Tustin High School News
Week of April 22-26, 2024
Mental Health Awareness Week
During this week's Mental Health Awareness Week, Tillers wrote notes of appreciation to friends and staff, interacted with community agencies to learn about resources, and played Lightning on Fitness Friday. A huge thank you to Ms. Skomsvold, our amazing Mental Health Specialist, for coordinating these efforts with a team of students and staff! Holistic support for students is a key part of our work as a community school and we are grateful for the many community partners we partner with. Check out our Mental Health Week Instagram reel!
AVID Senior Standout & Scholarship Winner!
Senior Avril Felipe was recently honored at an OC Department of Education recognition and scholarship event for senior AVID students across the county. Avril also received a $500 scholarship from Schools First Credit Union! Mrs. Joanna Vandal shared the following about Avril:
Avril's intelligence, tenacity and grit are what make her the THS Senior Standout. She is the epitome of AVID as she will do everything in her power to ensure her success. Throughout high school, she has excelled in multiple AP and honors classes while also serving her community. Her mentorship with Big Brothers Big Sisters and leadership in the Tustin Public Schools Foundation Teen's Club demonstrate her leadership, confidence and desire to serve others. She is an incredible young woman whose kind heart and enthusiasm for learning will serve her well as a future elementary school teacher.
Kiwanis Young Man of the Month
Congratulations to Aaron Kaiser, THS Kiwanis Young Man of the Month for April! Aaron was honored along with other TUSD seniors for his character, academic achievement and positive impact on our campus and in our community. Aaron plans to attend UCLA this Fall to study Economics. A huge thank you to Tustin Kiwanis for continuing to celebrate our outstanding young men!
Standing O Award for Baseball & First Responders
Our baseball coaches, Tustin Police Department, and parent Kevin Olsen were honored by TUSD administrators this week with TUSD Standing O awards for their quick response and life saving efforts earlier this year during a medical emergency on campus. We are grateful and proud to have them as part of the Tiller Community!
Tustin Film Festival
The 2nd Annual Tustin Student Film Festival (TSFF), themed "The Immersion of New York City" was held on Friday night at Beckman HS. The event featured student film projects in several categories: Commercial/Promo, Short Film, Music Video, Documentary/News Feature, Public Service Announcement, How-to/Instructional, Experimental Film and Graphics.
Congrats to Atisha De La Torre, Jaiden Lopez, Leilah Patel and Kimberly Velazquez for having their work showcased at the Film Festival! Leah Lenhardt and Kyo Rickords served on the TSFF Intern Team that put on this spectacular event, with Leah also serving as one of the evening's emcees. Thank you to Mr. Darin Nakakihara for instructing and guiding our students, as well as Dr. Ramirez and the Nacho Bizness Club for their sponsorship!
Student Workshops & Motivational Assembly
During our CAASPP testing days, freshmen, sophomore and seniors have been participating in enrichment opportunities during the two-hour testing period while juniors tested. Students signed up for life skills workshops such as resume preparation, job interviews, stress management, and career/college exploration. Others participated in Study Hall to catch up on work, joined fitness activities in the Stadium or Pavilion, visited our new Reset Room or learned about resources in our Community Center.
On Thursday, students attended assemblies with educational speaker, Keith Hawkins, about the importance of mindset, overcoming self doubt, showing value and respect for one another, and making positive life choices.
Thank you to Mrs. Hsieh, our Community School Specialist, for coordinating the workshops and assembly! These opportunities are a way to extend learning beyond the classroom and a priority for our community school work.
March Perfect Attendance
On Wednesday, 341 students who had perfect attendance in March received certificates and strawberry strips during CCR classes. An additional 20 students received snack bags, Starbucks gift cards, or coupons for free root beer floats or Cup o' Noodles. Awesome job to all the Tillers who were recognized, as good attendance is the foundation for success in school and life. If you won a root beer float or cup o noodles, come to the Community Center in 805 during lunch on Mon, Tues or Wed to redeem your prize!
Tiller News Today - April 17, 2024
Monday 4/22
- Boys Var Tennis League Prelims-TBD-12:00pm
- Girls Lacrosse Banquet-6:00pm-Cafeteria
Tuesday 4/23-CAASSP Testing-See Bell Schedule
- CAASSP Testing
- School Site Council Mtg-Front Conference Room -4:00pm
- PTO Meeting-Room 805-5:00-6:00pm
- Boys Var Tennis League Semis/Finals-TBD-12:00pm
- JV Baseball @ Crean Lutheran-3:15pm
- Softball vs Pacifica-3:15pm
- Var Baseball vs Crean Lutheran-3:15pm
- Var Boy's Golf vs Cypress @ Tustin Ranch-4:00pm
- National Administrative Professionals Day
- Secretaries Breakfast
- Parenting Class-Room 805-8:30am
- FCA Huddle during lunch-Old Gym
- Femineers Virtual Summit
- Swim League Prelims @ Tustin-3:15pm
- Community Schools Advisory Committee Mtg-Room 805-3:00pm
- Spring Concert Orchestra and Concert Band @ BHS-7:00pm
- Community Facilities Mtg-Cafeteria-5:00-8:00pm
Thursday, 4/25 - CAASPP Testing Schedule
- CAASSP Testing
- Financial Aid Dream Workshop-Cafeteria-9:00am-11:30am
- Girls Lacrosse vs El Dorado-5:00pm
- JV Baseball vs Crean Lutheran-3:15pm
- Softball vs Valencia-3:15pm
- Track Empire League Finals (Valencia HS)-2:00pm
- Var Baseball @ Crean Lutheran-3:15pm
- Spring Improv Show-Little Theater-7:00pm
- 4-7pm THS Middle School Soccer Tournament
- Families Together Mobile Dental Clinic-All day in Parking Lot
- Choir Field Trip to Fullerton College Choir Festival Competition-8:30am-1:00pm
- Spring Improv Show-Little Theater-7:00pm
- Softball Banquet-6:00pm-Cafeteria
- Saturday School- 8:00am-12:00pm
- 8am-1pm Middle School Soccer Tournament
- 8-11am Tiller on Track
- THS Alumni Game and Plaque dedication Ceremony-10:00am-1:30pm
- Choir Field trip to Universal Studios for Forum Spring Choir Festival-8:30am-9:30pm
- EXP Internship Spring Workshops-Room 706
PTO Meeting this Tuesday!
