Tiger Times
Gunter ISD Online Newsletter

The best resource for activities taking place in our district is the District Calendar.
For the full school year, click here to download the 2024-25 Academic Calendar.
Keep scrolling in this newsletter to find announcements, sports updates, reminders, highlights, and much more! There is a Table of Contents to the left for quick scanning.
Gunter Tiger Football - State Champs!
Congratulations to the GHS Football team and their coaches on the 3rd consecutive STATE WIN!
See their playoff score history in the Athletic section below!
*Photo Credit: Marion Cole
JANUARY - School Board Recognition Month
The main function of a school board is to provide local, citizen governance and oversight of education. Though ultimate responsibility for education rests with the state, Texas has delegated much of the authority to local communities who elect their local school trustees to govern the school district.
The idea behind this structure of shared responsibility is that, while some education policy issues are best addressed at the state level, others are far better addressed by your local community.
Want to learn more? click here! https://player.vimeo.com/video/145640536
Thank you to our school board members who give their time selflessly to this district.
Important January Dates
January is School Board Recognition Month!
Be sure to thank the GISD Board Members for their time and service to our district.
1/1/2025 - HAPPY NEW YEAR
1/7 - Professional Development Day - Students will not be in school
1/8 - Students return to school (Begin 2nd Semester)
1/9 - National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
1/14 - Cheerleader Community Show-off 5PM Aux Gym
1/16 - State UIL Spirit - Info in Athletics section
1/20 - Staff and Student Holiday (MLK Day of Observance)
1/20 - Inauguration Day
1/23 - GISD School Board Meeting 6 PM
* Events can change in an instant! Be sure to use the Event Calendar for the latest updates.
Gunter ISD Board Briefs
GISD Board Briefs - December Board Briefs
Visit the GISD Board of Trustees page on our website for more school board information.
* We love our school board at GISD. Please be sure to thank them for serving in these very important roles.
GIFT Grant Giveaway!
The GIFT board members marched to the beat of the drum as they traveled to several classrooms to surprise some teachers with a GIFT Grant! Thank you to the GHS Drumline for providing the beat to march to!
A HUGE thank you to the GIFT members who came out to surprise our teachers, and for all the work they put in over the year raising money to provide these grants.
- Heather Barton/Cara Dainauski - GES PE - 24 Scooters/Wheel Replacements - $1571.70
- Debbie Locke - 4th Grade Science Equipment - $1376.27
- Bethany Foster/Whitney Keel - 3rd Grade Book Club Books - $442.42
- Lindsay Harper/Maren Pelzel - 3rd Grade Science Penguin - $628.99
- Erin Genthner - 12 Biography Books (GES Library) $252.14
- Angela Morrison - 6th Grade Sun, Earth, Moon - Science Standards $399.42
- Trista Hough - 5th Grade Exemplar Resources - $872.50
- Brendon Eaton - AP Physics PASCO and Supplies $5,297.38
That's a grand total of $10,840.82! Thank you to everyone who helps make to this happen!
Mobility Credit Debt Rewards
A BIG Tiger thank you to Mobility Credit Union for their generous donation to Gunter ISD. They traveled to Gunter on December 18th to present a check for $607.15!
The donation was made possible by community members using their debt reward cards, with a percentage coming back to support our schools. We are so grateful for their partnership and commitment to education.
Also, thank you to our community members who partner with Mobility Credit Union to support education.
Thank you to the Puga family for providing a wonderful Ernestos fajita lunch for the high school staff right before the holiday break. It was delicious, and we appreciate it greatly.
State Football - Thank You!
- Thank you to those who volunteered their time to provide photos and game updates (Marion Cole, Renee Marler, and Roy Layman).
- Thank you to the horn and tunnel crew for unfolding, folding, airing up, holding down, packing and transporting the best horn and tunnel in the district!
- Thank you to the cheerleaders, band, and twirler for keeping us entertained during the game and at half time!
- Thank you to the Gunter Volunteer Fire Department and Gunter Police Department for the infamous send-offs and welcome home!
- Thank you to our community and fans for showing up in full Gunter spirit!
