GES Title I Tips
February 2025
Spring with GES Title I - Planning Your Parent Engagement in this Spring Semester
It is hard to believe this school year is already half-way over! Thank you all for partnering with GES Title I to further engage in your child’s education. Here are the upcoming Title I events for this spring. Please include them in your calendars!
- Title I Spring Survey - March 2025
The Title I Spring Survey will be distributed next month via School Messenger Text. This survey will once again be online for quick and easy completion. Paper copies will be available upon request. Please take a moment to complete this VERY important survey. **Students who have a completed survey will receive a special treat!**
- Spring PAC Meeting - April 2025
Our Spring Parent Advisory Council meeting will be held in April and in the same manner as the Fall PAC meeting. At this meeting we will review the results from the Title I Spring Survey. Please plan to take part in this meeting and share your feedback!
- Welcome to Graysville Kindergarten Transition Night - April 28th
Upcoming GES Kindergarten students and their families are invited to attend the Welcome to Graysville Night. Parents and students can tour the school, meet our Kindergarten teachers, complete the enrollment process, and students can take their kindergarten screener. Please join us in welcoming our newest GES tigers!
- Day of the Tiger RMS 5th Grade Transitions - May 2025
GES 5th graders will take a tour of RMS in May during the school day. Current RMS students will guide each class around the school and our kids will be given the opportunity to hear about how to join RMS band, chorus, and sports. Parents are invited to attend an evening meeting in the RMS gym, with the date and start time being shared closer to the event. Parents will receive important information regarding your child's transition to RMS. GES provides several resources for 5th grade transition to Middle School both online and in the Parent Resource Workroom.
As you can see, spring is a busy time at Graysville! Please mark your calendars and lookout for texts, emails, and website updates to stay informed this semester.
Important Dates & Events You Don't Want to Miss
- January 28th- February 7th - GES Winter FAST online
- February 13th - Valentine's Day Class Parties
- February 21st - PTO Family Dance
- February 14th - 17th - No School
Winter F.A.S.T. Meeting - January 28th - February 7th
Volunteer Opportunities
We can always use extra hands at Graysville! If you have time to give to GES please contact Stephanie McGuire with your availability. I will make sure we have something for you to work on!
Volunteer News
A special thanks to some of our Volunteers:
- Weekly Snack Bags: Brittany Sexton & Cassie Owens
Motivating Your Child to Learn
What’s the best way to keep your child inspired to learn? Help them learn to motivate
themselves! Raise a self-motivated youngster with this advice.
- Point to the future - Your child may feel more motivated to learn something if they understands how it will be important later. Tell them about ways you use school subjects like math and writing at work. You might explain how you count the money in your cash register and compare it to sales receipts when your shift ends. Or show them advertisements that you helped to write or design.
- Move on from mistakes - There are two ways to react to mistakes: Feel discouraged, or get motivated. Encourage your child to look at a mistake as an opportunity to succeed next time. If they made careless errors on a report, for example, they could proofread papers more carefully in the future (take a break before proofing, read backward).
- Celebrate hard work.- Have your child find natural motivators when they are faced with a big job. For instance, they may plan to read a new mystery they have been looking forward to after finishing a challenging book for school. Or you might let them organize a fun family activity that’s related to their science project—perhaps a visit to a cavern if their experiment involves minerals.
Job Openings
- Boynton Primary School is hiring a custodian position.
- Bus Drivers and Substitute Teachers are needed.
Title I Interpreted - What about testing?
GES Students take several different assessments throughout the year to monitor their progress. All GES students take the MAP benchmark in Fall, Winter, and Spring. The Georgia Milestone assessment is administered to 3rd-5th graders in April. Our Kindergarteners are assessed throughout the year using the GKIDS assessment. Information on all of these assessments is available on our school website: http://ges.catoosa.k12.ga.us under the Title I>Parent and Family Resources> Student Assessments tab.
Teacher Qualifications
GES Teachers are highly qualified. Parents have the right to request teacher and paraprofessional qualifications. For more information, please contact the school office.
2024-2025 Title I Budget
For the 2024-25 school year, GES has received $176,715 in Title I funds. 89% of these funds are spent on the salaries for our full-time Academic Coach and our part-time Parent Involvement Coordinator. 11% is used to purchase student technology including iReady Math and Reading. If you would like to provide input or have any questions on how Title I funds are being spent, please contact our Principal, Mrs. Sholl, or our Parent Involvement Coordinator, Stephanie McGuire. Title I Budget Handout.
Title I Parent & Community Input
Title I Parenting Resources
Graysville Elementary School Title I Program
Kerri Sholl, Principal
Jennifer Babb, Academic Coach
Stephanie McGuire, Parent Involvement CoordinatorEmail: smcguire.ges@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Website: https://ges.catoosa.k12.ga.us/
Location: 944 Graysville Road, Ringgold, GA, USA
Phone: 706-937-3147
Title I Remind Sign-up: Text @gestitle-1 to 81010