Youth Services News
February 12, 2016
Children's Services and Young Adult Services webpages.
SRP Performer Booking Meeting
A big thank you to Warwick for once again hosting us. They will have coffee, juice and baked goods at the meeting, but feel free to bring a treat for the snack table!
Kids Reading Across RI
Please consider participating in the May 7th kickoff event at the State House. It's a great opportunity to promote your library and summer reading program to families from all over the state.
Summer Kickoff at the Providence Children's Museum
A Message from the Collaborative Summer Library Program
CSLP strives to provide member libraries with the highest quality summer library program manual possible. It is important to us to offer useful formats that are both cost-effective and flexible.
In order to keep our content relevant and available via platforms our members regularly use, we need your input. We know the communities and patrons you serve are diverse in so many ways and we are looking to be responsive to your community's unique composition.
Our plan is to deliver a program manual that is genuinely helpful and regularly consulted. Your honest and open answers to these questions will help us know what our members need to plan and present a successful summer library program. Your response is vital for future planning and production of the manuals.
We estimate the survey will take approximately 15 minutes for Member Librarians. Please respond by Saturday, February 20, 2016.
You can find the survey by visiting If you have any questions about the content of the survey or experience any problems with the survey, please contact Matt McLain,
Thank you for your time and attention!
Collaborative Summer Library Program
Mac Buntin, President
Sherry Siclair, Executive Director
Announcing a RIELDS Fun Family Activities Training of Facilitators
Grant Opportunities
Professional Development Opportunities
Tuesday, February 16 12:30pm
Make the Leap from Summer Reading to Summer Learning to Increase Impact
Thursday, February 18 2:00pm
Applications are being accepted for the spring program and is open to members and non-members interested in being mentees or mentors. The application process ends on Friday, February 26.
LAMBDA Summit: “Building Bridges: Working Together to Address Youth Homelessness”
Wednesday, March 9 9am-4pm
Takes place at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, but will be live-streamed
Call for 2016 NELA Conference Program Proposals
Accepted until April 1
School Librarians of RI Annual Conference
Saturday, May 14
RI Library Association Annual Conference
Wednesday, May 25 & Thursday, May 26
Around Town
Tuesday, February 23, 5:30pm-7:00pm (Snow Date: Tuesday, March 1)
Upcoming OLIS CE and Events
Invitation to Providence Children’s Film Festival Presentation: Be a Cinema Detective! Discover, Explore and Inspire Through Film
RISD Museum (Metcalf Auditorium) – Chace Center, 20 North Main Street, Providence, RI
Facilitators: Eric Bilodeau and Sarah Yahm, PCFF
The Providence Children’s Film Festival invites all librarians to learn how you can use Children’s Independent Film in your library programming. Participants will join the public in this free event to find out about this incredible organization and the high quality educational resources available.
What makes a film worth watching? Learn how to be a film sleuth and how to encourage kids to think more deeply about what they watch. Eric Bilodeau, Director of Programming, leads a PCFF Cinema Detective program teaching kids how to decode film. Afterward, educator Sarah Yahm introduces the new PCFF Film Hub, showing families, teachers, and librarians a new way to find quality films and resources that can inspire programming, spark conversation and make community connections.
BONUS: The Providence Children’s Film Festival is a week long event that includes film viewings, film discussions, film-making workshops, and more. Any librarian* who registers/attends this event will receive 2 Courtesy Passes to attend an additional event during the festival. Each pass admits one person on a space available basis. Courtesy passes will be exchanged at the door for Admission Ticket. Courtesy Passes can be picked up at the Media Smart Library event.
Free. Open to the public.
Series: Media Smart Libraries
*Media Smart Libraries Cohort members who attend will receive an ALL ACCESS FESTIVAL PASS that will admit one person to all events throughout the week on a space available basis. All Access Festival Passes can be picked up at the Media Smart Library event.
The Media Smart Libraries project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Grant # LG-07-14-0045-14. Attendance at this event can be applied to the Access & Use, Analyze & Evaluate, or Reflect badge.
Sunday, Feb 14, 2016, 10:30 AM
The Chace Center, RISD Museum of Art, North Main Street, Providence, RI, United States
Summer Reading Performer Booking Meeting
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Children's Performers Register
Booking Meeting Information
Tuesday, Feb 23, 2016, 09:30 AM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, United States
SRP Inspiration for "On Your Mark, Get Set...Read!"
Speaker(s): F.I.T. Club, Reach Out and Read
We'll be joined by representatives from F.I.T. Club and Reach Out and Read to learn more about their programs and how reading and wellness are related. We'll also discuss ideas for summer programming, so come prepared to share!