Collage Photo Credits: Marion Cole and Shelli Neely
Thank YOU to the PTO
It's the most wonderful time of the year...
- Thank you to the GHS PTO members and their leaders, Tiziana Kanouse and Brandy Cochran, for planning and carrying out the most delicious lunch for the staff! DB Catering certainly delivered!What a great way to boost us to the last day of this semester!
- Thank you to the GHS PTO and Le Nail Bar in Gunter for providing gift certificates to be drawn at the high school.
- Thank you to the GMS PTO for having a "wrap" party... teachers brought a basket full of their gifts, and the PTO wrapped them for them! That is AWESOME!
- Thank you GMS PTO for celebrating our winter birthdays on December 12th.
- Thank you GMS PTO and ALL those who donated gifts for the AMAZING 12 Days of Christmas gift giveaway!
- Thank you to the GES PTO and ALL those who participated in the Countdown to Christmas. Each day was a wonderful surprise full of gift giveaways!
Join your campus PTO
Each campus has a wonderful group of parents who work together to help bring smiles to the teachers and students. Check out their Facebook page or contact information below to join them.
- Email your name, cell number and email address gunterhighschoolpto@gmail.com.
- Click the following link to join the GHS PTO Parent Square Group - https://www.parentsquare.com/groups/join/flahz37kx2
GMS PTO - Contact through our Facebook page @guntermiddleschoolpto
GES PTO - Contact through our Facebook page | @gunterelementarypto
Text @gespto1 to 81010 to join
Safety and Security
From the Desk of Chief Satre
NTFC School Safety Bulletin on Gun Safety - Click Here
Texas law now requires school districts to distribute information to parents and guardians about the safe storage of firearms.
The attached information will help you learn about options for, as well as, how to talk to your child and others about the safe storage of firearms.
In 2021, 4,613 Texans experienced gun-related deaths.
The Texas Department of State Health Services (SHS) reports that 55% of Texas firearms deaths in 2020 were suicides and that 59% of all suicides in Texas were by firearms. Suicide attempts involving firearms have a 90% fatality rate.
Restricting access to guns is critical in reducing acts of violence, whether as self-harm or towards others. Acts of mass violence and interpersonal violence often end in suicide.
It is unlawful to store, transport, or abandon an unsecured firearm in a place where children are likely to be and can obtain access to the firearm.
Under Texas Penal Code 46.13, a person commits the offense of making a firearm accessible to a child if the child gains access to a readily dischargeable firearm, and the person with criminal negligence:
Failed to secure the firearm; or
Left the firearm in a place to which the person knew or should have known the child would gain access
The penalty for allowing a child access to a firearm can range from a Class C misdemeanor (punishable by a $500 fine) to a Class A misdemeanor (punishable by a $4000 fine, a year in jail, or a combination of the two).
Texas exempts the purchase of firearm safety equipment from Texas Sales and Use Tax.
Remember, a gun should be stored unloaded in a safe or locked container, with ammunition stored elsewhere.
You can learn more and find additional resources from the Texas Department of Public Safety at
https://safegunstoragetexas.com. Among other things in the toolkit, this checklist is a valuable resource, https://safegunstoragetexas.com/safe-gun-storage-checklist.
Safe gun storage is critical to preventing suicide, unintentional shootings, and other tragedies.
🚧 Construction Zone - Please Respect the Fenced Areas 👷♂️
Construction Zone: Fencing has been placed between the middle and high school. Construction on the Gunter Bond 2022 projects is continuing and that area is not accessible to you. For your safety, please DO NOT enter that area.
Transportation News
Tiger Uber
Transportation Director, Nicole Mann, had an UBERIFIC IDEA to reward students who follow the rules on the bus. At the end of every 9-week grading period each bus driver will choose a boy and girl from both, GES and GMS who rides their route and has behaved appropriately while riding the bus.
Students are selected for a variety of reasons including:
- they are safe on the school bus everyday
- they sit in their assigned seats
- they are kind to other bus riders
- they set an example for the other students on the bus
Their excellent behavior allows the bus driver to focus on the road!
