Finn Hill Falcon Flyer
Week of October 18, 2021
This Week at FHMS
Monday, October 18
- LWSD - School Board Study Session, 5:00 PM
LWSD - School Board Meeting, 7:00 PM
Tuesday, October 19
- LWSD - LWPTSA Special Education Group Meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
- All parents welcome. For information about joining the Special Education Group mailing list, visit
Wednesday, October 20
- Unity Day-Wear Orange
- FHMS PTSA Take Out or Dine In Fundraiser at MOD Pizza (12650 Totem Lake Blvd., Kirkland), 10:30 am-10:00 pm; please make sure that you say that you are there for the Finn Hill Middle School fundraiser. Finn Hill will get 20% back that will go to our school)
- FHMS @KaMS JV Boys Tennis, Tennis Courts, 4:00 PM
- HMS, KiMS @ KaMS Cross Country, Kamiakin Middle School, 4:00 PM
- KaMS @ FHMS Boys Regional Basketball, FHMS Gym, 4:00 PM
Thursday, October 21
- Great WA Shake Out (district-wide earthquake drill)
- FHMS @ KiMS Varsity and JV Boys Basketball, 4:00-5:40 pm
- FHMS @ KiMS Varsity Boys Tennis, 4:00-5:30 PM
Friday, October 22
- SBA Practice Test during Falcon Time
- Spiritwear Sales End
- RHMS @ FHMS JV Boys Tennis, FHMS Tennis Courts, 4:00 pm
Monday, October 25
- Rescheduled Healthy Youth Survey for 6th & 8th Graders during Falcon Time (more information to follow)
Upcoming Events
Monday, October 18
- LWSD - School Board Study Session, 5:00 PM
LWSD - School Board Meeting, 7:00 PM
Tuesday, October 19
- LWSD - LWPTSA Special Education Group Meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
- All parents welcome. For information about joining the Special Education Group mailing list, visit
Wednesday, October 20
- Unity Day-Wear Orange
- FHMS PTSA Take Out or Dine In Fundraiser at MOD Pizza (12650 Totem Lake Blvd., Kirkland), 10:30 am-10:00 pm; please make sure that you say that you are there for the Finn Hill Middle School fundraiser. Finn Hill will get 20% back that will go to our school)
- FHMS @KaMS JV Boys Tennis, Tennis Courts, 4:00 PM
- HMS, KiMS @ KaMS Cross Country, Kamiakin Middle School, 4:00 PM
- KaMS @ FHMS Boys Regional Basketball, FHMS Gym, 4:00 PM
Thursday, October 21
- Great WA Shake Out (district-wide earthquake drill)
- FHMS @ KiMS Varsity and JV Boys Basketball, 4:00-5:40 pm
- FHMS @ KiMS Varsity Boys Tennis, 4:00-5:30 PM
Friday, October 22
- SBA Practice Test during Falcon Time
- Spiritwear Sales End
- RHMS @ FHMS JV Boys Tennis, FHMS Tennis Courts, 4:00 pm
Monday, October 25
- Rescheduled Healthy Youth Survey for 6th & 8th Graders during Falcon Time (more information to follow)
Clubs & Activities at FHMS
Get Your Pictures in the Yearbook
The yearbook staff invites students and parents to submit photos for the yearbook. If you’ve got great photos of school and community events or you and your Finn Hill friends just having fun, we’d like to see them.
Our photographers can’t be everywhere. Help us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book everyone will want to have.
• Browse to select the photo(s) you wish to upload, click on “Select My Images.”
• Enter information about the photo and provide contact information in case the staff needs additional information.
• Click “Upload Chosen Images."
It’s that easy! Submit your photos today!
Teen Mini Grant Review
The City of Kirkland’s next teen mini grant review is set for Friday, October 22nd. The purpose of these grants is to provide short-term, limited funding to Kirkland youth and community groups for projects, activities, events, and training. Typical grant awards range from $200 to $750. Members of the Kirkland Youth Council serve as the review committee for the grant requests. The application can be found online and Word version is available upon request. We hope that you consider submitting a proposal!
ASB-Spirit Wear
The last day to pay and turn in a spirit wear order form is Friday, October 22nd. The order form is available for download below.
The PTSA Perch
PTSA Kicks Off "Reflections"
Students participate in the appropriate division for their grade: Middle School (Grades 6-8), or Special Artist. Students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 may enter in the Special Artist Division or grade division most closely aligned to their functional abilities.
This year's theme is "I Will Change the World By..." Students are encouraged to submit art reflecting the theme to the front office by Friday, October 29th in one or all of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts (note: only 2D).