CAASPP Testing Continues This Week
CAASPP Testing for Juniors will continue this week on April 23 and 25. Please ensure that your students are on time each day, well rested, and have had breakfast. The test has important ramifications for students and the schedule for testing days is shown above.
We strongly encourage all juniors to do their best on the CAASPP, as scores can impact both high school and college courses! This is especially true as UC and CSU systems have moved away from use of SAT and ACT scores, and are increasingly using local and state assessment data. If you have additional questions, please talk to your counselor or any administrator.
Game of the Week
This week's Game of the Week is Softball vs. Cypress on Tuesday, April 23, at 3:15 pm. Come out to the softball field and support your team! Clear FIVE DETENTION HOURS if you check in with Mr. Giebe at the game.
Financial Planning for Higher Education - Parent Workshop on April 24
Family Art Night - April 30
WE HAVE ONLY A FEW SPOTS LEFT! The Tiller community is invited to our final Family Art Night of the school year on Tuesday, April 30 from 5:30-7:00 pm. This FREE EVENT is open to THS students, staff, family members and the Tustin community. In this project, you will be creating a ceramic bowl that will be glazed, fired, then sold at our Empty Bowls Fundraiser. Proceeds from bowl sales will be used to support Tustin High's Community Schools initiative. More info is available on our flier and during the workshop.
Please register for this workshop by CLICKING ON THIS LINK. Spaces are limited and registration does not guarantee your seat. You will be contacted by phone or email with confirmation of enrollment. For questions, please contact Pat Hsieh, Community Specialist, at phsieh@tustin.k12.ca.us or 714-730-7414 ext. 87805.
Community Art Exhibition & Empty Bowls Fundraiser on May 8
The Tiller community is invited to the Community Art Exhibition and Empty Bowls Fundraiser on May 8 from 5:30-8:00 pm! The Community Art Exhibition, formerly known as Senior Visual Arts Night, will feature artwork created by Class of 2024 Seniors. This event will be held in conjunction with an Empty Bowls fundraiser for our community schools initiative. Food will be sold out of ceramic bowls and proceeds will go towards programs that support student physical, social-emotional and academic development.
UCI Future Leaders Initiative
UCI's Future Leaders Initiative (FLI) program application deadline has been extended to May 10.
The Merage School Future Leaders Initiative (FLI) guides, inspires, and empowers high school and community college students interested in pursuing business careers. A community outreach and certificate program consisting of remote and in person courses, FLI focuses on delivering a tailored business education, providing access to financial literacy courses, with the goal of encouraging university enrollment, increasing college readiness and preparing students for careers at the intersection of business, technology and entrepreneurship. The Future Leaders Initiative leverages UCI’s state-of-the-art educational resources, the expertise of globally renowned faculty and leading-edge curricula to offer hands-on mentorship and professional training in these crucial academic areas.
Sessions are held virtually on July 8 and in person from July 22-26 on the UCI campus. More info is available on the FLI webpage. To apply, please see the flier below or CLICK HERE.
Coastline ROP Classes
Coastline ROP
Coastline ROP is pleased to offer multiple (CTE) courses this summer! Their programs not only prepare students for college but also guide you in exploring and shaping your career path through hands-on training and industry connections. All courses are asynchronous – so no need to worry about attending a scheduled class meeting, transportation, or missing a planned trip.
ROP courses are 10 elective credits, and some are UC-F approved – knock out your UC/CSU fine arts requirement!
- Media courses will have equipment available for your use.
- Complete a pathway over multiple summers and earn a CTE Pathway chord at graduation!
IVC Orientation
Attention Seniors! You applied to IVC and need to complete the Orientation? The Orientation will provide you with important information about your math and English/ESL placements, college policies, available services and resources, and IVC’s expectations of
you as a student.
Registration Workshops at THS
Need help to register for IVC classes? Attend this workshop! At the Registration Workshop, IVC counselors and staff will assist Tustin High students as they register for Fall 2024 classes.
Dental Services on Campus - April 26
In order to support students and their family members with their dental health, a mobile dental clinic from Families Together of OC will be on campus on Friday, April 26 from 7:30am-4:00pm. Services are for adults and children and will include:
- Dental screenings
- Problem-focused exams
- Simple cleanings
- X-rays (limited)
- Referrals for more extensive work
Event Details:
- Children and youth must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- Walk-ins are welcome, but those with appointments will be prioritized. Sign up here: DENTAL APPOINTMENT REGISTRATION
- Medi-Cal & PPO insurance plans are accepted. Those with no dental insurance can receive visual exams and referrals for follow up work needed.
Saddleback Church Food Pantry-Sat April 27
Attendance Office (leave a message anytime day or night) - ext 87175
Counseling Office - ext 87160
College & Career Center - ext 87806
Discipline Office - ext 87155
Community Liaison - ext 87159
Library - ext 87103
Student Store - ext 87104