The following students were honored for the 2nd nine weeks:
GES Girls: Mila Howerton, Lily Foster, Sadie Drummonds, Violet Hale, Kennedy Davidson
GES Boys: Eli Eadie, Eli Haynie, Ben Michael, Wyett Walker, Andy Lim
GMS Girls: Fatima Rodriquez, Alexia Falcon, Julia Adami, Adelynn McCombs, Lizzy Anderson.
GMS Boys: Calvin Drummonds, Noah Alfarue, Zayden Navarro, Austin Anderson, Kallen Toney
Students loaded up in the school suburban waiting for them at the front of the car line, and then headed to Sonic for an ice cream or slush of their choice. They were then chauffeured home by our "uberific" Transportation Director, Nicole Mann. We are calling it the "Tiger" Uber!
Elementary Campus
December Students of the Month
Congratulations to the December Students of the Month! These students were chosen for showing leadership, working hard in the classroom, being kind, spreading joy, and having that TPW attitude! Kindergarten: Betzy Martinez 1st Grade: Harmony Highlen 2nd Grade: Asher Christian 3rd Grade: Hunter Smith 4th Grade: Maddox Clowers
Classroom Highlights!
When the weather outside is too chilly for recess, you come up with creative ways for the students to work out the wiggles Here are our Pre-K kiddos rocking some yoga moves!
Reindeer Games in PE
Shoutout to Coach Barton and Coach Dainauski for bringing some holiday cheer and energy to PE with this fun game! The kids had a blast working as a team, racing to load up Santa’s sleigh, and spreading smiles all around.
Third grade had their ice cream sundae multiplication fact test celebration and then had some fun at their Christmas parties!
Do you wanna build a snowman? The fun memories of "building" a snowman in class will stick with them for years!
Christmas Around the World
Christmas happens all over the world, but is celebrated in different ways. Third grade students in Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Keel's social studies classes spent some time learning about the different cultures and how they celebrate Christmas. The students completed research on an assigned country during class time and then took that information home where they completed a project to represent how Christmas is celebrated in that country.
Students in other grade levels were invited to come and travel through the countries to soak up a little holiday festivities!
DEAR Night
Gunter Elementary’s DEAR Night (Drop Everything and Read) was a huge success! Teachers from all grade levels shared their love of reading with the students, creating a night full of stories and smiles.
Families also enjoyed cookies and hot cocoa, courtesy of our amazing PTO, and a festive student gingerbread house decorating competition. What a wonderful way to celebrate the season and our Tiger community!
Gingerbread House Contest
Check out our Tiger architects! Students were given the opportunity to build a gingerbread house and enter it into a competition during DEAR Night at GES. It was so much fun to see the details, the design, and the creativity in each house.
The decision was tough for everyone, but the votes are tallied, and the winners are:
1st Place: Huxley Standerfer
2nd Place: Bailey Brotherton
3rd Place: Brynley Duncan
Middle School
Students of the Month
Congratulations to the December Students of the Month! We love seeing students work hard and show kindness. Students chosen for this honor have that "never give up attitude" and will always stay positive and polite in the classroom.
Congratulations to:
5th Grade: Caroline Hallock
6th Grade: Bennett Dorcey
7th Grade: Jacob Roten
8th Grade: Elijah Vest
Classroom Highlights!
Mrs. Clement's students have been tinkering around with 3-D design using a program called TinkerCad. Mr. Kanouse, who enjoys 3D printing as a hobby came and talked to the students about the printing process and was kind enough to print all of them for us.
Thank you, Mr. Kanouse, for making our students designs come to life!
Mrs. Clement's students also spent some time exploring coding with our Ozobots. The students had fun designing different commands such as turbo, twister and zig zag as a path for their bot to follow.
Students used their problem solving skills and some creativity to complete the task. At the end of the unit there was a competition to see which group could create the fastest track.
The door decorating contest helped make our hallways look so festive! Thank you to the teachers who participated and congratulations to Sharon Bon (Einstein), Minnie Smith (Snoopy), and Jeannie Schroeter (Grinch), who each won a half day off. Members of the Gunter Middle School PTO covered their class for a half a day to give that teacher more time to get their Christmas shopping done. All the doors looked awesome, it was a difficult decision!