FHMS is providing students an opportunity to work on a visual arts piece during lunchtime on Tuesdays and Thursdays through October, ensuring all students are able to participate in this valuable program. PTSA is providing volunteers are needed to assist with setup and to help students as needed.
If you would like to include the SignUpGenius created for offering a chance to do the visual art entry during lunch, please see the already to go link.
Contact FHMS PTSA Reflections Chair, Tennile Jones, if you have any questions, concerns or if she can provide any other information.
Airplane Club
The airplane club is back!!! There will be a College Prep fly session on Thursday October 21st to see what it is all about and watch them fly some of the model airplanes you could be building during the Saturday sessions. Sign up for Mrs. Lynch’s College Prep for Thursday to participate in this assembly.
Finn Hill Build and Fly Sessions for 2021-2022 School Year
We have reserved the Finn Hill gymnasium for build and fly sessions on the following dates from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm:
Saturday, Oct 23
Saturday, Nov 20
Sunday, Jan. 16th
Sunday, Feb 27th
Sunday, March 20th
Saturday, April 23rd
Saturday, May 21st
Although we won’t have an assembly of all the Finn Hill Middle School students for flight demonstrations of the model airplanes, we will gather with a smaller group of students on Thursday, October 21 in the morning.
If you have already started your Finn Hill R.O.G. from almost 2 years ago, you will have a chance to finally finish it. If you haven’t built a Finn Hill R.O.G., you will have the opportunity to do so.
After School Program Opportunity-Black Gems
Black Gems is a free after-school program for K-12 students in the Lake Washington School District who identify as Black, African, African American, and/or from the African Diaspora. Start date: October 13, 2021; end date: June 16, 2022
Black Gems History will provide students with:
· An opportunity to increase their knowledge of Black history.
· A safe and supported space for sharing lived experiences and building rapport with other students within the district who are of Black/African descent.
· An opportunity to celebrate their culture, learn about the richness of Black history and how Black people have impacted the world.
· An opportunity to see themselves reflected in the curriculum.
· An opportunity to form mentorship relationships with instructors.
An opportunity to unpack the nuances of Blackness.From the Counseling Department: Operation School Bell
Dear Finn Hill Families,
Do you need help providing school clothes for your student? The Assistance League Eastside is sponsoring Operation School Bell again this year. We have a limited number of spots still open.
Please fill out the Finn Hill Resources Form link or turn in a hard copy of the form to the office, as soon as possible to have your student considered for the program. Pantry Packs, our weekend food supplement program, is also launching soon. If you are interested in this resource, please let us know by filling out the Finn Hill Resources Form.
If you have questions, please contact Kirstin Doughty at or 425-936-2340.
Caras Famílias Finn Hill,
Você precisa de ajuda para fornecer roupas escolares para seu aluno? A Assistance League Eastside está patrocinando a Operation School Bell novamente este ano. Temos um número limitado de vagas ainda abertas.
Preencha o link do Formulário de Recursos do Finn Hill ou entregue uma cópia impressa do formulário ao escritório, o mais rápido possível, para que seu aluno seja considerado para o programa. Pantry Packs, nosso programa de suplemento alimentar de fim de semana, também será lançado em breve. Se você estiver interessado neste recurso, informe-nos preenchendo o Formulário de Recursos Finn Hill.
Se você tiver dúvidas, entre em contato com Kirstin Doughty em ou 425-936-2340.
Estimadas familias de Finn Hill,
¿Necesita ayuda para proporcionarle ropa escolar a su estudiante? La Liga de Asistencia Eastside está patrocinando Operation School Bell nuevamente este año. Tenemos un número limitado de plazas aún abiertas.
Por favor complete el enlace del Formulario de Recursos de Finn Hill o entregue una copia impresa del formulario a la oficina, tan pronto como sea posible para que su estudiante sea considerado para el programa. Pantry Packs, nuestro programa de complementos alimenticios de fin de semana, también se lanzará pronto.
Si está interesado en este recurso, háganoslo saber llenando el formulario de recursos de Finn Hill. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con Kirstin Doughty en o al 425-936-2340. Formulario de recursos y apoyo de FH 2021-2022
Finn Hill Middle School
Each student will graduate prepared to lead a rewarding, responsible life as a contributing member of our community and greater society.
Every student future ready: Prepared for college, Prepared for the global workplace, Prepared for personal success
Location: 8040 NE 132nd St, Kirkland, WA, USA
Phone: (425) 936-2340
Twitter: @FinnHillMS