Registration required.Tuesday, Feb 23, 2016, 12:30 PM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, United States
Making Presentations Pop with Tech
LOOKING TO SHAKE UP YOUR PRESENTATIONS? As librarians, we are advocates for our programs, spaces and jobs. Sometimes finding the right technology tool to help us communicate with stakeholders is very overwhelming. Some of the questions and thoughts we've had include:
"Where do I even begin?"
"I COULD just use PowerPoint . . . again."
"There are just too many choices!"
"Ok, I like this tech tool but how do I use it?"
This workshop will give librarians the opportunity to explore a few powerful presentation tools, empowering them to build upon their digital toolbox. Participants should bring their own device because there will be time to work individually and collaboratively to put the tools into action!
This workshop is part of the Media Smart Libraries program and is being offered in partnership with RILINK’s professional development series. The Media Smart Libraries program was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Attendance at this workshop could be applied to either the Access and Use, Create and Collaborate, or Take Action digital badge.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Public Librarians, School Librarians
Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016, 04:00 PM
Tiverton Public Library, Roosevelt Avenue, Tiverton, RI, United States
Summer Reading Program Sharing - YART
It's hard to believe, but summer is just around the corner. Get a head start on your planning and join us for a 2016 Teen Summer Reading Program sharing session. Topics of discussion will include programming ideas, fundraising, incentives, teen volunteers, program requirements/record-keeping, and other topics (bring your thoughts and ideas, please).
Registration required.
Tuesday, Mar 15, 2016, 09:30 AM
West Warwick Public Library, Main Street, West Warwick, RI, United States
Starting a Video Program in Your Library
Film production is an engaging way to help increase children’s critical thinking, technology competencies, and literacy skills. Learn how you can start a news video production program in your library with no previous experience. Participants will get a first hand look at equipment, programming ideas, and student work. Collaborative opportunities between school and public libraries will also be discussed.
Series: Media Smart Libraries The Media Smart Libraries program was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Attendance at this workshop could be applied to either the Access and Use, Analyze and Evaluate, or Create and Collaborate digital badge.
Registration required
Intended Audience: Public Librarians, School Librarians
Tuesday, Mar 22, 2016, 02:00 PM
Narragansett Pier Middle School, South Pier Road, Narragansett, RI, United States
Serving Nontraditional Families - YART
Learn more about serving teens living in foster or group homes. Foster Forward will share information about its programs as well as resources for supporting this underserved population.
About Foster Forward: Foster Forward is an organization of of highly trained professionals and recognized leaders in the field who provide services to children, teens, and foster parents.
Thursday, Apr 7, 2016, 09:30 AM
Cumberland Public Library, Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland, RI, United States
Serving Homeschooling Families
Learn more about homeschooling in Rhode Island and how to reach homeschooling families in your community. We'll discuss resources and services available to homeschooling families, as well as ways in which libraries can support homeschoolers.
ENRICHri is a secular home education community which provides support and guidance in a welcoming environment for homeschooling families in Southern New England.
Registration required.
Monday, Apr 11, 2016, 09:30 AM
West Warwick Public Library, Main Street, West Warwick, RI, United States
Kids Reading Across RI Kickoff
More info coming soon.
Saturday, May 7, 2016, 02:00 PM
Rhode Island State House, Smith Street, Providence, RI, United States
Current Fiction - YART
We'll be discussing the newest in YA fiction. Please submit titles you'd like to discuss to Brandi Fong (use subject line Realistic Fiction) so they can be included on the reading list, which will be posted on the YART Reading and Resource page. Read as many of the books as you like and come prepared to booktalk and share your own personal critique.
Monday, May 9, 2016, 09:30 AM
Newport Public Library, Spring Street, Newport, RI, United States
Makerspaces in Libraries
Speaker(s): Phyllis Humphrey, LMS, Cole Middle School, East Greenwich; Michelle Steever, LMS, East Elementary School, Sharon, MA; Brian Jepson, Tinkerer and Editor,
Many libraries have found that maker culture and makerspaces fit naturally with their existing missions, and have begun to incorporate makerspaces into the services they offer their communities. In this session you will have the opportunity to visit different makerspace stations to find out more about the kind of supplies, skills, and ideas you would need to start your own program. This workshop will be held during the School Librarians of Rhode Island Annual Conference. You may join the conference starting at 2:00 pm for this workshop at no charge. Librarians who have registered for the entire conference are welcome to join this session.
Series: Media Smart Libraries The Media Smart Libraries program was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Attendance at this workshop could be applied to either the Access and Use, Analyze and Evaluate digital badge.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: School Librarians, Public Librarians
Saturday, May 14, 2016, 02:00 PM
University of Rhode Island, South Kingstown, RI, United States
Location: 1 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9309
Twitter: @olisri