High School
HOSA Toy Drive
Members of HOSA visited Cook Children's hospital in Prosper on December 11th. HOSA sponsored a toy drive for patients and was able to donate many different types of toys to the hospital.. The students were given a tour of the amazing, state-of-the-art hospital!
The donations will be given to patients not only at Christmas, but all throughout the year, on birthdays, before procedures, or any other time that a patient needs a little happiness boost.
Thank you to everyone who donated to the drive. It was our pleasure delivering smiles on your behalf!
Women Rock Donation
HOSA presented a $150 donation check to Women Rock after raising money during the month of October in the "Pink out Fundraiser" at the elementary and middle school campuses.Thank you so much for supporting the fundraiser. The sales increased from last year, so the amount donated also went up.
Softball Donates Bikes to Two Kindergartners
The Gunter Lady Tiger Softball girls spread a little cheer at the Gunter Elementary School by opening the car doors for the kiddos on the last day of the semester. Afterwards, they drew the name of one lucky boy and girl from the kindergarten class to gift a brand new bike! The softball team spokesperson said, "Seeing their smiles was the absolute best! We hope you enjoy your Christmas bikes, Kannon and Izzy."
NHS Crisis Center Donation
Thank you to everyone who donated to the NHS Crisis Center Drive. The students delivered several boxes to the center to help fill their shelves for the holiday season. If you donated using their wish list and sent directly to the center, we appreciate that as well!
GHS Prom - It's time to start planning!
FFA / Agriculture
Area Contest
Gunter FFA Ag Issues and Chapter Quiz teams competed at the Area Contest before the break.
Congratulations to:
Ag Issues- 10th place
- Maci Verden
- Peyton Beavers
- Tatum Myers
- Ava McComb
Chapter Quiz -6th place
- Jacob Endsley
- Grant Gartell
- Noah Saindon
- Maci Verden
Fine Arts
Middle School One Act Play - District Champions!
The cast/crew of The Book Of Dog held a home performance on December 4th and we did not see a dry eye in the building! They nailed their performance at home .... and at competition!
- District Champions
- Best Performer: Piper Pickett
- All-Star Cast: Bobby Hough & Brynn Breeding
- All-Star Technician: Em Miller
- Honorable Mention All-Star Cast: Kynzlee Johnson
- 1st Place Show (3rd year in a row!!) - Gunter Middle School
Music For All Honor Band of America
Maddox Wagoner has been selected for the Music For All Honor Band of America! This is a national competition where Maddox competed with hundreds, if not thousands of students across the country to earn a spot in this prestigious ensemble.
Maddox has earned the chance to perform in a concert in Indianapolis, Indiana along with the finest musicians in the country! The concert will be in March.
Congratulations Maddox!
Band - All Region Contest
Congratulations to the following on these fantastic results!
- Caleb Siler - 8th chair out of 46 **QUALIFIED FOR AREA**
- Maddox Wagoner - 1st chair out of 13 **QUALIFIED FOR AREA**
- Justin Grayard - 7th chair out of 13 **QUALIFIED FOR AREA**
- Sarah Smith - 2nd chair out of 21 **QUALIFIED FOR AREA**
- Brooklynn Nuefeld - 5th chair out of 41 **QUALIFIED FOR AREA**
- Christi Grayard - 6th chair out of 41 **QUALIFIED FOR AREA**
- Kendrew Campbell - 14th chair out of 31 (as a freshman competing against upperclassmen!)
- Erick Fraire - 10th chair out of 24
Christmas Band Concert
Thank you to everyone who came to hear the Beginner Band, MS Symphonic Band and HS Wind Ensemble on December 11th as they rang in the holiday season with some great music! We have such talented kids in our district! Thank you to the band boosters for decorating and serving hot chocolate and treats for everyone.
Kroger Shoppers - We want you!
Are you a Kroger shopper? If so, you can help our Gunter Tiger Band program every time you make a purchase, and it won't cost you anything!
All you have to do is make sure GT Band Boosters is marked as your designated Community Rewards Organization. Screenshots are included to help you choose us as your designated organization.
Just go to the home screen, click on Rewards, and then Community Rewards. You can search for us "GT BAND BOOSTERS" in the organizations list. And that's it!
