! Each day, the grade level with the highest attendance percentage will earn a heart on the main hallway bulletin board. The grade with the highest overall attendance at the end of the month will win a catered breakfast from the Child Nutrition Department. Let’s work together to keep attendance strong—Attendance = Growth!
2) 💖 "Love To Be On Time" - No Tardies/Perfect Attendance Challenge 💖
Students who are present and have no tardies during the week of February 10-14 will earn a sweet treat during their lunch on Monday, February 17, 2025. Let’s make every day count!
3) 👕 "Dress Down Day" Attendance Challenge 👕
Our Dress Down Day attendance pass challenge starts February 12 and runs through March 6 for the first round. Students with perfect attendance during this time will be recognized during lunch on March 6, receive a special bracelet, and enjoy a dress-down day on Friday, March 7! 🎉
4) 📚 Scholastic Book Fair 📚
The Scholastic Book Fair opens on Monday, February 10, 2025! Parents may visit daily from 7:30-8:00 AM and 3:05-4:00 PM (Monday-Thursday). Our students have previewed the fair and are excited to purchase their favorite books! Don’t forget to set up your child’s eWallet for cash-free shopping:
🔗 Scholastic eWallet
5) 🤠💖 Rodeo Week at OES 💖🤠
LFCISD Rodeo Week is almost here! Check the flyer below for dress-up days, and don’t miss our full day of rodeo activities on Friday, February 14, 2025. Yee-haw! 🐴🎶
We look forward to these exciting events and encourage everyone to participate!
💚 Thank you for staying connected with Olmito Elementary! Let’s make it another great week! 🌟
Jennifer Garcia
Principal, Olmito Elementary School
Important Reminders for OES Families
Elementary Handbook
- Elementary Handbook ENGLISH: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hIA3ifwahmBVhz-4FuqXNwRUTgxUEw6q/view?usp=drive_link
- Elementary Handbook SPANISH: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wLh_JOAWDmnR-kjLHtAgUeprVyivE4eI/view?usp=drive_link
Olmito Elementary School - School, Parent, Student Compact
🍎 🍴 Breakfast / Lunch Menu 🍴 🍎
💚 Olmito School News 💚
Click on image above to submit a shout out for your child!
Shout outs will be shared on the following day's announcements.
Above are the academic and attendance awards possible for this school year.
Certificates will also be awarded for clubs, EAE, Spelling Bee, etc.
LFCISD Calendar 2024-2025
About Us
Email: jgarcia@lfcisd.net
Website: https://oes.lfcisd.net/
Location: 2500 Arroyo Boulevard, Brownsville, TX, USA
Phone: (956) 233-3950
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OlmitoElementarySchool/
X: @OES_Ocelots