When you shop, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to support GMS Band, GHS Band, and GHS Color Guard! Every time you shop we get a small %.
Every little bit helps!
College Signings
Congratulations to all the senior athletes who signed their letter of intent to play at the next level! Our celebration began with the coach commending each player for their performance during their time here at Gunter. We are proud to see you moving onto college to continue your athletic dream. No matter who you play for in the future, you will always be a Gunter, Tiger!
- Mitchell Gage - Ouachita Baptist (Track)
- Colin Peacock - Baylor (Football)
- Cam Doty - Friends University (Football)
- Kane Bolt - Tarleton State (Football)
- Jarrett Waggoner - Ouachita (Baseball)
Winter Sport Schedules
Schedules change due to a variety of factors, be sure you have the latest information by checking our Event calendar on the website for last minute changes.
📸 Marion Cole and Renee Marler with OurGunter
All events are placed on the District Calendar located on our GISD website. This is the best place to look for schedule changes during the year.
State Cheer Competition
State Routine Community Show Off
Tuesday, Jan 14th @5pm in the Aux Gym
* Part of our score comes from crowd participation. The more voices and support in the stands, the better! We know how loud and supportive the Gunter crowd can be. Don't let us down... come and be a part of our competition!
Thursday, January 16th @ Ft Worth Convention Center
Qualifying performance at 4pm
State Championship begins at 6:30pm
Ticket Link: Be sure to Choose the correct date (1/16)
More Information: https://www.uiltexas.org/spirit/spectator-information
Congratulations Coach Guice! 700 Career Wins!
Congratulations to Coach Guice on his 700th career win! This all happened when the girls won the NCTC Holiday Classic Tournament.
Girls Basketball
Photo: Lady Tiger Basketball
12/3 - vs N. Lamar 51-39 WIN
12/5 vs Salado 54-48 WIN
12/5 vs San Saba 37-49 Loss
Salado Tournament
- 12/5 vs Lehman 59-13 WIN
- 12/6 vs Friendswood 25-38 Loss
- 12/7 vs Temple 41-34 WIN
12/10 vs Whitesboro 53-22 WIN
12/14 vs Leonard 66-24 WIN
12/17 vs Pottsboro 55-34 WIN
12/20 vs Paradise 68-54 WIN
Holiday Classic Tournament NCTC
- 12/26 vs Petrolia 57-14 WIN
- 12/27 vs Sam Rayburn 57-19 WIN
- 12/28 vs Lindsay (Tournament Championship Game) 60-20 WIN
12/31 vs Howe 82-21 WIN
Middle School
vs. Howe
7A: WIN 29-19
8A: WIN 35-23
vs. S&S
7A: WIN 24-3
8A: WIN 49-18
vs. Bells
Combo: WIN 13-7
7A: WIN 47-8
8A: WIN 45-26
Boys Basketball
Allen Tournament
- 12/26 vs Maypearl 49-46 WIN
- 12/27 vs Sunnyvale 22-50 Loss
- 12/28 vs City View 45-70 Loss
- 12/28 vs Allen JV 42-68
District begins
12/31 vs Howe 52-42 WIN
Junior Varsity
JV White:
vs. Howe L 16-21
JV Blue
vs. Lindsey W 53-27
vs. Prairiland W 55-36
vs. Valiant L 19-67
vs. Bridgeport L 34-72
vs. Red River L 23-57
vs. Howe W 30-24
Middle School
8th Grade A
vs. Bonham L 34-36
vs. Howe W 34-30
vs. S&S W 53-21
vs. Bells L 24-25
8th Grade B
vs. Bonham W 29-7
vs. Howe W 32-6
vs. S&S W 20-8
vs. Bells W 14-10
7th Grade A
vs. Bonham W 48-11
vs. Howe W 20-19
vs. S&S W 52-37
vs. Bells W 29-14
7th Grade B
vs. Bonham W 18-7
vs. Howe L 18-22
vs. S&S W 35-2
vs. Bells W 21-o
FOOTBALL - STATE CHAMPS | 3rd Consecutive Championship; 5 Total
- 11/1 vs S&S 49-0 WIN
- 11/7 vs Leonard 63-0 WIN
- 11/14 BI-DISTRICT CHAMPS vs TLC Cedar Hill 48-0 WIN
- 11/22 AREA CHAMPS vs City View 45-14 WIN
- 11/29 REGION SEMIFINAL CHAMPS vs Jacksboro 44-14 WIN
- 12/5 REGIONAL FINALS CHAMPS vs Holliday 33-7 WIN
- 12/13 STATE SEMIFINAL CHAMPS vs Wall 42-32 WIN
- 12/19 STATE CHAMPIONS vs Woodville 28-0 WIN
Offensive MVP - Cash Rumage WR #18
(REC 2 / YARDS 73 / TD 1 / LONG 59)
Defensive MCP- Hayden Farrell DE #33
(TACKLES 11 / SOLO 4 / TFL 5.5 / SACKS 3)
Dave Campbells All-State Championship Team
- Offensive Line - Braeden Nelson
- Edge - Hayden Farrell
All District Awards
**Huge thanks to OurGunter for creating the awesome graphics for each player. To see them individually, visit the OurGunter Facebook page.
MVP - Colin Peacock
Offensive Player of the Year - Brock Boddie
Defensive Player of the Year - Hayden Farrell
Utility Player of the Year - Preston Tarpley
Defensive Lineman of the Year - Major Thornhill
Offensive Lineman of the Year - Luke Bullard
First Team Receiver - Mitchell Gage, Dylan Tokarz
First Team Corner - Mitchell Gage
First Team Safety - Carter Balak
First Team Defensive Tackle - Trevor Wright
First Team Linebacker - Cam Doty
First Team Tackle - Braden Robison
First Team Guard - Garrin Goetz
First Team Tight End - Cole Harpole
First Team Linebacker - Jax Graham
First Team Tackle - Braiden Nelson
Second Team Tight End - Kane Bolt
Second Team Defensive End - Jay Campiti
Second Team Receiver - Easton Overman
Second Team Defensive Tackle - Hayden Nelson
Second Team Guard - Tate Howard
Second Team Running Back - Jay Campiti
All District Honorable Mention:
David Puga (Linebacker), Jude Spencer (Offensive Line), Creed Rainer (Offensive Line), Dillon Wylie (Offensive Line), Jordan Villagrana (Defensive Back), Reed Brackeen (Defensive Back), Boston Standridge (Receiver), Cash Rumage (Receiver), Karson Williams (Receiver)
Academic All District
Braeden McDaniel, Mitchell Gage, Jax Graham, Preston Tarpley, Dylan Tokarz, Jarrett Waggoner, Carter Balak, Cash Rumage, Benji Rodriguez, Jordan Villagrana, Cameron Cravey, Becket Lytle, Hayden Farrell, Bryce Biros, Colten Candelaria, Dillon Wylie, Tony Castro, Nicholas, Damon, Karlee Beavers, Payton Beavers, Glory Ferguson, Addison Griffin, Hayden Rodges
Volleyball Accolades
Congratulations to Madison Smith on being recognized as a TGCA All State Athlete
A+ Check Presentation
Texoma Chevy Dealers came out to Gunter High School to present the KXII-TV A+ Student Athlete check of $1000 to Madison Smith. Her teammates looked on as so many wonderful things were said about her character, which makes Madison the absolute perfect choice for this honor!
Congratulations, Madison, and thank you, KXII and Texoma Chevy Dealers!
12/13-14 - EMS Tournament (Saginaw High School)
Karlie Beavers - 2nd Place
Blake Garcia 2nd Place
12/21 - Wylie Tournament (Wylie High School)
Girls Team Finish - 3rd Place
Blake Garcia - 1st Place
Michelle Quiroz, Jasmine Tapia, Luzcero Escalera - 2nd Place
Marianna Quiroz, Olivia Williams, Karlie Beavers - 3rd Place
JV Boys
Jordan Decker - 2nd Place
Caydyn Myers - 3rd Place
Connect with us!
Website: www.gunterisd.org
Location: Gunter, TX, USA
Phone: 903.433.4750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gunterisdschools
Twitter: @Gunter_ISD